Catch Up On All Your Intergalactic News

The Math Blaster Times is hot off the press and full of great information for Blasters. If you are looking for an interesting article, hilarious joke, or perplexing riddle, look no further. Take a break from saving the galaxy by picking up the latest edition of the Math Blaster Times and catching up on what’s going on in the galaxy.

MB News 1To access the Math Blaster Times, click on the About Me icon on your toolbar. Once your Blaster’s profile appears, take a look near your avatar’s image where you will find the icon of a newspaper. Simply click on this button to open the newspaper.

MB News 2

Once you have opened the Math Blaster Times, you will get to see a ton of cool features. Check out some amazing pictures such as fellow Blasters’ Screenshots of the Week or the Mutt Pod of the Week. Maybe you will get inspiration when taking your own screenshots or decorating your mutt’s pod. You can also read up on some cool information about space or hear what other Blasters have to say in their very own articles.

MB News 3Each issue, the Mathlete of the Week is highlighted. Make sure to congratulate the current winner and take on the challenge of securing the title for yourself so you can be featured in the next issue of the Math Blaster Times. Also, take note of the Hotspot of the Week. Throw awesome hangouts and meet new B.F.F.s in these popular locations. And of course, what newspaper would be complete without riddles and a Q & A section? Read up on the week’s riddles, make your best guesses, and find out in future issues if your answers were correct. If you have questions about the game, turn your attention to the Q & A section for helpful solutions.

The Math Blaster Times is overflowing with cool features, helpful information, and fun content. Be sure to check it out each time you log in to get the latest Math Blaster news and keep up with the galaxy’s current events.

Worksheet of the Week

Worksheet 6

Landsat 5 Satellite Sets World Record

Decades after Sputnik was launched by the Soviet Union, there are still records being set by satellites in outer space. For example, the Landsat 5, a satellite launched by NASA on March 1, 1984, has just recently set a world record for being the longest orbiting satellite in history.

Landsat 5 was initially launched as a cooperative effort between NASA and USGS (United States Geological Survey) to take satellite photographs of the Earth using a multi-spectral scanner system and a thematic mapper. The photographs the Landsat 5 has taken over the years show how the world has been changing from shrinking glaciers and forests to wildfires and volcanoes. Through the years, these photos have helped scientists understand how the world is changing and how people are changing it.

It is hard to believe that the Landsat 5 has survived in space for almost 29 years. When it had first launched into space, Ronald Reagan was president and the country was gearing up for the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, which seems like ages ago.

The Landsat 5 has orbited the Earth more than 150,000 times, which means that it has traveled over four billion miles in space. Not bad for a satellite that was only supposed to last for three years.

What Are Your “Favorites” in Math Blaster?

There are a variety of different activities to do in the Math Blaster World. All of you Blasters out there have been training diligently, testing out your math minds as you play different games and hang out with your B.F.F.’s. What are your favorite activities in Math Blaster? Do you have any favorite games that you have to play whenever you log on?

Do you have a Monster Mutt you are currently taking care of? Finding your own Monster Mutt and raising it is another cool adventure you can be a part of when you play Math Blaster. Even GC and Max have their own Mutts, so why don’t you join in the fun and find a Monster Mutt of your own? Watch them grow, learn, and train, just like you!

FB New Mutts Post

HyperBlast is one of those games in Math Blaster that is sure to keep you on your toes. You have to dodge dangerous obstacles and defeat the alien boss at the end of some out-of-this-world tunnels! Also, you even get to practice your math skills at a high-paced rate, and you can choose from multiple levels to fit your math education needs.

HyperBlast In Game

Don’t forget that you also have the option of making your Math Blaster experience even more exciting — and even competitive — by challenging all of your B.F.F.s in a high score battle. After you finish playing games such as HyperBlast or B-Force Blaster, make sure to invite all of your friends to try and beat your stellar high score.

Challenge All List

Tell us about your favorite activities in the Math Blaster World! There are so many different things to do, from training your Monster Mutts and playing educational games, to hanging out with your B.F.F.s and entering into a high score challenge with them.

Space News: Meteor Hits Russia!

Did you know that there is a ton of rocks in space? But because the universe is so gigantic, they rarely impact Earth or even get noticed by us. However, on this last Friday there were two space rocks that flew close to – or right into – Earth! The first was one that everyone was keeping track of: asteroid 2012 DA14, which passed within 17,000 miles of Earth (which is closer than the moon).

