Now that the Monster Mutt Rescue Dome has been open for a few weeks, your kids have had the chance to raise a mutt or two. Your kids can adopt a Grubble, Ickasaur, or Eye-Clops.
Which mutt chose your child to be its owner?
No matter which mutt chose your child, they have the potential of being the very best of friends. Which ones have your kids raised? What is your child’s favorite Monster Mutt?
There are so many things your kids can do with their mutts. Your kids and their Monster Mutts can go on different adventures throughout the space station. After all, your children’s mutts will follow them wherever they go. Your children can also have fun by playing games like Snatch-It and Hide-N-Seek with their mutts. Your children can also travel to other planets with their Monster Mutts. Have your children’s Monster Mutts been to the Super Power Training Dome? They should give it a try! Who knows what kind of super power your children’s mutts could end up with!
What is your child’s favorite thing to do with their mutts?
Filed under: Just for Fun Tagged: | Monster Mutts
hi mathblaster i got the grubble and it wont fly every day and its says i have twleve targets
I have an Ickasaur
I have a released Ickasaur and a kid Grubble
w did you release a kid grubble? I can’t:-(
My daughter had a mutt, until it mysteriously disappeared. I want to find out what happened to it. Did it die? Run away? Is this supposed to happen? She was very disappointed.
Hi Hannah - I’m sorry, her mutt should not have disappeared. Has she checked the dorms or Crib Bot? He could just be sleeping in the Rescue Dome or Training Center!
She was not allowed to play any of the games that you need a mutt to play. She was disappointed because she said it had chosen her, and now apparently had unchosen her. So another one has since chosen her and is incubating, but she is worried it will leave her too. I will ask her where she looked around for it, but can you have more than one at a time?
Hi Hannah - I’m really sorry about that, we want to look into it more but we need information we cannot get on here. Could you please contact our customer support team at (310) 533-3402, Monday through Friday, 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM PST. You can also reach us by email at Thanks!
that is sad and weird how did it start?
how weird and sad like how did that happen? i think I will investigat too
how do i play?
i realy wanna play thissssssssssssss
Hi Taylor - We’re so happy you want to play Math blaster! To start playing, have a parent go to and make an account. Enjoy!
hey im new
hi I can help you with anything concerning this
i played hyperblast but then my computer started to freeze and jack up and then it said i didnt play it
I got the ichasour. However, everytime I play face off, it freezes! I have tried clearing caches, and to no avail. Please help, Math Blasters!
Hi Maya! We’re glad to hear that you got your Monster Mutt to grow. Max has let us know that we are having a few issues with our Unity web player so he’ll look into the problem himself. In the meantime, feel free to check back and try it out again or keep training so that your Monster Mutt is ready for the battle! Good luck, blaster!
this game looks gunna ask my mom if i can play it.
though im sad that you have to have a membership to get full grown pets.
does your mutt choose you or do you get to choose your pet because i REALLY want the grubble
Hi Kris! Thanks for your interest in playing Math Blaster. We’re really excited to have you on board. Usually, the Larvae do the picking all on their own, but if you stay close eough to the one you want while you’re waiting, it might just feel that special connection and choose you! Try it out. We hope you’re matched with the larva of your choice! Be sure to take very good care of it and good luck, blaster!
thank you
is this really the company talking?
Hi Brian! We promise that this really is the team over at Math Blaster. We’re here to keep you updated on all the new and exciting announcements for the game. And if you ever have any Math Blaster questions, we’d be more than happy to help you. Thanks for playing Math Blaster!
also my brother wants to know if you can name your mutt
Hi Kris! Once your larva grows into a Monster Mutt you’ll be given the choice of using our name randomizer or mixing and matching from our handy list of available names. A menu will pop up with both these options once you’re mutt is ready. There are so many great choices from which you can choose so I’m sure you and your brother will find something you’ll like for your mutts! Naming them is very similar to how you named your Blaster! So check it out and let us know if you have any more questions. Good luck!
I wonder why my computer freezes everytime I play like my caracter moves like moves freezing
Hi, Brian! It sounds like you may have to clear your cahe. This often helps when the game is slowing from its usual speed. You’ll find some quick and easy instructions on how to do that here: . Please check it out and let us know if the problem presists. We’d be more than happy to help. Thanks for playing!
is it that if u get a certain larvae it will always be one kind of mutt?
