Worksheet of the Week: Count the Money

count-the-moneyIn this week’s Worksheet, Max came up with a helpful guide to learning the basics of business: counting money! Learning the differences between coins and dollars is an important concept in math that will make learning concepts like decimals much easier in the future! To get started on Max’s Worksheet, have an adult help you download and print it out at the link below!

Worksheet of the Week: Move that Dot


Multiplying decimals can get a bit complicated; however, this can be a lot simpler to understand when we multiply them with factors of 10. In this case, all you have to do is count the number of zeros and move the decimal place that many times. Are you ready to get started on tackling this math concept? Download and print this Worksheet of the Week at:

Worksheet of the Week: Calculate the Surface Area


Attention all 7th Grade Blasters: are you struggling with your surface area homework? Our Worksheet of the Week has you covered. Max put together FIVE problems covering one of the most grueling subjects in geometry so you can get some extra assistance. Think you are ready for the challenge? Download and print our Worksheet of the Week at the link below!

Worksheet of the Week: Equivalent Fractions

equivalent-fractions-1Looking to boost your Bolt Cruncher scores? Max came up with the perfect set up problems to help you get a better understanding of simplifying fractions in this week’s worksheet. To start practicing, print and download our Worksheet of the Week by clicking on the image. Afterwards, head to the Math Academy and put your fraction skills to the test!

Worksheet of the Week: Long and Short Percentages

Have you begun learning about percentages in your math classes? We know they can be such a stressful topic to start learning about! To help you feel more comfortable with this tricky concept, the team at Spaceport put together a list of word problems that deal with percentages, proportions, and pricing! See how well you can apply your percentage knowledge by completing this Worksheeet of the Week, then work with a peer to learn how to answer some of the tougher questions:

Worksheet of the Week: Many Clocks

many-clocksWe have quite a few clocks here on Spaceport and they all need to be set to different times! To help us get this job done quickly, could you use your stellar time telling skills to draw these clocks’ hands in the proper location? This is a great opportunity to help the I.S.P. AND get some extra practice learning how clocks function! Get started on this intergalactic mission by downloading and printing our Worksheet of the Week at:

Worksheet of the Week: Multiplication Muddle

multiplication-muddleMax is creating a handy chart to practice using multiplication and division, but he seems to run into an obstacle. He just cannot seem to find an answer to complete these two columns! Do you think you can use your puzzle solving powers to fill out the entire chart? Think carefully to figure out the correct answer, as there might just be more than one possible solution! With the help of a parent, download and print today’s worksheet and help our Blaster captain!


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