Game of the Week: Ice Cubed

MBGoTW-IceCubedMax is taking us back to Ice Cubed in this week’s Blaster Mission! With the help of your trusty logic and reasoning skills, help our frozen friend find a toasty place to stand in this Game of the Week! Think you can complete the first five levels of Snowy Peak by next Wednesday? Get started on this challenge at:

Use Ratios to Help with Our Spaceport Census!

“Blasters, we walked into the Larva Den this morning and discovered a bunch of brand-new Larva pals that we had never seen before. As part of our annual Census, we like to keep track of just how many different kinds of larva we have on the ship at any given moment. With this information, we can use ratios to learn interesting facts about our space friends. So just what are ratios? Ratios are statements that tell us how sets of numbers compare. So if we had 3 green larvae and 9 pink larvae, which would give us a ratio of 3:9 larvae, or 1:3 if, we simplify it. That would mean for every green larva aboard our ship, we would have approximately 3 pink larvae!


Now we can put this handy knowledge into use as we conduct our annual Larva Spaceport Census! Using our high-resolution image of the Spaceport’s larva population, count the total number of our little friends. Then, let us break that number down by color. Can you tell us how many we have of each color?

With our scientific data of the ship’s larva population, we can create our very first ratio! Let’s start by making a ratio comparing all of the different colors! Once you have mastered that, make smaller ratios that compare each color with a different color.

Ratios not only help us compare numbers, but they can allow us to better predict outcomes in the future! Say that we returned back to the Larva Den tomorrow morning and discovered that the amount of green larvae had doubled! Using the power of ratios, we can find out approximately how many yellow larvae we might be able to expect to see in the Larva Den as well! To do this, multiply the number of pink larvae by 2.

Were you able to predict how many pink larvae there would be? Use this knowledge of rations to let us know the answer in the comments!

Worksheet of the Week: Slotting Numbers

slotting-numbersThe hardest part of counting things is that it is so easy to lose your train of thought! That is why these colorful building blocks are so great! With so many different colors, each number will stand apart from the rest. Can you help us count how many of these blocks we were able to stack using the BEST of your counting skills? Try now by downloading this Worksheet of the Week with the help of a parent!

Max’s Fitness Training Exercise Routine

Whenever things get quiet here at the I.S.P., we like to head to the Fitness Training for a good workout! There are a lot of activities inside here that really help us Blasters stay healthy in the I.S.P. To make the most of Fitness Training, I came up with this routine to kick-off your daily Math Blaster adventures! We asked this Blaster to take on my daily exercise routine to help prepare her for Alien Wrangler, her favorite game! Read on to see her results!

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Worksheet of the Week: Color by Numbers


This week’s Worksheet of the Week has something for everyone… math, coloring, ships. What more could you ask for? Ask your parents to help you download and print it today by clicking on the image above!

Halloween Math Activities

Photo by poppet with a camera, ©2014 Some rights reserved. Licensed by Creative Commons Public Works License

Photo by poppet with a camera, ©2014 Some rights reserved. Licensed by Creative Commons Public Works License

Halloween is in full effect all around us, so why not pull some spooky inspiration into your child’s math learning? Break up the routine of worksheets by incorporating some spook-tacular Halloween fun into new and exciting activities. Depending on your child’s math skills, try one (or more) of the activities below!

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Kitchen Math: Baking Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls

You avoided using your oven all summer because it was too hot, right? Now that it’s October and cooler weather has started to roll in, take advantage of this fun and tasty opportunity to bring your child (and learning!) into the kitchen. Try making these delicious pumpkin cinnamon rolls over the weekend as a breakfast treat for the family! Baking and preparing ingredients can prove to be a fun and new approach to employing real world math skills.

Photo by, ©2010 Some rights reserved. Licensed by Creative Commons Public Works License.

Photo by, ©2010 Some rights reserved. Licensed by Creative Commons Public Works License.

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