Happy Halloween, Blasters!

Max and the rest of us here at Math Blaster wish you and your kids a cosmically cool Halloween! Hopefully they’ll be employing some of their math blasting skills as they count up all the treats they’ll be collecting tonight. And if they haven’t already, make sure your kids get a chance to stop by the My Pod Store to spookily spruce up their pod and get into the spirit of the season, today!

Batty Vampire Table
Credits: 950

Be sure not to wake anyone when setting things on this table. Your kids will never know who or what might pop out!

Ske-LEG-ton Table
Credits: 1,400

This table is so popular that it’s literally walking off the shelves! Have your kid take one home, today!

Bat Chair
Credits: 1,000

Cozy and comfortable, this chair is sure to be a terrific addition to your kid’s terrifying Halloween pod.

Check it out before it’s too late and have a BOO-rific time this holiday, Blasters!

New Furniture Has Arrived to the My Pod Store!

If your kids are still looking for that perfect piece of furniture to complete their custom space, then we have some great news for them! Max has decided to expand the My Pod Store selections by adding in a few more fun furniture finds. Your kids will need to keep up with their math training to earn enough credits to decorate their dream pod and access all the best buys. We’re sure that they’ll be as thrilled as we are when they hear the news about Math Blaster’s new pod décor, so don’t forget to let them know!

With enough training your kids can unlock new items!

After a long day of Blaster training, your kids will want to find the perfect place to rest their heads, so if they haven’t started already, be sure they settle into their own personal pod, today! From racecars and relics of radiant color to fire pits and terrific tropical decor, your kids won’t be able to miss any of the new beds, seats, lights, and gadgets once they enter the My Pod store!

Have your kids check out our cool chairs!

With such a range of styles now available, your kids will now be able to spruce up their space with some spooky additions if they’re interested in some seasonal flare!

With Halloween around the corner, your kids might want some spooky seasonal decor!

And from what Max tells us of your kids’ Blasters, we are sure they’ll have their pods looking out of this world in no time. Take a look and let us know which items your kids will be placing in their pod!

Get Credits for Learning!

Learning is not only good for a Blaster’s brain, it’s good for a Blaster’s wallet, too! Now, when your children play math games in Math Blaster they will earn credits, which they can use to buy cool new items like furniture for their pod or color kits for their monster mutts. As they move through the levels of each game they play, their credit earnings increase. So the higher they go, the more credits they will receive. Below are our top four favorite places to earn credits and we think your children will agree!

Can your kids beat the clock in the fast-paced game of Bolt Cruncher? They must energize the robots before it’s too late! They’ll need to match fractions to other equal fractions, convert fractions to percentages and decimals, or match real life objects to their correct 3D shape.

When playing HyperBlast Training, your children have to avoid or destroy obstacles to get points. At the end of each round, they must face the math monster and select the correct answers to addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division equations. The more equations they solve correctly, the more blasts they earn!

Oozami teaches place values and counting money. Your kids have to turn on the switches to the correct answers, while trying not to plummet into the ooze below.

In Zapper Turret Training your children will save the universe from asteroids! This game requires them to work out different addition, subtraction, multiplication or division problems and shoot down the asteroid with the correct solution.

After your kids have thoroughly worked their brains to earn so many credits, they can go to the My Pod Store or Monster Mutt Accessories. They’ll discover the benefits of working hard as they pick out exciting new gizmos and gadgets! Each bed, lamp, and color kit they buy will represent a newly acquired math skill.

Learning addition let this Blaster add furniture like this bed to his pod!

Encourage your children to play a game in Math Blaster today and everyone will win! You’ll be happy they’re learning and your kids will be happy they’re earning!

Breaking Monster Mutt News, Direct from Max!

We’ve noticed how much your kids have loved their monster mutts! So Max and the rest of the Math Blaster team have been thinking, “What would make monster mutts even more exciting for all these Blasters?” At first we were completely spaced out, but after putting our heads together we came up with this awesome answer…COLOR KITS! We’re sure that your kids will be as excited as we are when they hear the news! And with Halloween around the corner, it’s just the right time of year for your kids to disguise their mutts in a new look!

