Crafts – Help Overcome Math Anxiety in Kids

What do you do when you want your kids to enjoy literature and develop a love and passion for it? You start reading stories to them from an early age in the hope to instill in them a love of the written word or maybe you suggest interactive learning activities to help them build an appreciation for the subject. But what do you do when you want your kids to fall in love with a subject like math? Crafts and other education based learning activities can be just the tool you need to help ease your kids into feeling more comfortable with taking on math and will help forge a healthy relationship with the subject

Math Crafts

"Compounds of tetrahedra" by fdecomite is licensed under CC BY 2.0
  • Make Learning Fun

    While learning math can appear to be fun for some children, it can have quite the opposite effect on others. The world of numbers and signs has often elicited stressful and anxious responses from a vast majority of students when it comes to learning. It is completely normal for children to be affected by various degrees of anxiety when learning complex mathematical concepts and taking on new educational material in their formative grades. However, ignoring these anxieties can also pave the way for a tumultuous relationship between your kids and their education. Just like reading, math is an important subject that is fundamental to living as a functioning member of society. Mathematical knowledge to solve real-life problems is an essential key to success both in and out of the classroom. Whatever your kids might choose to do with their adult lives, it is imperative to have a understanding of basic mathematical principles. To achieve that goal, it is important to help children find some source of enjoyment in it

  • Educational Crafts Make the Subject Less Daunting

    Interactive learning tools like math crafts have the ability to make a subject more accessible for your kids and help some children see it in a lighter vein. Bad experiences and memories when it comes to learning new mathematical skills can sometimes have a traumatizing effect on a student’s desire to learn and ultimately prosper in an educational setting. Help ease your kid’s anxiety by introducing them to different types of interactive learning tools like exciting crafts that truly make learning fun.

  • Different Math Crafts for Different Grades

    Finding the perfect math craft can vary based off a student’s learning level. Children in lower grades are often introduced to paper-folding crafts. These serve as their introduction to shapes. Teachers or homeschooling parents can incorporate paper-folding as well as supervised paper-cutting crafts from an early age to help kids view math in a positive light. You might help ease your child’s anxiety by taking cardboard tube towers of numbers is another fun math craft activity for the little ones. As they grow older, math craft ideas will also evolve to become more intricate. Tips on craft ideas can be a major tool for easing anxiety in school. For example, learning fractions via cardboard pies, measurement with paper clips, color Sudoku, 3D shape strings, etc., are just some of the math craft ideas that older kids can dabble in. Common kitchen items and everyday things can easily be converted into math games or used as raw material for a math craft.

In order to help children with math anxiety, it is important for parents to check their attitude towards the subject. Be careful not to appear wary of math yourself. Also, do not encourage ‘some people are just not good in math’ or ‘math is a really tough subject’ kind of thinking. Make math crafts a part of your child’s math learning from an early age to help them overcome their anxiety as well as to make math a fun subject.

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