There is a section of the I.S.P. that few Cadets are brave enough to explore. It is a dark, towering room known on the Spaceport as Morph Madness. Here, Cadets can collect strands of mutant DNA and perform the most menacing of experiments. The morphs we create deep down inside Morph Madness’ Chem Lab allow us to turn our friends into the strangest of creatures!
Today I am definitely in a prankster mood, so I thought I would head down to the lab perform some wicked experiments. Since I feel ambitious, I thought I would take on the McWaddles Experiment. This happens to be one of the most complicated, evil, and REWARDING experiments you can perform in the I.S.P. You will leave this laboratory with the ability to turn your friends into one weird alien.
We will need to collect some strands of DNA to add to this mixture. Before we head out to collect them, make sure to write down the list of ingredients so you will know exactly what to search for!
Now that we are on the hunt for some DNA, we need to make sure that we keep a close eye out for the particular ingredients we need so we do not waste time. Look to our left! There’s a strand of radioactive DNA, which is just what we need.
Now, we have all of our ingredients. How can we start creating our mischievous chemical mixtures? We will have to drop all of our special ingredients into the beaker using the devices on the left. For large amounts of liquid, we’ll use the test tube and for smaller measurements, we can use the pipette. For some of the powders, use the scooper!
Once we have dumped all of our ingredients into the beaker, the magic begins to happen. Sparks fly and the ground shakes and as these ingredients join together and cause a reaction to make a new chemical. Now is the time for us to all join together in a bout of evil laughter: Mwahahahaha!
Our McWaddles Morph mixture has been created and it is time to put it to the test. Find a Cadet walking around the halls and use click on the morph icon in your toolbar to access it!
Now that you have seen how to make Morphs with me, it is time for you to perform your own mad science experiments. Head into Math Blaster and try at making your own crazy creations!
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