Have your kids head over to the Monster Mutt Accessories Machine today!

These new Monster Mutt Color Kits will allow your kids’ Blasters to change the color of their Grubbles, Eye-clopses, or Ickasaurs. Using the credits they’ve been gathering up while off training with games like B-force Blaster, your kids can buy these cosmically cool color kits at the new Monster Mutt Accessories machine. Have them come on over to the Monster Mutt Food dispenser in the Park and they’ll be sure to notice the new Mutt Accessories machine nearby. Coming from the Spaceport all they’ll need to do is enter the Monster Mutt Rescue station and head straight over to the Park. Before they know it their mutts will be looking… out of this world!

Your kids have a ton of great options to look through!

Once they’ve purchased a kit, it’ll be stored in their handy Monster Mutt inventory. To pull this menu up, have them simply click on their monster mutt. They’ll then be given the choice to play, care, or DRESS UP their mutt. It’ll be as easy as space travel for your kids’ Blasters to figure out!

So be sure to tell your kids that color kits have arrived and its time to start accessorizing those mutts! Max is already so excited to get some feedback. Let us know what they think of this latest monster mutt feature!

Calling All Blaster Brainiacs! Let’s Test Your Knowledge.

Update: This trivia contest is now closed.

Congratulations to our top three scorers Matthew A., Austin FutureMoon and Shannon! All three Blasters have been awarded 200 credits! Thank you to all of the Blasters who entered, you blew us away with your knowledge of ISP history.

Do your kids think they know the history of the ISP? Well, it’s time to put their knowledge to the test for a chance to earn 200 credits! The following trivia questions are based on films that Blasters can watch in the Ready Room. So if your kids need to brush up on their knowledge of Blasters past, they can head to the Academy to study up. When they’re ready, your kids can answer the questions by leaving a comment below. The first three Blasters to answer the questions correctly will be awarded 200 credits! To protect their answers, we won’t post their comments until all the answers are in.

Tell your kids to head to the Ready Room to brush up on their ISP history with movies like The Terrible Monkey King.

1. What is the name of the droid that Blasternaut and Galactic Commander are trying to save in Gelaton the Brain Drainer?

2. In Blaster B.F.F.s, G.C. gives Max a space suit that has special powers. Name the two abilities Max has when he wears the space suit.

3. From Master the Basics, what is the most important weapon for a Blaster-in-training?

4. In The Terrible Monkey King, what do Blasternaut and Galactic Commander have to find before they see the Monkey King?

5. In Blaster B.F.F.s, what does Max help G.C. build?

6. In Gelaton the Brain Drainer, what planet do Blasternaut and Galactic Commander travel to, to save Spot?

7. Who is an earthling, Max or G.C.? (Hint: watch Blaster B.F.F.s)

8. In Master the Basics, where do Blasters Cadets go to get their training?

9. In The Terrible Monkey King, who tells Blasternaut and Galactic Commander about the Monkey King?

10. Whose brain does Gelaton, the Brain Drainer, try to drain?

Do your kids know the answers? Tell them to leave a comment below and we’ll see who’s the brainiest Blaster in all the ISP! Remember, we won’t post their answers to the blog until all the answers are in.

5 Great Places Your Kids Can Take Their Monster Mutts!

There are so many exciting places in Math Blaster where your kids can go with their Monster Mutts! These fun-loving critters not only provide your kids with some great company, but they can also help them in some Math Blaster games.

Snatch It!

There’s no better way for your kids to bond with their mutts than over a few rounds of Snatch It! As they race against the clock to collect as many items as they can, their Monster Mutts will be right behind them picking up any items that your kids missed.

Snatch It

Blizzard and Avatarus

Monster Mutts just love exploring! Your kids can board a shuttle to visit their mutts on the far away planets, Blizzard and Avatarus. Together they can explore the strange terrain of these distant worlds. Your kids will even be able to utilize their mutts’ special skills, whether it’s swimming, flying or riding.

Blizzard and Avatarus

Check out more great places your kids can take their Mutts!


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