Game of the Week: Bolt Cruncher

MB-BoltCrusherOur Game of the Week takes place in the International Spaceport’s very own factory center. All of the helpful robots that secretly make the I.S.P. run without of a hitch need a good recharge on occasion. In order for that to happen, we need some Blaster brainpower to help us bring these robots back to life!

Do you think you are up for the challenge? Climb up the winding staircase to the second floor of the Math Academy and report to the factory floor. The conveyor belt moves fast and the problems can be tricky, so choose a level of difficulty that is perfect for you! Once you get the hang of it, try to complete our weekly Blaster Mission and boost up your rank!

Worksheet of the Week: Decimal Place Values

decimal-place-valuesHave you started learning about decimal points yet? Decimal values can be very tricky to learn, so you should make sure to really understand how they work. Use this free worksheet of the week to get a better idea of how to talk about decimal place values. There is a small, yet VERY important difference between numbers on the left and right side of a decimal point… Think you can figure it out? Ask your parents to help you download our worksheet of the week and start practicing today!

A Message Has Been Recieved from Berk!

Blast off to School of Dragons, where Hiccup and our Viking friends have embarked on their coolest update yet… the introduction of their first-ever expansion pack, ICESTORM ISLAND! Get your horned helmet on to unlock the following features, exclusive to Icestorm Island

  • The Groncicle, a frosty NEW dragon
  • 50 NEW interactive quests
  • 2 NEW farm animals: The Arctic Fox and Puffins
  • 4 NEW crops: the Arctic Willow, the Arctic Poppy, the Bearberry and the Arctic Gentian
  • Updated game-play mechanics

Designing Your Galaxy Grand Prix Tracks

“Max here, signing in to talk about one of my favorite games: Galaxy Grand Prix! While I certainly love cruising through space, nothing beats the feeling of a great day at the SpacePort’s most famous race track. The greatest part of Galaxy Grand Prix is that you get to create your own courses, which lets me build my critical thinking skills for saving the universe.

I am competing in a HUGE race this weekend and wanted to build a brand new track to challenge my friends… Would you care to assist me? I could use a fresh mind and you can learn how to build one crazy and exciting Galaxy Grand Prix race track!
1When thinking about how to design your course, think of it like a puzzle. We want it to be challenging and complicated so Blasters do not know what to expect when racing. Use the intersecting tracks to make your course extra tricky!
2We finished our course outline! Now it is time to decorate our race tracks with some extra obstacles. We do not want to make the track impossible to race. Keep your barriers spaced out from each other. Also be very careful where you add your boosts! You do not want to place them right when a track is about to curve or before a barrier, find spots where you can really speed down the track.
3Excellent idea placing that booster there! It seems like you have the hang of this!
4Well, it looks like my racetrack is ready for the weekend! After naming my track, I always take it for one test spin to make sure the course is smooth, yet challenging!”

Game of the Week: Oozami

MB-OozamiThere is a secret chamber in the International SpacePort that only the bravest Blasters are willing to enter known as OOZAMI! Once Blasters enter this room, the chamber starts filling up with bubbling, bright green slime and you can only escape by using your awesome math skills. With three different topics to choose from, four different lessons, and three levels of difficulty, you can make sure you are on the best path to escaping and earning your Credits! Complete this Blaster Mission by the end of the week so you can really understand those numeric values and having some extra space cash to show for it!

Worksheet of the Week: Light or Heavy

light-or-heavyFor any budding Blaster, knowing weights of objects will be SO important for all of your future mathematical missions. Many mad scientist experiments you will perform will require measuring how much an item weighs. To make sure you are prepared for whatever task comes your way both on AND off the International SpacePort, work with a parent to figure out just how light or heavy the objects are in this free worksheet! Get an adult to help you download and print it out at:

Unity No Longer Supported By Chrome

Hi Blasters! As of last night, Chrome stopped supporting the Unity Web Player, so you will not be able to play Math Blaster in Chrome. We are working on a more permanent fix to this issue, but in the meantime, please switch to a different internet browser (we suggest Firefox or Internet Explorer) to play Math Blaster. We apologize for any inconvenience this has on your gaming experience and want to thank you for your patience. Stay tuned to Math Blaster for more information.


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