Learning to calculate the LCM, or the Lowest Common Multiple, is useful when one starts adding, subtracting or solving fraction problems or sums. Math questions that do not explicitly ask students to calculate the LCM but require them to apply its concept to arrive at an answer are called LCM word problems. Such word problems further develop students’ grasp over complicated and lengthy sums as they grow up.
Most kids wonder why exactly they need to learn how to find the LCM of number sets. Use this free printable LCM worksheet to learn how to find the LCM of each set of numbers. See more
Did you know that LCMs could be used to solve real world problems too! Use this printable LCM worksheet to learn how to find the LCM of a set of double digit numbers.See more
Finding the LCM of number sets can be a tough task, right? Wrong! Learning to find the LCM is a piece of cake if you know how to do it right and put in a bit of practice. Use this free online LCM worksheet to master the LCM and show off in math class.See more
Finding the Lowest Common Multiple of two or more numbers can be challenging at first for many kids. Make it easier for your child with this free printable LCM worksheet.See more
Many children wonder why they need to learn how to find the LCMs of sets of numbers. This worksheet gives them real world problems that can only be solved by finding the LCM. Try it now! See more
The LCM problems that you can find here will help students graduate to more difficult math problems effortlessly and gradually. LCM is an extremely important math concept that comes into use when calculating the repetition rate of an event or figuring out when an event will occur. So, download our fun and exciting LCM word problems for 5th and 6th graders and have a blast with Cool Math Resources!