Max’s Marvelous Missions: Send in your Screenshots!

Don’t miss your chance to take part in Max’s Marvelous Missions. Today marks the last day for players to rack up points in this out of this world challenge. Where does your Blaster stand in this exciting adventure aboard the Intergalactic Space Station? To complete each task, you’ll need to travel all over the space station and submit your screenshots before the day’s end!

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After today, Max will be closing off screenshot submissions, so you’ll need to get your images to him at the speed of light! Players with proof of having completed the most tasks are even in the running to win a very special in-game prize. Go for the gold because nothing can stand in your way when you’ve got knowledge and skill on your side.

Before this day ends, be sure to put your math blasting skills to the ultimate test and cross a few last minute mission off your list. There’s no better way to show off your skills and prove to yourself that you’re a top blaster in the I.S.P.!

How Far are You with Max’s Marvelous Missions?

We are halfway into the week of Max’s Marvelous Missions. How many challenges have you completed? Which ones have you enjoyed the most? Was it climbing the rock wall or racing your friends at the Galaxy Grand Prix? Did you find any tasks to be particularly challenging? Maybe it was reaching a fifth star on your Star Status or getting to the first boss in Hyperblast with a full health bar. Tell us about your progress on Max’s Marvelous Missions in the comments below!

Max's Mission Update

Max’s Marvelous Mission – starting TODAY!

Greetings, fellow Blasters! Max’s Marvelous Mission is starting TODAY! Max designed a list of 15 assignments for each of our cadets. For members, you have 2 extra mission options that you can check out! If you decide to accept this challenge, you have until this Friday (August 30, 2013) to complete your tasks.


The required missions and optional missions are listed below. Write down these missions now and head over to the space station to start completing your assignments!

Required Assignments (total: 15)

  1. Slide down the waterfall in the Park
  2. Climb to the top of the red wall in the FitnessCenter
  3. Get a larva
  4. Build your own track in Grand Prix
  5. Throw a party in your pod
  6. Defeat your opponent in one round of battle in Nebula Knockout
  7. Complete all 10 lessons in any level of Risk It
  8. Get onto the Red Alert High Score Board of the Day
  9. Get onto the B-Force High Score Board of the Day (in the FitnessCenter)
  10. Race 3 other blasters in the same race in Grand Prix
  11. Create every morph in the ChemLab
  12. Unlock 1 set of 10 levels in Ice Cube
  13. Reach the 5th star on your Star Status
  14. Unlock the next alien in Alien Wrangler
  15. Reach the first boss with full health in Hyperblaster

*Note: The assignments are arranged in level of difficulty, with the first assignment being the easiest, and the last assignment being the most difficult.

Optional Assignments (total: 2)

  1. Visit your mutt on another planet
  2. Complete Blaster Booster

Take a few screenshots of the completed missions and share it with us via our social media sites! We wish all of our blasters the best of luck!

How many assignments are you able to complete? Let us know!

Worksheet of the Week


Adding Math and Science to your Labor Day Celebration

The long Labor Day weekend is the perfect occasion for you and your child to do a little cooking and baking in the kitchen. You can most definitely blend in some learning opportunities in the process. During this festive and interactive activity, try baking brownies or cookies with your child and adding fun math and science facts into the equation.


Here are some math and science activities that you can ‘knead’ into your bonding time with your child:

Measuring the Amount of Ingredients Accurately

During the preparation stage of baking, you can ask your child to measure the exact amount of ingredients necessary for the mixture. For example, if you are making 24 pieces of brownies, try asking your child to measure ¼ cup of semisweet chocolate chips to be added to the mixture. This can help your child visualize the amount, allowing him or her to learn about measurements used in cooking and baking, and also providing your child with an entertaining learning experience.

Converting to Different Units

Now that you have your ¼ cup of semisweet chocolate chips, you will also need 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar. Instead of asking for tablespoons, try helping your child to convert the units to grams, ounces or milliliters. Conversion is an important function of math and is used on a daily basis. Therefore, it is never too early to get your child started with these basic principles, while having a bit of tasty fun!

Taking the Time and Temperature

Before you prepped your mixture of ingredients, teach your child to the basics of temperature conversion and time measurement. For example, to bake a batch of 24 pieces of brownies, you should preheat your oven at 300°F, which is equivalent to approximately 150°C. As for measuring time, a good old-fashion analog clock would help you teach the basic phrases, such as “a quarter to noon” and “half past ten”. You can even get started with teaching Roman numerals as well!

Wrapping up with Nutritional Facts

While you are waiting for your sweet condiment to bake in the oven, you can share some information about the ingredients you used. For example, the eggs you used in your brownie contain a significant amount of protein that is important for supporting one’s body, specifically our muscles. You should also note that eggs have a high level of fat that may cause other health issues.


Finally, your brownies are ready for the celebration. Going into details about the math and science behind the ingredients and methods may cost more time and cause a greater mess, but the most important goal of the exercise is to give your child a fun, interactive and educational experience that they can really enjoy and remember. We hope you have an amazing Labor Day weekend with your beloved daughters and/or sons!

Credits: Photos by Nathan Bittinger and jeffreyw

Max’s Marvelous Missions

Attention Cadets! We have an EXCITING mission for you. Max is planning a special Math Blaster challenge known as “Max’s Marvelous Missions”. Starting next week, our top Blasters will send you off on a photo scavenger hunt unlike any other. Joining this challenge, you will need to complete a series of tasks around the space station, and report back to Max with screenshots that shows that you have completed each assignment. After submitting your photos to the Math Blaster team, you have the chance to win a few extra coins to be used around the space station.

ImageThe first activity might feel a bit simple to all you experienced and accomplished Blasters out there, but the level of difficulty for each of the following tasks will only increase. Along the way, you might need to wrangle a few aliens, morph your fellow cadets into crazy creatures, or battle another mutt in Nebula Knockout. When it comes to Max’s Marvelous Missions, don’t be afraid to turn to your fellow blasters for help. After all, we are all about working together, here in the I.S.P!

ImageDo you think you have what it takes to complete this out of the world challenge? Join us next week for the start of Max’s Marvelous Missions and you’ll have a chance to win!

Worksheet of the Week



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