We’re all about moving into the future here at Math Blaster. From space station living and intergalactic interactions to alien pets and out of this world adventure, Math Blaster has always been in a race to the future. That’s why we’re so excited to celebrate and ring in the New Year with your kids and their Blasters! Before the clock hits 12, send your kids over to the party board to see what’s going on around Math Blaster!
But attending a party isn’t your kids’ only option to celebrate this time of year. If they’re interested, they’ll be able to throw a party of their own this New Year’s Eve! To gather all they’ll need to party into 2012, have them pull up the party store by selecting the credits icon in the upper right hand corner of their gaming screen. There, they’ll be able to view and purchase all of their party needs.
So whether you and your kids are here with us in Math Blaster or out celebrating with friends and family, Max and the rest of our team would like to wish you all a very happy and joyous New Year! Thank you for choosing Math Blaster and for helping the I.S.P. keep our space station safe. We’ll see your Blasters in 2012!
Filed under: Just for Fun | Tagged: holidays, New Year's | 9 Comments »