Hi, Corey! Yes, each kind of larva will grow into a different monster mutt. If there is a specific larva that you want, stay near that larva and wait until it picks you.
Which planet do Grubbles like?
Thanks for playing, Patrick! Every grubble is different but ultimately they’re able to adapt to any new surroundings. Once you’ve raised your Mutt and are ready to release it, you’ll be able to check out some of the other planets when you go and visit them.
J bought an eyeclops and a grubble but we do not know where they are. Can you help us find them. He paid 1000 credits for each of them.
Hi, and thanks for playing Math Blaster! In order to help you and J find your Mutts, please help us to better understand the situation. Have you already been to your Mutt Pod and checked to see if the Mutts are there? All your Mutts should show up there. If they aren’t there, you will want to clear your browser history and cache to make sure there are not any bad files that need to be updated. Please let us know if you find them in your Pod, and we can help you if you don’t. Thanks and have a good day!
hi, my name is kaela and ive spent all of my morning trying to get a grubble and im a member but i follow around a blue larve and i was wondering if i could have more than one pet at a time because i just hatched an eye clops this morning and i was hoping you can tell me what color the larve needs to be to get a grubble. thanks in advance.
Hi Kaela, and thanks for playing Math Blaster! You can have multiple Mutts at once, we even did an article on it not that long ago. Congratulations on morphing your Larva into an Eyeclops. In order to get another one though, you’re going to have to raise your Eyeclops into an adult then release it. After you release it, you can go back to the Monster Mutt Rescue Dome or the Monster Mutt Rescue App on iTunes and get a new Larva. You can continue to raise that Larva, but you will see the Eyeclops you released in the Mutt Pod. You can also visit it on the planet you released it on too. We hope this helps and that you have fun with your Monster Mutts!
Dear Keala,
The same thing happened to me! OK… To avoid this happening again, I’ll tell u this….
If you want an Ickasaur you need 2 follow a dark blue and Yellow larva.
If you want a Grubble follow a green and blue one.
If you want an Eye-Clops… Well… You probably know what color it is.
AND IF YOU WANT A SPACE GRYPHON…. Download the Monster Mutt Rescue app to your iPhone or iPad and release your last mutt… and then… TADA! You go into the app to find you new Space Gryphon!
P.S. If you would like to find me in Math Blaster I chill out in Nebula Knockout. My name is ElizibethGalacticMars and my mutt at the time is a Pretty Glittery Eye-Clops.
I have a Monster Mutt named Cyber Crash… And for some reason I think of him crashing into walls. EEEK!
Hey Blaster, that’s a pretty cool name for a Mutt! Keep on raising your Mutt and having fun as you play Math Blaster!
Um math blaster i need help, ok so i have my second grubble his name is blue cloud. He is on orange and almost about to be trained BUT HE WONT GROW! i have washed him, fed him, and played with him. At one point he had all his bars at the top. But for some reason he still wont grow. His growth meter is stuck at a little under the top. Please help
Hello Blaster! Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. In order for your Mutt to become fully grown, you must continue to train it in the Mutt Training Center! You have to diligently train your Mutt in this area so that you can release it. Please let us know if you have any further questions, comments or concerns. Thank you!
I really want a ickasaur but I keep on getting grubbles and eye-clops. What should I do?
Hi Meagan, unfortunately after your mutt is created, you cannot change the type. We will look into how to get an Ickasaur mutt instead of a different kind and get back to you! Thanks for playing Math Blaster!
Dear Math Blaster,
I have 2 requests for you, May you please see to it that you can take away the first or last name of your pet but not both, and could you add Gemini to the name list for both people and mutts, like Gemini the two-person spacecraft?
Hi Gabe! We definitely appreciate these suggestions and will definitely pass it along to our producers. For now, we hope you enjoy all the fun that comes with bringing up a Monster Mutt!
First i had an Ickasaur then i had a eye clops then i had 2 grubbles then i had a tweeter then i had 2 more grubbles then a ickasaur then another grubble
Names of muts
Grubbles: Twinkle Space
Yellow Timewarp
Twinkle Discover
Dark Discover
Ruby Supernova
Ickasaurs: Blaster Zodiac
Speedy Orion
Eye Clops: Stellar Discover
Twetter: Omega Rocket
how do you get a griffin?!?! i really want one but there are only four different kinds of larvae. Please Help!!!!
This exclusive Monster Mutt can only be unlocked through the use of our mobile game - Monster Mutt Rescue, here: