Decimal Activities

Help your students get better at solving decimal problems with printable decimal activities. Check out Math Blaster's range of online decimal activities for kids to make leaning about decimals an enjoyable experience for them. Browse through the collection and print them out now!


Ducks in a Row

Ducks in a Row is a fun game played like Bingo. Students must solve decimal multiplication problems and cover the products on their boards with duck markers. See more

Decimal Activities for Kids

Decimal activities are a great way to keep the class alert and having fun while also practicing decimal problems together.

Prepare for Middle School with Fun Decimal Activities

Decimals constitute a fundamental aspect of mathematics. Without thorough knowledge of the concept, future studies in math are not possible. Towards the end of elementary school, students must be adept at solving various kinds of decimal problems. To ensure that kids thoroughly understand the concept – as opposed to just memorizing its rules to pass an exam – it is important to make certain that kids have fun learning it. Decimal activities for 4th grade and decimal activities for 5th grade allow older students to get lots of practice solving decimal problems while also having a great time together. In fact, teachers can avoid a lot of problems in 4th and 5th grade decimal classes by using decimal activities right from the beginning to help students develop a strong understanding of the basics of decimals. Decimal place value activities are a valuable resource when teaching beginners about the concept of decimal numbers.

Provide a Positive Learning Atmosphere with Decimal Activities

Fun decimal activities play an important role when used to supplement decimal lessons. For many students, difficulties in learning and understanding arise when the learning is coupled with negative associations. Decimal activities, apart from providing extra opportunities for practice, also impart positive experiences that put children in a state of mind that is conducive to learning. These activities cover a broad spectrum of decimal related topics – starting from the basic to the advanced levels. So the next time your child comes to you with trouble solving decimal problems, a good decimal activity may be just what’s needed! Math Blaster’s free decimal activities are printable and are available at the click of a mouse! Check out the entire range and start downloading them according to the needs of your kids today!

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