Sneak Peek: Monster Morph

Update: Monster Morph is now called Morph Madness.

What is this strange creature? It is a Monster Morph! In this new game coming to soon to, monsters can be created by collecting DNA sequences to put into the secret formula. If your children don’t have enough DNA sequences, they can be collected outside the lab. Your children will need plenty of them if you want to create more scary creatures.

The experiment book will show your children exactly what measurements to put into the formula. They need to be careful though - experiments gone wrong will explode on them!

Tell your kids to get ready to see monsters roaming around the space station! Are your children ready to morph their friends into monsters?

The Blaster Style Challenge Has Blasted Off!

The Blaster Style Challenge is in full blast! We have received so many awesome entries and decided to highlight a few Blasters for their style and creativity. Here are the top entries received so far. Please encourage your kids to check them out and vote on which one they like the best.

Leah WhamNebula

Click here to see the rest of the Blasters!

The Best Galaxy Grand Prix Tracks Built By Blasters!

Most of your kids are familiar with the game Galaxy Grand Prix, the fastest galactic racing game ever! Your kids are able to race and rate tracks created by their fellow Blasters, and the Blasters have wisely chosen the top three tracks. Did you know that your kids can see the top-rated tracks at any time?

Find Out Which Tracks Were The Best!

Blaster Style Challenge!


It’s Max, checking in. I’m so happy to see that so many of your kid’s Blasters are enjoying the Intergalactic adventure of Math Blaster. Together we have conquered a gazillion Red Alerts, tamed the alien in Alien Wrangler and saved robots’ lives in Bolt Cruncher!

With so much going on in our world, I have neglected to acknowledge my faithful Blasters who help to keep everything on track around here. So, I am pleased to announce that we are officially launching the Blaster Style Challenge. I’ve seen a lot of cool looking Blasters out there, and I want to give them a chance to be seen! Tell your kids that they can show off their Blaster’s style by sending a picture of their Blaster and their Blaster name to:

We’re going to feature some of the best looks right here on the blog, so encourage your kids to join in on the fun.

I can’t wait to see their cool styles!

Your favorite Blaster,


P.S. I check my email daily, so Blasters can always reach me there. If your kids ever want to send me mail, they can also always send it to:

Knowledge Adventure
Attn: Max Fan Mail
2377 Crenshaw Blvd., Suite 302
Torrance, CA 90501

My friends there will beam it up to the Intergalactic Space Station for me so I can see it.

RollerBall Rally is Here!

Grab your space gear and protective goggles! The moment is finally here. The Math Blaster spaceship has landed on the planet Gompa to give Blasters a new mission: RollerBall Rally!

It's time for Blasters to help collect power sources for the space station!

Read more about RollerBall Rally!

What Would Your Kids Like To Say To Other Blasters?

Do your kids enjoy chatting with other Blasters? It is a great way to get to know their intergalactic buddies and complete missions together!

Let your kids know that communication is the key to mastering those math games and building the best space patrol in the galaxy! Because of this, we want to know: What do your kids wish they could say in Math Blaster? What do your kids want to be able to talk about with other Blasters? Let us know what they think!

New Fun Zone Is Here!

Update: The Hairballs have returned to their home planet of Tangles and the Fun Zone has now become home to the Monster Mutt Rescue Dome!

Are your kids going to be up to the challenge to collect all the Hairballs? Hopefully they have been training to tackle these furry creatures!

Don’t let this guy trick you!

Tell your kids we need their help in the new Fun Zone! Your kids have to help us collect all the fuzzy Hairballs and put them back in their container, because the mischievous creatures keep escaping! It is important for us to learn more about their home, the mysterious planet Tangles. Once your kids enter the new Fun Zone, tell them to use their Intergalactic skills to capture these tricky little guys!


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