Game of the Week: Alien Wrangler

MB-GoTW-AlienWranglerOur alien slug nemesis is back, and refuses to stay calm! This week’s Blaster Mission takes us to Alien Wrangler, Spaceport’s very own galactic rodeo show. Use your mental math skills to stay afloat on this wild alien. The longer you stay on, the more points you will earn! That means you can unlock even bigger Aliens to wrestle. If you are feeling like a true space cowboy and think your mental subtraction skills have what it takes to tame this big fellow, you must make sure to complete this week’s Blaster Mission! Do not forget to let us know how long you were able to stay on by posting your time in the comments below!

Game of the Week: Alien Wrangler

MB-AlienWranglerThere are some mischievous aliens on the I.S.P., but no alien refuses to be tamed as much as the aliens in Alien Wrangler. Those that come to this part of the Spaceport practice for years, building up the ability to perform mental math at lightening speed. This Game of the Week will require a strong grip and even stronger mental math skills. You can keep afloat on top of this GIGANTIC alien by entering in the answers to each arithmetic question that flashes on the screen. IF you score enough points in all of your Alien Wrangler games you might just move on to the second alien, which is even wilder than the first one! Start your wrangling adventures today by working on our Blaster Mission of the Week!

Max’s Fitness Training Exercise Routine

Whenever things get quiet here at the I.S.P., we like to head to the Fitness Training for a good workout! There are a lot of activities inside here that really help us Blasters stay healthy in the I.S.P. To make the most of Fitness Training, I came up with this routine to kick-off your daily Math Blaster adventures! We asked this Blaster to take on my daily exercise routine to help prepare her for Alien Wrangler, her favorite game! Read on to see her results!

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Math Blaster has Docked onto Facebook

Picture1Hey Blasters! Do you love playing Math Blaster on your computer? Well, now Max and GC have a second home on Facebook! With our new Facebook version of Math Blaster, you can invite all your friends to compete in your favorite Math Academy games! Teach your best friend the ropes of living on the I.S.P and hang out in each others Pods.

Now is your chance to show off your high scores to all your friends. When it comes to Alien Wrangler, are you a true space cowboy? This Facebook version of Math Blaster is perfect for you! Put your friends to the test by inviting your Facebook Friends in the new Facebook app. Watch out though, they might just catch up and beat your score! Thankfully, healthy competition is only encouraged by us at the I.S.P. How else do you think GC and I became skilled enough to save the galaxy?

Play now!

New Year’s Challenge: Blast Away Your High Score!

Greetings, Blasters! A NEW YEAR has arrived! You know what that means?It’s time for New Year’s resolutions! New Year’s resolutions are goals that you plan on setting and accomplishing during the year. Choosing your goals can get tough, so Max is here to help! Your first challenge? Play one of your favorite games in the Math Academy and beat your highest score! Here are some of our ideas on what YOU can make as your Math Blaster’s New Year’s Challenge:
plugin-container2015-01-0815-19-49-83_zpsf8595540Have multiples of 3 and 4 become TOO easy in B-Force Blaster? Let’s try blasting some multiples of 7!

plugin-container2015-01-0815-04-48-75_zpsa027dcf5Play Angle Attack and become the BEST angle degree expert in space while blasting away those evil aliens… before they get YOU!

plugin-container2015-01-0815-01-07-56_zpsb69a195dUse your subtraction knowledge to tame that wild alien in Alien Wrangler. Try getting 133600 points so you can unlock the special PURPLE alien!

Which game will YOU plan on playing to beat Max’s New Year Challenge? Let us know in the comments with your high score goals!

Wrangle an Alien in Math Blaster!

in action

Ever wish you could wrestle an alien? In Math Blaster, you can! Choose from different subjects and levels of difficulty before you take on the intergalactic beast!

choose level

Practice adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing and then use your keyboard to make to enter the correct answer to the problem shown on the top of the screen before time runs out! Bonus: Alien Wrangler is a learning game (marked with a lightbulb), which means that you earn bonus credits when you play the game!

Happy Thanksgiving, Cadet!

We hope that during this festive annual holiday, you are sneaking in some fun learning time by logging into Math Blaster! Give yourself a little break from hasty celebrations by taming an alien in Alien Wrangler, or beating the boss from the deep volcanic cave in Hyper Blast. Whatever it may be, may you have an amazing galactic adventure and a very happy Thanksgiving!

Larva Boss


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