Science Experiments at Morph Madness

There is a section of the I.S.P. that few Cadets are brave enough to explore. It is a dark, towering room known on the Spaceport as Morph Madness. Here, Cadets can collect strands of mutant DNA and perform the most menacing of experiments. The morphs we create deep down inside Morph Madness’ Chem Lab allow us to turn our friends into the strangest of creatures!

Today I am definitely in a prankster mood, so I thought I would head down to the lab perform some wicked experiments. Since I feel ambitious, I thought I would take on the McWaddles Experiment. This happens to be one of the most complicated, evil, and REWARDING experiments you can perform in the I.S.P. You will leave this laboratory with the ability to turn your friends into one weird alien.
1We will need to collect some strands of DNA to add to this mixture. Before we head out to collect them, make sure to write down the list of ingredients so you will know exactly what to search for!
2Now that we are on the hunt for some DNA, we need to make sure that we keep a close eye out for the particular ingredients we need so we do not waste time. Look to our left! There’s a strand of radioactive DNA, which is just what we need.
3Now, we have all of our ingredients. How can we start creating our mischievous chemical mixtures? We will have to drop all of our special ingredients into the beaker using the devices on the left. For large amounts of liquid, we’ll use the test tube and for smaller measurements, we can use the pipette. For some of the powders, use the scooper!
4Once we have dumped all of our ingredients into the beaker, the magic begins to happen. Sparks fly and the ground shakes and as these ingredients join together and cause a reaction to make a new chemical. Now is the time for us to all join together in a bout of evil laughter: Mwahahahaha!
5Our McWaddles Morph mixture has been created and it is time to put it to the test. Find a Cadet walking around the halls and use click on the morph icon in your toolbar to access it!
6Now that you have seen how to make Morphs with me, it is time for you to perform your own mad science experiments. Head into Math Blaster and try at making your own crazy creations!

Max’s Space Search: Day Two


After yesterday’s riddle, have you warmed up your detective skills? Time to get out that magnifying glass and search throughout Math Blaster for today’s item! Any Blaster that has spent time on the I.S.P. performing mischievous science experiments might know what special place on the ship that this riddle is referring to. Comment below once you think you figured out the answer, and those who get it right will receive 200 Credits!

Math Blaster: Morph Madness Video

Turing your B.F.Fs into crazy creatures is all part of the fun and excitement in Math Blaster! Do you want to see a transformation in motion? Check out our latest YouTube video highlighting the creation of morphs from collecting the elements in the Chem Lab, to mixing the elements, to actually morphing your galactic friends into insanely silly aliens. Watch the creation of morphs in the video below or check out the video on our official YouTube channel HERE!

Let us know if there is anything else you would like us to put up!

What are your Favorite Games in Math Blaster?

Do you want to earn the title of Mathlete of the Week and be featured in our newspaper? Check out some of Math Blaster’s most popular games! From battling the alien in Alien Wrangler, to avoiding the hazardous chemicals in Oozami, to transforming your B.F.Fs into crazy creatures, these fun and exciting games in Math Blaster can help you earn Merits and Star Points, which are used to judge your promotion in terms of Rank and Star Status, and Credits, which you can use to purchase a few items to decorate your pod or to dress up your Monster Mutt. Read on to find out more!

Red Alert

One of our signature and most exhilarating game! The game requires strategic planning and perfect aiming. Wait for a red alert to go off, then head over to the “Red Alert” portal, and help protect the space station from foreign attacks! You can always throw in some friendly competition with your fellow BFFs to see who can make it to the top places on our leaderboard.


Blast through obstacles and defeat the bosses by using your supreme math skills! Successful completion of each stage can help you unlock special items and advanced stages. Avoid the mean and evil alien creatures that block your path and collect the shields to boost your health. You will need a lot of it to fend off the last boss in each stage!


Angle Attack

The enemies have infiltrated our I.S.P. Drive them away from our peaceful spaceport by defeating the evil octopus! Attacking the enemy is simple, find the correct angle that the enemy is hiding in and submit the right answer to fire out your most powerful weapon!

Nebula Knockout

If you cannot access Face Off because you don’t have a Monster Mutt, don’t worry! Nebula Knockout is equally as fun. Earn new belts and higher ranks by battling another mutt in the ring. You can either select Single Player mode where you are given an avatar, or raise your monster mutt to fight head to head with your BFF’s mutt or any other mutt in the I.S.P! How many KOs have you scored?