The surprising space rock was the meteor that crashed into the Ural Mountains in western Russia. Chunks of meteorites crashed into buildings and cars in that area, causing small craters about eight inches in diameter.

What is the difference between a meteor, a meteorite, and a meteoroid? A meteor is the streak of light that you see when an object from space travels through the atmosphere. A meteor can be anything from a spec of dust to a gigantic rock. A meteorite is a meteor that has landed on Earth and you can find in the ground. A meteoroid is when the object is still in space.

NASA estimates the meteor was about the size of a school bus and exploded in the Earth’s atmosphere with the same amount of energy as 20 atomic bombs. The explosion was caused by the meteor hitting the Earth’s atmosphere. It exploded when it hit Earth’s atmosphere because the atmosphere is much denser than space – that is, there are more molecules and atoms packed together in an area. When the meteor encounters the dense atmosphere, the change in density is like the change from the atmosphere to the ground.

This meteor was the largest meteor reported since 1908, when another meteor crashed into Sibera. That meteor exploded with the power of 1,000 atomic bombs, and knocked down 80 million trees over 830 square miles! It is a very good thing that Friday’s meteor was smaller than 1908’s meteor.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day to all our Blasters across the galaxy! Today is the perfect day to show others how much they mean to you whether you are handing out cards and candy at school, enjoying a Valentine’s Day-themed party with friends and family, or simply spending your time in the company of loved ones. How do you spend Valentine’s Day? Do you have a favorite Valentine’s Day meal you love to eat every year? Perhaps your family has a tradition like watching a beloved Valentine’s Day-themed movie? We want to hear about all the exciting things you do!

Math Blaster

Take the time to let your B.F.F.s know how much they mean to you today. Hang out in the space station and reminisce of your favorite activities together, play games and protect the galaxy side by side, or throw a Valentine’s Day pod party and invite everyone in on the fun! While Valentine’s Day may be a holiday that’s celebrated on planet Earth, you can make the festivities intergalactic by bringing some Valentine’s Day love to the space station.

Food for Heart — Valentine’s Day Foods

Although its origin is backed by a variety of stories and legends, Valentine’s Day is a holiday that celebrates the spirit of love. Whatever stories you have already heard about this special day, modern-day tradition often includes sharing a delicious meal with the people you care about most. During the holidays, food seems to take a life of its own, and Valentine’s Day is no exception. This year, be sure to share some of our favorite food ideas for Valentine’s Day.

If you want to prepare a meal for that special someone or you want to create a fun and festive Valentine’s Day snack for your little ones, try out these lovely and delicious ideas:

Pancakes and Hearts

One can always mix and match with how they make their pancakes. You can use regular flour, whole wheat flour, blueberries, chocolate, and other types of ingredients. Have you ever used food coloring in any of your pancakes before? Make a batch with red food coloring, and another batch without it. Once you have made your pancakes, use a heart-shaped cookie cutter to cut out a heart shape from the center of a red pancake and regular pancake. Swap the centers of these pancakes to create a two-toned, delicious breakfast creation.

Pizza Creations

If you are looking for something more savory to make, how about making a pizza? You can make a pizza fit for the Valentine’s Day season by doing a variety of things, including making heart-shaped pepperoni, arranging toppings in a Valentine’s Day-themed design, or even shaping the pizza itself into a giant heart. Celebrate the holiday even as you eat a delicious pizza.

Marshmallow Decorating

Kids can participate in creating this festive and sweet Valentine’s Day treat. Take some jumbo marshmallows, some type of syrup or stick spread, and sprinkles. Have your children decorate the marshmallows with their favorite designs with the broad end of a toothpick, and then spread the sprinkles on top. Perhaps you can even push lollipop sticks through the marshmallows to make marshmallow pops.

Not-so-traditional Chocolate-covered Strawberries

Chocolate-covered strawberries are a classic snack that blends both fruits and sweets into one delicious creation. However, why not consider changing the way you make this timeless treat? Try blending a strawberry smoothie and drizzle chocolate on it, or perhaps you can make strawberry-shaped and colored cookies and dip those in chocolate. Be free to use your imagination and entertain yourself and your loved ones with some interesting inventions.

Whatever you choose to make or do for the Valentine’s Day holiday, use your imagination. There is a plethora of recipes and activities to choose from when celebrating this love-inspired holiday. Let us know about your favorite meals and things to do for Valentine’s Day, and comment below.


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