Game of the Week: Angle Attack

MBGoTW-AngleAttackFor Max’s special Blaster Mission of the week, head to Angle Attack and work on those geometry skills! This week, bring your space studies up a notch and try spotting angles up to 180 degrees!

Worksheet of the Week: Count the Money

count-the-moneyIn this week’s Worksheet, Max came up with a helpful guide to learning the basics of business: counting money! Learning the differences between coins and dollars is an important concept in math that will make learning concepts like decimals much easier in the future! To get started on Max’s Worksheet, have an adult help you download and print it out at the link below!

Game of the Week: Ice Cubed

MBGoTW-IceCubedMax is taking us back to Ice Cubed in this week’s Blaster Mission! With the help of your trusty logic and reasoning skills, help our frozen friend find a toasty place to stand in this Game of the Week! Think you can complete the first five levels of Snowy Peak by next Wednesday? Get started on this challenge at:

Worksheet of the Week: Move that Dot


Multiplying decimals can get a bit complicated; however, this can be a lot simpler to understand when we multiply them with factors of 10. In this case, all you have to do is count the number of zeros and move the decimal place that many times. Are you ready to get started on tackling this math concept? Download and print this Worksheet of the Week at:

Game of the Week: Zapper

MBGoTW-ZapperWhere do the top Cadets of the ISP get their training for Red Alert Missions? At the Zapper simulator in the Math Academy! This special game allows you to experience what it is like in sitting in the cockpit during a Red Alert Mission and using your math skills to help destroy incoming asteroids that could potentially harm our ship! If you want to become as sharp as Max and GC are when they fly through the galaxy, then we highly recommend getting started on this Game of the Week mission!

Worksheet of the Week: Calculate the Surface Area


Attention all 7th Grade Blasters: are you struggling with your surface area homework? Our Worksheet of the Week has you covered. Max put together FIVE problems covering one of the most grueling subjects in geometry so you can get some extra assistance. Think you are ready for the challenge? Download and print our Worksheet of the Week at the link below!

Worksheet of the Week: Equivalent Fractions

equivalent-fractions-1Looking to boost your Bolt Cruncher scores? Max came up with the perfect set up problems to help you get a better understanding of simplifying fractions in this week’s worksheet. To start practicing, print and download our Worksheet of the Week by clicking on the image. Afterwards, head to the Math Academy and put your fraction skills to the test!


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