The Math Blaster World offers all of you Blasters different, exciting activities to do. Max and his team have worked hard to create an out-of-this-world experience for each and every Blaster, so have you decided which types of activities are your favorites in Math Blaster?
This week, Max and GC — along with their trusty team — want to see your Blasters giving Ice Cubed a try! If you are looking for a way to have some intergalactic fun, head on over to the Math Academy and find the portal for this game. Ice Cubed is a game that gives Blasters the opportunity to be heroes; Blasters must maneuver the frozen caveman across the dangerous ice toward the fire vent.
There are a variety of levels to conquer, each with a different combination of challenging obstacles to overcome. As Blasters move the frozen caveman across the icy course, different ice blocks are weaker than others — some ice blocks might even disappear right from under the caveman! The object of the game is to free the caveman from its icy enclosure by melting away all of the ice on the fire vent.
Filed under: Game, Learning Tips, Math Blaster Mission, Technology and Kids | Tagged: challenge, game highlight, Ice Cubed, Math Academy, Math Blaster | Leave a comment »