Kitchen Math: No Bake-Cookies

No-Bake cookies help us avoid the stress of working an oven with our little helpers in the kitchen, so we and our children can focus more on the fun side of baking. One way we liven up our baking recipes is by teaching our child the value of measurements when pouring our batter. Since we want all our cookies the same size, now is a great opportunity to teach your child about inches. That way, they have a good sense of how much batter to pour out for each cookie and they get a started on some geometry!

"no-bake cookies" by Melissa Hiller ©2012. Some rights reserved. Licensed by Creative Commons Public Works License

“no-bake cookies” by Melissa Hiller ©2012. Some rights reserved. Licensed by Creative Commons Public Works License

What you’ll need:
1/2 cup butter (1 stick)
3/4 cup honey
2 tablespoons cocoa
1/2 cup milk
3 cups oatmeal
1/2 cup peanut butter (or any kind of nut/cookie butter if your child has allergies)
1 tsp. vanilla
Before you begin, make sure your Blaster knows their measurements! Bring out a ruler so that they can really understand the length of an inch and foot. For your middle school student, feel free to add in some lessons about diameter and circumference of a circle!

1.Mix together the honey, cocoa, butter, and milk.
2.Warm on medium heat.
3.Let ingredients boil for a minute and add the other ingredients .
4.Once the pot has had a chance to cool, let your Blaster spoon out the batter. Have them measure out cookies that are 2 inches long onto wax paper.
5. Let the cookies cool enough to harden.

Enjoy your cookies! Keep them refrigerated so they do not spoil. You can even include some math problems after you finish cooking. Ask them how many cookies would you have to lay out to make a foot and have them measure with a ruler to check their answer! As a reward, let them embark on some Red Alert missions with their tasty treat.

Add Some Math to Your Valentine’s Day Festivities

Valentine’s Day is a holiday that involves expressing feelings from your heart, but that does not mean you cannot integrate some mental math into your activities while you’re at it. With all the cards, candy, and heart-shaped items, you have plenty to work from to make your Valentine’s Day filled with math and science! Here are some ideas you can work on to make your February 14th a day filled with some extra love for arithmetic:

Photo by Johntex, ©2007 Some rights reserved. Licensed by Creative Commons Public Works License

Photo by Johntex, ©2007 Some rights reserved. Licensed by Creative Commons Public Works License

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Fall Activities: Leaf Rubbing

Photo by Emma Craig, ©2013 Some rights reserved. Licensed by Creative Commons Public Works License.

Photo by Emma Craig, ©2013 Some rights reserved. Licensed by Creative Commons Public Works License.

Make the most of your leaf strewn lawn by incorporating Fall foliage into this fun activity with your kids! It’s simple and uses supplies that you probably already have at home, plus it creates instant seasonal artwork for your home! This is a great opportunity to teach your child about the different types of trees in your neighborhood!

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Kick Off Summer in BIG Ways!

The official start of summer is upon us! Kick off the start of the season with these amazing family activities that will invite the kids to enjoy some of the season’s most popular offers in outdoor activities.After all, there is no better time than now to start planning for the season ahead! Are you ready for the first day of summer?

Photo by: Deb

Sidewalk Chalk Art Show - invite your kids and their friends to throw their very own art show by using the sidewalk as their canvas. Buy a selection of washable sidewalk chart and assign them areas to decorate. You can plan a simple BBQ or neighborhood block party to celebrate their work!

Water works - Visit the beach, a local pool or even a water park to splash around and beat the heat. Remember to bring the proper tools to protect the kids skin from the summer sun. For younger kids, the start of summer is the perfect time to learn to swim. After all this skill is of immeasurable value if your family finds itself around water often.

Craft some garden ornaments - Settle into the great outdoors by grabbing the kids to decorate a space to call their own in the yard or garden. From homemade bird feeders and the like, these cute creations are ones that you are sure to cherish for seasons to come.

Park Games - Plan a sports day for the kids and their friends to compete in a few fun and festive activities under the sun. You might even plan a picnic or BBQ to make sure that everyone is fed and hydrated throughout the day’s festivities.


Cosmically Cool Crafts for Dad!

Call your Blasters back from the space station to put together an out-of-this-world Father’s Day craft! If you and the kids are not looking to break the bank, visit Math Blaster’s official Pinterest page for ideas on how to surprise dad with something special yet affordable. Best of all, crafting can be a great opportunity to practice basic educational and developmental skills with early learners like your Blasters!


How are you celebrating dad around your home? Do you have any special traditions that you enjoy doing each year? Share some of your favorite craft and activity ideas with us now or start following us for a world of amazing online resources!

National Chocolate Chip Day!

There’s something extra sweet and special about today, May 15th —it’s National Chocolate Chip Day! Did you know that 25% of the cookies baked in the United States are chocolate chip cookies? In honor of this charming little holiday, celebrate with some deliciously baked goodness for you and your Cadets at home from an out-of-this-world recipe for brownies! And not just any brownies, but ones infused with our notable ingredient of the day, chocolate chips!

Photo By Andy Melton

Photo By Andy Melton

Click here to see this out-of-this-world recipe!

Prepare for National Teacher Day!

May 6th is National Teacher Day! How will you be celebrating? Recognize the important roles and contributions that your teacher makes by thanking them for all of their hard work. Here are some ideas to get you started on thinking about how you and your Blaster can thank a teacher.

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From DIY thank you cards to small gifts, your Cadet can show their teacher that they appreciate their dedication to education on National Teacher Day! For more inspiration on gift ideas for teacher, visit our Pinterest page and share your favorite ideas with us below!


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