Worksheet of the Week: Mythies Word Search

MythieWoTWMythies, the very distant relatives of our very own Monster Mutts, seem to be gearing up for an exciting new quest! While we have no idea what that adventure might be, our JumpStart ambassadors to the I.S.P. have assured us Blasters that we do NOT want to miss out on this. To help join the JumpStart Mythies in their latest mission, make sure to complete the Mythies-related word search that Ivy has prepared for us! Make sure to click on the image so that you can download and print this FREE Worksheet of the Week!

Caring for Your Mutt

“Happy Friday, Blasters-Max here! Have you ever seen a Monster Mutt scurrying around the International Spaceport? Mutts are adorable little creatures that come from a far-off planet in the galaxy. While GC, Monty, and I were cruising around space, we found these little critters and just could NOT say no to them once they decided to help themselves and board the ship. Ever since, we have had this incredible nursery at the I.S.P. where hundreds of baby Mutt larva and Mutts play around. To encourage all of our awesome Blasters to raise their own Mutt, we made their special center right below Spaceport so it is super easy to get to!
Well, the whole reason I am making such a huge fuss about Mutts is that I found this lonely little Mutt while strolling through the I.S.P. I decided to adopt him, but I could use some help right now bringing him back to health. Would you care to join me?

When your own Mutt is in need of some care, the first thing you should ask is what specific things you can do to raise its spirits. The best way to do this is by checking the bars at the top right corner and checking the levels for hunger, happiness, and energy.
Lets start by giving this Mutt some food! It sure looks like it is hungry! Make sure to choose the right food, baby Mutts drink milk while older Mutts eat Kibbles. Just look at it eat!
Now we will want to help revive its happiness. This is the fun part! Spend some quality time with your Mutt by playing with it and petting it! Seems like this Mutt really enjoys getting brushed! Also boost its happiness with a color kit to make it stand out and feel stylish.

At last, it is time to give this little one some rest so that it will be ready for tomorrow’s adventures! Take it to the Mutt Dorm to sleep with all of the other friendly Mutts around spaceport.”

A Walk in The Park

“Greetings Blasters! Max, here. Although we may not have seasons in space, we still enjoy pretending like we do. We occasionally get a bit homesick of Earth and just want to have a nice day in the great outdoors. Thankfully, our top scientists and the I.S.P. designed a special place for us just so we can do this. We like to call it The Park. The Park is a simulated environment at Spaceport that is perfect for any craving to hit the outdoors.

Since our sources indicate that it is Spring in the Earth’s Northern Hemisphere, we thought we might celebrate by having a nice picnic in the Park. There are so many great activities in the Park for the Blaster that loves exploring the rugged moon rocks and cyber grass that space has to offer! Let us check them all out!Park1 Continue reading

Reunite with Your Mutt at Shuttle Bay

Hey Blaster! Owen MolecularVoyager here to give you the latest scoop on Shuttle Bay. After putting so much time and care into raising my Mutt, I sure do get lonely now that he is all grown up and released. Thanks to Shuttle Bay though, I never have to wait too long before reuniting with a Blaster’s best friend-Wait, have you never been to Shuttle Bay? Let me tell you all about it! Shuttle Bay is the port on the right-hand side of the Mutt Training Center. Here you can visit all your old Mutts on their new home planets!
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A Guide to Mutt Training

One of the most exciting and rewarding experiences as a Blaster is raising and training your very own Monster Mutt. From the moment it chooses you as a larva to the day you release your fully grown Mutt to explore new planets, you embark on an incredible journey that fosters a close relationship with your new companion. Here is an overview of how to train your Monster Mutt.

Begin this lifelong friendship by visiting the Larva Den. As you walk around, wait for one of the larva to choose you to be its trainer. Once a larva has chosen you, you can begin your adventures together! Start forming your bond with your larva by playing with, caring for, and feeding it. Once your larva has become acquainted with you, head to the Incubator where your larva will transform into a baby Monster Mutt! After caring for your baby Mutt, it will become a child and the real training can begin.

Once your Monster Mutt has become a child, it can start training its skills. Try out Snatch-It to test your Mutt’s speed, reaction time, and jumping abilities. This early training will help your Monster Mutt grow into a teen, where it will be able to further hone its unique Special Skill and Super Power at the MuttTrainingCenter. After training these skills and practicing in Face Off, your Monster Mutt will have learned all the abilities necessary to reach adulthood.

At this point, you have taught your Monster Mutt everything there is to learn. As a fully grown Mutt, it has mastered its Special Skill and Super Power and has the confidence to travel to other planets to explore. To release your Mutt, go to ShuttleBay where you can send it to a distant planet. Do not be sad, though! You can still visit your Mutt by taking the shuttle to your Mutt’s planet, and it will hang out in your Mutt Pod as well. After releasing your Monster Mutt, you can return to the Larva Den to begin training a new Mutt and fostering a brand new friendship!

Training a Monster Mutt requires patience and devotion, but the reward is a lifelong friend and great memories along the way. If you do not have a Monster Mutt yet, hurry to the Larva Den to begin this amazing journey! For all the Blasters who currently have a Mutt or have released a Mutt, share some of your favorite stories with us!

Max and GC Release Their Mutts

Hey all you Blasters out there, how are your Mutts doing? Have you been taking care of them as diligently so that they can grow up big and strong, so you can release them later?

Max and GC have done just that, Blasters! Max recently released his Mutt, Dustin Beaker, and GC also released her own Mutt, Lady Rah Rah. Now, both Max and GC have started to raise new mutts.

GC has a new Space Griffin named Dark Space. This little Space Griffin has been steadily growing under GC’s care. Have you Blasters been keeping up with making sure your Mutts are happy, fed, and well-rested? Do you also notice Lady Rah Rah sitting on the sofa in the Muttpod?

Meet GC’s new Space Griffin — Dark Space

Scaly Scientist, Max’s new Ickasaur, seems very comfortable in his new home, right? Max has also been doing a great job of making sure that Scaly Scientist is growing up to fulfill his Mutt potential!

Meet Max’s new Ickasaur — Scaly Scientist

Max and GC have been making a lot of new changes to their Muttpods and Mutts. Have you Blasters got any new ideas of your own? Are you thinking about changing up the design of your Muttpod?

Continue to take care of your Mutts well, and soon enough you will be able to release them like Max and GC did for their own Mutts! Tell us about your Mutts; what did you name them, and why? Do you have any cool color kits you want to show off? Let us know!


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