Max’s Fitness Training Exercise Routine

Whenever things get quiet here at the I.S.P., we like to head to the Fitness Training for a good workout! There are a lot of activities inside here that really help us Blasters stay healthy in the I.S.P. To make the most of Fitness Training, I came up with this routine to kick-off your daily Math Blaster adventures! We asked this Blaster to take on my daily exercise routine to help prepare her for Alien Wrangler, her favorite game! Read on to see her results!

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Reminder: Spaceport has Made Contact with Facebook!

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Greetings Blasters! Did you hear the news earlier this week? Math Blaster now has a second platform right on Facebook! Now you have access to the entire I.S.P. directly on our Facebook App, so you can share all your exciting intergalactic adventures with your friends.

Play Now

Math Blaster has Docked onto Facebook

Picture1Hey Blasters! Do you love playing Math Blaster on your computer? Well, now Max and GC have a second home on Facebook! With our new Facebook version of Math Blaster, you can invite all your friends to compete in your favorite Math Academy games! Teach your best friend the ropes of living on the I.S.P and hang out in each others Pods.

Now is your chance to show off your high scores to all your friends. When it comes to Alien Wrangler, are you a true space cowboy? This Facebook version of Math Blaster is perfect for you! Put your friends to the test by inviting your Facebook Friends in the new Facebook app. Watch out though, they might just catch up and beat your score! Thankfully, healthy competition is only encouraged by us at the I.S.P. How else do you think GC and I became skilled enough to save the galaxy?

Play now!

Kitchen Math: No Bake-Cookies

No-Bake cookies help us avoid the stress of working an oven with our little helpers in the kitchen, so we and our children can focus more on the fun side of baking. One way we liven up our baking recipes is by teaching our child the value of measurements when pouring our batter. Since we want all our cookies the same size, now is a great opportunity to teach your child about inches. That way, they have a good sense of how much batter to pour out for each cookie and they get a started on some geometry!

"no-bake cookies" by Melissa Hiller ©2012. Some rights reserved. Licensed by Creative Commons Public Works License

“no-bake cookies” by Melissa Hiller ©2012. Some rights reserved. Licensed by Creative Commons Public Works License

What you’ll need:
1/2 cup butter (1 stick)
3/4 cup honey
2 tablespoons cocoa
1/2 cup milk
3 cups oatmeal
1/2 cup peanut butter (or any kind of nut/cookie butter if your child has allergies)
1 tsp. vanilla
Before you begin, make sure your Blaster knows their measurements! Bring out a ruler so that they can really understand the length of an inch and foot. For your middle school student, feel free to add in some lessons about diameter and circumference of a circle!

1.Mix together the honey, cocoa, butter, and milk.
2.Warm on medium heat.
3.Let ingredients boil for a minute and add the other ingredients .
4.Once the pot has had a chance to cool, let your Blaster spoon out the batter. Have them measure out cookies that are 2 inches long onto wax paper.
5. Let the cookies cool enough to harden.

Enjoy your cookies! Keep them refrigerated so they do not spoil. You can even include some math problems after you finish cooking. Ask them how many cookies would you have to lay out to make a foot and have them measure with a ruler to check their answer! As a reward, let them embark on some Red Alert missions with their tasty treat.

Worksheet of the Week: Divide into Groups


Division can help us take a large set of items and break them down into smaller, equal groups. As you can see, we are big collectors over here on the Spaceport and we want to organize all our goods. Can you help us sort our collections using your expert division skills? Ask an adult to help you print out this FREE worksheet!

Max’s Cosmic Countdown: Adding Hearts

Love is in the air ventilation here at the I.S.P., and we only have one more day left of Max’s Cosmic Countdown! For today’s activity, Monty wanted to share with you a super special Valentine’s Worksheet to keep your math skills in top shape, just like his own! He spent a lot of time picking out this FREE Worksheet of the Week, so we really hope you enjoy it!

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Scheduled Downtime Tonight at 9pm PST

Hi Blasters! Max here, transmitting from the I.S.P. with a VERY important announcement. There will be scheduled downtime on Math Blaster TONIGHT at 9pm for two hours. Our team will be hard at work during this time making sure the website is running at hyper speed so you can blast through the space-time continuum without missing a single asteroid. Thank you so much for being so patient!


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