Take a Look at These 4 Impressive Pods

“Hi Blasters! Max and GC are reporting LIVE from our monthly Pod Tours! If you have not been keeping tabs on this special monthly event, Pod Tours are when we travel throughout the Spaceport and check out some of the coolest, most uniquely designed rooms that we encounter. This is one of our favorite times of the month, as we always see such great spaces that really show your awesome creativity! Take a look below at our top picks for the month!

Max’s Picks:

Ashley NeonLaser
1Sometimes, it can be a challenge for Blasters to really use the most of their Pod space. There are so many things you can buy at the store, but it feels like there is just too little space to place all of your favorite things! Ashley really seems to understand the flow of her Pod and made a layout that allowed for her to section off a special place for her living room. Such an eye for functionality is truly a game changer when it comes to our Pod Tour picks. We salute you, Ashley!

James ZanyZodiac
2While James may be one zany Blaster, his taste in design is very simple and sophisticated. This Pod keeps its style classy and clean. At the same time, I appreciate his consistency in color choice, as this orange and neon blue Pod brings a splash of the future to an overall timeless style.

GC’s Picks:

Emma CosmicSatellite:
3If there is one color we love here at Spaceport, it is that wonderful slime green. As you may have experienced while exploring the Math Academy, this green is the same color as the bubbling, oozing slime of Oozami. For a Blaster to choose such a color scheme in decorating is a bold, yet fitting tribute to this thrilling game. I also appreciate the blend of the future decorations with the traditional. Emma was able to put in a very rustic bed, yet it does not look slightly out of place with her more hi-tech furniture.

Tom GemEarth:
4We can admit it is a challenge bringing a sense of coziness to your Pod, especially with so many futuristic options in our store. However, Tom totally pulled this off and brought his Pod back down to earth. The warmth coming from his design would make even the most homesick Blaster feel at ease.

Well, that is it for August’s Pod Tours! We hope you appreciated looking at these awesome Blaster Pods as much as we did! With some of these rooms, did you strike up inspiration for decorating your own Pod? Which of these Pods did you like the most? Discuss our picks in the comments below, and if you are feeling particularly confident about your own Pod designs make sure to send them our way! We will definitely keep them in mind for our September Pod Tours!

Life on the I.S.P.

Greetings Blasters! Max, here. Have you ever wondered what a typical day running the I.S.P. is like? Spaceport is such an enormous ship sailing through the galaxy. That means GC, Monty, and I have a lot of responsibilities to take care of on a daily basis. Since there are so many things going on everyday, I thought I might share my daily routine with you Blasters.

I should mention that on Spaceport we use a 24-hour clock, or “military time”. This means that instead of going back to 1at noon, we continue on to 13. You can convert military time to standard time simply by subtracting all hours after noon by 12. This means that 1300 hours would be 1:00pm. While reading my routine, try to convert the times from military to regular time!

0700 Hours:


Wake up time! My day begins with more rise and less shine, since there is no sunlight in space. Thankfully my handy alarm clock gives me that wake-up call to start my day. I immediate walk over to my Mutt Pod and check on my two adorable Mutts.

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Max’s Fitness Training Exercise Routine

Whenever things get quiet here at the I.S.P., we like to head to the Fitness Training for a good workout! There are a lot of activities inside here that really help us Blasters stay healthy in the I.S.P. To make the most of Fitness Training, I came up with this routine to kick-off your daily Math Blaster adventures! We asked this Blaster to take on my daily exercise routine to help prepare her for Alien Wrangler, her favorite game! Read on to see her results!

platform Continue reading

Achieve Stellar Scores In HyperBlast

Greetings Blasters! Max here. GC and I love racing through our favorite intergalactic speedway, HyperBlast, but we never get very high scores. One day as I was shooting at a particularly rude robot, I saw GC further down using a bunch of tricks that I never even thought of before! That’s when I realized… Why don’t GC and I use some good old teamwork and share our HyperBlast secrets! Putting our heads together, we came up with 4 great tips so that you can reach HIGHER levels and get ASTRONOMICAL SCORES!


GC’s #1 Tip: Choosing your topic
Whenever I start a new game of HyperBlast, I put special thought into which topic I choose. From addition to fractions, HyperBlast covers a lot of ground so it is important to choose a subject you feel comfortable with. Today, I woke up feeling GREAT about my division skills, so I selected that topic. Take it from me that you do NOT want to play too many games on the same topic. Since you want to get as many questions right when you’re blasting at the robots, you need to keep your brain as alert as possible!


Max’s #1 Tip: Destroying obstacles
Destroying obstacles might be my favorite part of HyperBlast, but it’s also super important to getting a high score. I try to start shooting at obstacles as soon as I see them, that way I have a clear path to zoom through space and beat GC!


GC’s #2 Tip: Use your blasts when you get in trouble
A mistake I used to always make when playing Hyperblast was to forget to use my blasts. When you hit the control button, these blasts clear ALL the obstacles in front of you and you get points for it! How cool is that? You only get limited amounts of blasts so use them wisely. I try to only use these when I’m stuck in a crunch. Max always uses them right away, which makes it really easy for me to beat his score on harder levels. That’s why I typically win when we choose to race!


Max’s #2 Tip: Practice your mental math
Just used up my last blast, my health is low, and GC is already on the next level! How should I catch up? As GC mentioned, being able to answer as many math questions of possible can boost up your score. That’s why I train before each race by practicing my mental math skills so I can fire away at those evil robots. The topics will focus on specific groups of numbers, so you know exactly what to study before starting on your first level.

Red alert! After defeating that angry green giant, I can see GC in the distance! Will I zip through these obstacles and get my highest score yet?

Oh no! I hit an obstacle and lost my last life! I definitely plan to take GC’s advice and save my blasts for emergency situations. Now that you have advice from both GC and me, go play HyperBlast and try to beat our scores!

Blast Off into a New Adventure

Are you looking for a way to sharpen your math skills and approach learning in a fun and interactive way? Check back with us on Tuesday, when Max and G.C. will be unveiling their latest Space Station challenge!

Mastering Toolbar Basics

The Math Blaster Intergalactic Space Station is full of adventure and discovery. With all the places to explore and games to play it is pretty common for even the most skilled of Blasters to need a helping hand in navigating the game from time to time. That is where the toolbar comes in handy! From customizing your Blaster and unlocking achievements to making new friends and discovering new challenges, the toolbar is your go-to gizmo for all those galactic missions. Here is everything you need to know about the toolbar to get you started on your journey as a Math Blaster Cadet!


Your Math Blaster toolbar is located on the bottom of your screen. You can hover over the icons to find out what they do.

Starting with the B-pad on the far right of the toolbar. This is where you will be able to view your Messages, Game Options, Rank, Achievements, Star Status and Hunts.

MBBPadOptions Learn more about your Blaster’s toolbar!

Max’s Marvelous Missions: Send in your Screenshots!

Don’t miss your chance to take part in Max’s Marvelous Missions. Today marks the last day for players to rack up points in this out of this world challenge. Where does your Blaster stand in this exciting adventure aboard the Intergalactic Space Station? To complete each task, you’ll need to travel all over the space station and submit your screenshots before the day’s end!

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After today, Max will be closing off screenshot submissions, so you’ll need to get your images to him at the speed of light! Players with proof of having completed the most tasks are even in the running to win a very special in-game prize. Go for the gold because nothing can stand in your way when you’ve got knowledge and skill on your side.

Before this day ends, be sure to put your math blasting skills to the ultimate test and cross a few last minute mission off your list. There’s no better way to show off your skills and prove to yourself that you’re a top blaster in the I.S.P.!


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