Use Ratios to Help with Our Spaceport Census!

“Blasters, we walked into the Larva Den this morning and discovered a bunch of brand-new Larva pals that we had never seen before. As part of our annual Census, we like to keep track of just how many different kinds of larva we have on the ship at any given moment. With this information, we can use ratios to learn interesting facts about our space friends. So just what are ratios? Ratios are statements that tell us how sets of numbers compare. So if we had 3 green larvae and 9 pink larvae, which would give us a ratio of 3:9 larvae, or 1:3 if, we simplify it. That would mean for every green larva aboard our ship, we would have approximately 3 pink larvae!


Now we can put this handy knowledge into use as we conduct our annual Larva Spaceport Census! Using our high-resolution image of the Spaceport’s larva population, count the total number of our little friends. Then, let us break that number down by color. Can you tell us how many we have of each color?

With our scientific data of the ship’s larva population, we can create our very first ratio! Let’s start by making a ratio comparing all of the different colors! Once you have mastered that, make smaller ratios that compare each color with a different color.

Ratios not only help us compare numbers, but they can allow us to better predict outcomes in the future! Say that we returned back to the Larva Den tomorrow morning and discovered that the amount of green larvae had doubled! Using the power of ratios, we can find out approximately how many yellow larvae we might be able to expect to see in the Larva Den as well! To do this, multiply the number of pink larvae by 2.

Were you able to predict how many pink larvae there would be? Use this knowledge of rations to let us know the answer in the comments!

Spread the Love around the I.S.P.!

It’s that time of the year when you could shower your fellow space cadets with love and kindness by sending them gifts! Choose from a variety of goodies from the space station store – from food and toys, to hair brushes and sponges, your Valentine or beloved BFF will definitely feel that you care. Click on the Credits tab at the top right corner of your screen, tap onto the gift icon, and choose your gift from a range of selections! Don’t limit your love to just your human and alien friends, be sure to adopt a larva from the Larva Den and raise it into a Monster Mutt! There is never enough love to go around a dimension as big as our galaxy, but let’s start with our space station!

Space Station Overview

Choose Your Intergalactic Companion

One of the joys of being a Blaster at the Intergalactic Space Station is having a Monster Mutt that accompanies you on your journeys. All Monster Mutts start off as larvae and can be found at the Larva Den. Here is a brief walkthrough of how to unite with your new friend.


Head to the Park where GC will greet you. She will give you some helpful advice on raising a Monster Mutt and direct you to the Larva Den.


The Larva Den is where all of the baby larvae live. Upon entering, you will see a bunch of larvae crawling about, playing with their toys and meeting their Blasters. Walk around until a larva chooses you as its trainer.


You will know you have found your trusty larva sidekick when it jumps into your arms. A special bond is created the moment a larva picks you. Congratulations on meeting your intergalactic companion!


Now that you have found your larva, it is time to name it. Choose from a variety of different combinations to give your pet a unique name.


A few important bars will appear that indicate how your larva is doing. Keep an eye on these meters to ensure that your larva is happy, energized, and full. You can care for your larva to keep it in great shape.


Finally, take your larva to its new home in your Pod. Once it has scurried off to its own Mutt Pod, you can decorate it and care for it there.

Finding a larva and caring for it is one of the greatest parts of being a Blaster. Take your larva on adventures and watch it grow right before your eyes. You will create a strong team that can rely on each other as you learn and protect the galaxy together.

Monster Mutt Name History

When you first joined the Math Blaster family, among one of the first things you could do was adopt your own larva. You got to take care of it, feed it, and even choose its name! Even if you chose a randomized Monster Mutt name, have you ever given thought to what your Monster Mutt’s name could mean?

Monster Mutt Name

Just like all of our names have a specific meaning to them, your Monster Mutt’s name can also have a special meaning. Use your imagination to think of a creative story behind your Monster Mutt’s name. Take a pencil and paper and write out your Monster Mutt’s special story. Whatever type of Mutt yours might be, every single one of your pals can have a unique tale to tell.

For instance, maybe your Monster Mutt came from a far-off planet unknown to humankind and unknown to the Math Blaster World. Perhaps your Monster Mutt got its name because of something special it does, or because of its creative colors. You might have even named your Mutt specifically so it would be similar to your name in Math Blaster.

Whatever tale you choose to tell about your Monster Mutt, do not forget that there are endless amount of possibilities and creative ideas to choose from. Create your very own story with your Monster Mutt and about what their name means, and make your Math Blaster experience even more exciting! Make sure to share your ideas with Max and his team, and continue learning with Math Blaster!



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