
Max and the entire I.S.P. would like to wish a very Happy Holidays to Blasters everywhere! We hope you had an out-of-this-world Holiday season with your friends and family! On behalf of the entire Math Blaster team, HAPPY HOLIDAYS from our family to yours!

Tips for Making New Year’s Resolutions Stick

Photo by mt23, ©2009 Some rights reserved. Licensed by Creative Commons Public Works License

Photo by mt23, ©2009 Some rights reserved. Licensed by Creative Commons Public Works License

The New Year brings many things, one of which is New Year’s Resolutions. Often times, we set lofty goals for our future selves and by February or March, we’ve abandoned our resolutions for one reason or another. There isn’t a science to New Years Resolutions, but we’ve got a few tips that may help you with yours! Check them out below.

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Worksheet of the Week: Practice Counting Cents!

Hey Blasters! Here’s a BRAND NEW Worksheet of the Week for you! Practice your counting and money skills with the FREE worksheet below!


Click on the image above to download and print this worksheet for free!

Check out the Math Academy!

Math Academy

Hey Blasters! While you’re on Holiday break from school, why not spend some time in the Math Academy? There’s tons to do, since it’s the place to go to play awesome games like Zapper and Hyperblast! Keep reading for more information about the different games and features in the Math Academy!

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Worksheet of the Week: Geometry


Calculating surface area is a crucial geometry skill- help your seventh grader work their way through this worksheet today! Click on the image above to download and print this free worksheet!

DIY Gift Exchange Ideas

The holidays often provide ample opportunities for you and your Blasters to celebrate with friends and exchange gifts as tokens of appreciate and a means of marking this very special time of year. And while the act of exchanging gifts can have all kinds of different meanings to each person involved, have you ever thought to explore the role of learning and the development of new skills through DIY holiday gift exchanges? Start by cutting the costs and looking for how you might create a homemade present instead!

DIY Holiday
Not sure where to start? Head to our DIY Holiday Gift page on Pinterest for a number of exciting craft ideas that not only promote learning and developmental skills but that also make for memorable and cherished holiday presents. From edible treats to holiday décor and so much more, the possibilities are seemingly endless when it comes to creating unique holiday gifts that your friends and family will love.

And the best part is that no matter the project that you choose these are tools for learning in almost all crafts. Remember to highlight the following elements of crafting with your kids if they’re lending a helping hand this holiday season -

  • Counting / Measuring Quantities - How many gifts will you be making? How much of each material will you need to complete your crafting project?
  • Developmental Skills - Crafts can help children approach problem solving, motor skills, creative thinking and more.

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