Fraction Activities

Make use of Math Blaster's collection of fraction activities and help your kids excel at fractions!

Adding and subtracting fractions

Fraction Puzzles

Fraction Puzzles is a fun math puzzle that involves addition and subtraction of fractions. With every problem that students solve, a new problem appears until the puzzle is complete. See more

Fraction activities are of tremendous use during fractions classes because they make fractions problems a lot easier to contextualize and understand. After addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, it’s time to learn fractions hands-on. It’s fractions that lead students to the advanced world of calculations. Right from measuring portions to reading time, kids will need to use fractions everywhere. Therefore, it’s imperative to learn the subject the right way and come to enjoy solving fractions. This is where fractions activities and worksheets on Math Blaster come into use!

Fractions made Easy with Fractions Activities

Learning fractions is very different from learning how to perform the basic mathematical operations. For the first time, young learners are dealing with numbers that are not whole, numbers that act differently in different situations. This can be quite confusing, and for some, frustrating difficultly to understand. This gradually turns into a dislike for the topic, which only compounds the difficulties in understanding it.

Interactive Fractions and Activities

Introducing fractions activities into the classroom can change all of this. Interactive fractions activities allow students to deal with fractions directly. Most fractions activities are based on everyday fractions that students are already familiar with, like time, money, slices of a pizza or the measurements in a recipe. This has a two-fold benefit: students get to interact with fractions in a tangible form, and they are better able to understand the relevance of fractions in the real world. Hands on fractions activities are usually a lot of fun, and break the monotony of a less interactive lesson. With this fun and interactive learning tool, students are more receptive to learning and find the lessons a lot easier to understand.

Solving Fractions Activities

Math Blaster’s fun activities will ensure that students eventually love cracking advanced fraction problems. Fractions are not just a crucial part of elementary math, but also aid kids in higher grades in subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Geography. The activities on Math Blaster are fun and challenging at the same time. The fraction activities are designed to suit the curriculum from the 1st grade to the 7th.

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