Posted on August 17, 2015 by JumpStart
We have quite a few clocks here on Spaceport and they all need to be set to different times! To help us get this job done quickly, could you use your stellar time telling skills to draw these clocks’ hands in the proper location? This is a great opportunity to help the I.S.P. AND get some extra practice learning how clocks function! Get started on this intergalactic mission by downloading and printing our Worksheet of the Week at:
Filed under: Free Math Worksheets, Worksheet, Worksheet of the Week | Tagged: clocks, Telling time, Time, Worksheet of the Week | Leave a comment »
Posted on April 13, 2015 by JumpStart
Telling time on circle-shaped clocks like these can be really tricky, but knowing how comes in handy with all sorts of problem solving you might have to do in the future! Get some practice with telling time by drawing the big and little hands on each of the clocks in our Worksheet of the Week! Click on the image and ask your parents to help you download and print this worksheet.
Filed under: Educational Worksheets, free printable worksheets, Worksheet of the Week | Tagged: Telling time, Worksheet of the Week, worksheets | Leave a comment »