Nebula KO

Morph Madness

You can prank your fellow cadets by turning them into bizarre alien creatures! Collect the floating items, head into the Chem Lab, and start mixing the chemicals to create these deadly fun solutions!


These are only a small portion of the games you can challenge in Math Blaster. Start playing these games, make it on our leaderboard by earning a top high score, and be officially recognized by your fellow cadets!

Quick Steps to Mastering a Morph!

Blasters, are you looking for a way to keep things interesting around the Space Station? Then you might want to work up a few out of this world morphs over in the Chem Lab to give your friends something to talk about!

plugin-container 2013-07-31 17-25-22-08

When playing Morph Madness, Blasters must start by collecting as many DNA sequences as they can find floating around this portion of the space station. The more items they have, the more types of morphs they’ll be able to start mixing in the Chem Lab!
Learn How to Morph Your Blaster Buddies!

Morph Madness: Meet the Morphs

Have you ever been wandering around the Math Blaster world, only to have your avatar transform from a charming cadet into a menacing morph? One of your fellow Blasters has temporarily turned you into this creepy creature! If you have not had the chance to perform this act on another Blaster, head over to Morph Madness and give it a try! In the Chem Lab there, you can mix up a strange concoction, which will result in a certain morph that you can turn other Blasters into. After collecting some floating DNA symbols from around the room, head into the Chem Lab where you can choose which morph you would like to create. Then, carefully combine together the required ingredients before mixing to produce your morph. Once you have done that, head outside and find some fellow Blasters to transform!


Let’s take a look at the different types of morphs you can create! On the left hand side of the photo below there is Gleek – a morph who can scare anyone, John Claw-ed – a morph who will snap at any time, and McWaddles – a morph who waddles around Math Blaster looking for help. On the right hand side of the photo there is Rowdy Vanknuckle – a morph who loves to pick a fight, Squidnerd – a morph who is constantly trying to find water, and Wild Thing – a morph that is completely unpredictable. Try turning your Blaster buddies into each of these morphs and watch as they run around trying to escape!


One of our favorite and most complicated morphs is Rowdy Vanknuckle! Rowdy may be a hideous morph, but it takes a lot of precision and patience to perfectly concoct this creature! First, you have to search through the Morph Madness room to collect the required DNA: 2 Solar DNA, 3 Atomic DNA, and 1 Radioactive DNA. Once you have gathered those items, head to the Chem Lab and select Rowdy Vanknuckle from the booklet. Be extremely careful and combine the DNA you collected with 1 test tube of QTPi, 3 scoops of J4F, and 2 droppers of RADaCl. After you have perfectly measured and combined all the ingredients, press the mix button on the bottom of the blender and watch as Rowdy Vanknuckle is created! Now that you have made this menacing morph, head out and start transforming fellow Blasters!


Max is looking for some of these creepy creatures to be featured in the upcoming editions of the Math Blaster Times, so be sure to try out all these morphs! He is looking for the coolest morph to be the next screenshot of the week so get creative and attract his attention!

Upgrade Your Rank to Receive Upgrades on Your Blaster!

Did you notice Math Blaster’s latest and greatest additions? Have you spotted any interesting behavior from other Blasters? Well rank up and find out what all the excitement is about! There are now special powers given only to those Blasters who climb their way up the ranks and earn them! Hitting rank levels 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 will present exciting new challenges and rewards for top Blasters only!

To get all kinds of surprises in B-Force Blaster, you’ll need to reach at least level 5. Once you hit rank 10, head to the morph lab to cook up some longer-lasting creations. Keep going to earn a special ride to cruise around the station in at rank 15. At rank 20, you’ll be moving faster and by 25 you’ll be jumping higher! Excited already? Well we saved the best for last! For those lucky blasters skilled enough to reach a rank of 30, you’ll find yourself soaring around outer space with some new technology! Start leveling up to unlock these secret abilities and discover how awesome they truly are!

Need help reaching that next level? There are tons of easy ways to earn some quick merits and to get one step closer to your next surprise! While you’re visiting your mutt in his pod, check out your friends on the right side who need your help! Click on any name to go visit a friend’s mutt pod and care for their mutt and you’ll be rewarded for your efforts. Or, check out your bPad’s achievement tab and find out ribbons and trophies you are close to earning! Each one you get will bring tons of merits!

Does your little Blaster have what it takes to cruise through the ranks and earn enough merits to unlock Max and GC’s highest honors? Find out today!


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