Extra, Extra, Read All About It!

Hopefully by now you’ve noticed an intergalactic email from Math Blaster in your inbox. Max, GC and the rest of the Blaster crew have started a newsletter just for you! Filled with attention-getting articles, fantastic fun zones and out-of-this-world updates on what’s coming soon, it’s a weekly read you can’t miss! The Math Blaster Times will be delivered to your inbox every Thursday, so make sure you are signed up to receive them by logging in at www.MathBlaster.com/Parents!

Want to be apart of the Math Blaster editorial team? Simply click on the submit button of the newsletter to submit jokes, riddles, articles, screenshots or any other ideas you have! Max might pick your submission to appear in the next newsletter! Just be sure to include your username so we can give you credit in the Meet the Staff section!

See if you can complete the Fun Zone and solve our riddles before the answers come out in next week’s issue! But the fun doesn’t stop there! Issue #1 featured details on the Mars rover, a showcase of the space stations newest hyper cycles additions, and even an exclusive interview with a Math Blaster producer! You don’t want to miss out on any of these awesome chances to find out top secret station secrets!

Let us know what you thought of the newsletter and be sure to send any ideas our way!

To Mars and Back

“Curiosity is the passion that drives us through our everyday lives”
- Clara Ma, 11 years old

On August 5th , 2012, the world watched as history was made, when a car-sized robotic rover named Curiosity landed flawlessly on Mars. Those people watched from their own televisions, in Times Square, or, for one lucky teenager: with the actual NASA crew! In 2009, Clara Ma wrote a contest-winning essay on Curiosity that resulted in the naming of the rover and since then she has been present for all the biggest moments in the development of Curiosity! The now 15 year old is currently watching from Earth while the machine begins its two year mission exploring Mars to determine if the planet ever supported life and prepare for human exploration in the future. Equipped with some of the most advanced technology in the world, Curiosity even has a laser that is used to determine the chemical compound of rocks from 30 feet away! This ChemCam technology is a state-of-the-art way of testing for signs of previous life on Mars! Though Curiosity is still testing its many high-tech features, it will soon begin its journey to the first of two sites within the Gale Crater: Gleneg, then on to Mount Sharp. Stay tuned for the amazing discoveries this well-named vessel will be making over the next two years!

Trade Up To A Better Score With New Cycles!

Is HyperBlast your favorite intergalactic game? Do you like top-of-the-line rides? Well then we have good news for you! Four new speedy and stylish cycles are now available for HyperBlast! Just go to the store and check out which one you will use to defeat those annoying aliens! You can protect the space station in the coolest cruisers around!

Check them out here!

Time to Redecorate!

It’s time to spruce up your space with these new furnishings that are truly out of this world! Be your own interior designer with the SPACE-tacular new items for your Pod! You can even deck out your Mutt’s Pod with the newly added galactic orange Mutt bed. Express your unique style in your personal space and impress all your B.F.F.s with an awesome new layout they won’t be able to ignore when they drop by to visit!

These aren’t the only new cosmic furnishings for your Pod! Check out your Pod Store to see the rest!

Whether you’re looking for a new computer or the perfect desk lamp to complete your masterpiece, you’ll find everything you need in your Pod Store to get the creative juices flowing. Design your Pod in a special way that no Blaster has ever seen before! What’s your favorite new addition to your Pod? Have you noticed that your friends picked up the latest and greatest new items?

Become Mathlete of the Week!

Shoot for the stars and impress your fellow cadets with your unbeatable math skills by becoming Mathlete of the Week! You’ve probably noticed the featured Mathlete of the Week while exploring the Math Academy because it’s on display front and center for every Blaster to see. Challenge your friends to beat your highest scores on your favorite games to see who has the potential to become the next Mathlete of the Week! Make sure it’s your picture that goes on display by correctly answering the most math problems you can. Your hard work and brain power will not go unnoticed because Max is always tracking every cadet in the Space Station to see who possesses true mathematical genius!

Come out on top with the most correct answers and this will be a picture of you!

Do you have what it takes to be a true hero of the Intergalactic Space Program (ISP) by using your intelligence to protect the Space Station from invasions? Have you ever been the Mathlete of the Week?

Don’t Forget to Send in Your Screenshots!

Hey Blasters! Have you heard about the most exciting new opportunity on Math Blaster? We have a deep appreciation for our cadets since you keep our Space Station safe, so we want to showcase your amazing abilities for everyone to see! By sending in a unique and action-packed screenshot to, you could be famous on Math Blaster! If your screenshot is chosen by Max and the Math Blaster team, it’ll be displayed on the homepage for a day and could even be picked to become a loading screen in the game for an entire week! For more information on how to take a screenshot on your computer, click HERE .

Visit the MathBlaster homepage to see our most recent winner. Bryan DarkMeteor’s screenshot below was featured last week!

Congratulations to Bryan DarkMeteor!

Keep up the great blasting and send us your screenshot today!

Check out the Battle Belt Progress Meter!

Hey Blasters! Nebula Knockout is one of the most competitive and action-filled games in all of Math Blaster! The excitement never ends while you battle it out by punching, kicking, and using your special powers on your B.F.F.s’ Mutts to see whose critter has mastered its rigorous training the best!

Battle belts are the perfect feature to tell you about your Mutt’s skill level. Not only can you keep track of your Mutt’s Nebula Knockout sparring skills with battle belts, but you can also get a special power or item every time you move up to the next level belt!

Challenge a B.F.F. to go head to head with you so you’ll be on your way to getting a new battle belt!

Good thing you have the battle belt progress meter to show you how close you are to getting a new belt! You’ll be able to go full speed ahead and move up in the battle belt rankings by playing Nebula Knockout in “Head to Head” mode and choosing to either “Battle” or “Play A B.F.F.”. Playing in “Single Player” mode will not increase your battle belt progress since belts are meant to show how you measure up against other high performing cadets.

So start challenging all your friends to Nebula Knockout to see who comes out on top! Hopefully you’ve done a blaster-ific job of training your Mutt so when you’re called upon to battle by a B.F.F., you’ll blow them out of the water!

What color belt do you have right now? Will you be able to show the other Blasters who’s boss by earning the ultimate black battle belt? Let Max know what you think!


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