Worksheet of the Week: Multiplication Muddle

multiplication-muddleMax is creating a handy chart to practice using multiplication and division, but he seems to run into an obstacle. He just cannot seem to find an answer to complete these two columns! Do you think you can use your puzzle solving powers to fill out the entire chart? Think carefully to figure out the correct answer, as there might just be more than one possible solution! With the help of a parent, download and print today’s worksheet and help our Blaster captain!

Worksheet of the Week

Mental Problem – Mental Math Worksheet for Kids - Math Blaster

Kitchen Math: A Recipe for Super Bowl Sunday

With Super Bowl Sunday fast approaching, many of you will round up family and friends to watch the big game. More often than not, this means preparing for some seriously hungry guests. Why not approach the party planning differently this year and get the little ones involved while you’re at it? Better yet, you can turn this opportunity into a math lesson in the kitchen by encouraging your kids to help with measuring out the ingredients or adjusting the recipe to fit the number of guests that you will be hosting!

Photo by Evan Bench

When the game begins, your little learners will be so excited to serve up the delicious snack that they helped to make. To get started on making an out-of-this-world dip, here is a simple and stellar kid-friendly recipe for guacamole dip.

Click here for ingredients and instructions!

Worksheet of the Week

Fractions to Ratios - Ratio Worksheet for Kids

Worksheet of the Week


Worksheet of the Week


Worksheet of the Week



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