Game of the Week: Oozami

MBGoTW-OozamiIn our Game of the Week, Max decided it was time to return to the bubbling, slimy chambers of Oozami. Many Cadets have ventured into these highly restricted parts of Spaceport, but few have escaped the growing slime before time runs out. To do this, you not only have to be sharp on your feet, but also wise in your mathematics. For this week, see if you can get some extra place value practice by taking on Max’s mission in Place Value Voyager. Succeeding in your Oozami training will help keep you in top shape for defending Spaceport in your Red Alert missions and give you some extra Credits to spend at the Spaceport Stores.

Get started on this Blaster Mission and see just how well you can complete each level in these quests!

Game of the Week: Oozami

MB-OozamiThere is a secret chamber in the International SpacePort that only the bravest Blasters are willing to enter known as OOZAMI! Once Blasters enter this room, the chamber starts filling up with bubbling, bright green slime and you can only escape by using your awesome math skills. With three different topics to choose from, four different lessons, and three levels of difficulty, you can make sure you are on the best path to escaping and earning your Credits! Complete this Blaster Mission by the end of the week so you can really understand those numeric values and having some extra space cash to show for it!

Check out the Math Academy!

Math Academy

Hey Blasters! While you’re on Holiday break from school, why not spend some time in the Math Academy? There’s tons to do, since it’s the place to go to play awesome games like Zapper and Hyperblast! Keep reading for more information about the different games and features in the Math Academy!

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Show the Ooze Who’s Boss

To be a skilled Intergalactic Space Station Blaster, every Cadet must fine tune their problem solving efforts on top of quick reflexes. Oozami is the perfect training course to put your math skills and response times to the ultimate test! Climb to the top unscathed as you race against time to answer math problems that will unlock the chamber doors to freedom and away from the toxic ooze! Here are some tips and tricks that will help you conquer the obstacles in Oozami!

Escape the ooze - The most important thing to remember while training in Oozami is to never touch the ooze! So be careful as you jump from one platform to another in your search for the correct answers.

Click here for more Oozami Tips and Tricks!

What are your Favorite Games in Math Blaster?

Do you want to earn the title of Mathlete of the Week and be featured in our newspaper? Check out some of Math Blaster’s most popular games! From battling the alien in Alien Wrangler, to avoiding the hazardous chemicals in Oozami, to transforming your B.F.Fs into crazy creatures, these fun and exciting games in Math Blaster can help you earn Merits and Star Points, which are used to judge your promotion in terms of Rank and Star Status, and Credits, which you can use to purchase a few items to decorate your pod or to dress up your Monster Mutt. Read on to find out more!

Red Alert

One of our signature and most exhilarating game! The game requires strategic planning and perfect aiming. Wait for a red alert to go off, then head over to the “Red Alert” portal, and help protect the space station from foreign attacks! You can always throw in some friendly competition with your fellow BFFs to see who can make it to the top places on our leaderboard.


Blast through obstacles and defeat the bosses by using your supreme math skills! Successful completion of each stage can help you unlock special items and advanced stages. Avoid the mean and evil alien creatures that block your path and collect the shields to boost your health. You will need a lot of it to fend off the last boss in each stage!


Angle Attack

The enemies have infiltrated our I.S.P. Drive them away from our peaceful spaceport by defeating the evil octopus! Attacking the enemy is simple, find the correct angle that the enemy is hiding in and submit the right answer to fire out your most powerful weapon!

Nebula Knockout

If you cannot access Face Off because you don’t have a Monster Mutt, don’t worry! Nebula Knockout is equally as fun. Earn new belts and higher ranks by battling another mutt in the ring. You can either select Single Player mode where you are given an avatar, or raise your monster mutt to fight head to head with your BFF’s mutt or any other mutt in the I.S.P! How many KOs have you scored?

Nebula KO

Morph Madness

You can prank your fellow cadets by turning them into bizarre alien creatures! Collect the floating items, head into the Chem Lab, and start mixing the chemicals to create these deadly fun solutions!


These are only a small portion of the games you can challenge in Math Blaster. Start playing these games, make it on our leaderboard by earning a top high score, and be officially recognized by your fellow cadets!

Escape the Ooze: Oozami

A skilled Blaster has a rare blend of intellect and quick reaction times. Put your math skills and reflexes to the test by venturing into Oozami. Locked in a chamber with deadly ooze rising to fill the room, correctly answer math problems to unlock the chamber doors. Navigate your way to the top using stationary and mobile platforms, dodging enemies along the way. In order to conquer this thrilling game, let’s investigate the finer details of Oozami.

MB 1Before entering the chamber, choose one of three topics: Place Value Voyager (emphasizing place value), Tenths and Beyond (focusing on place value with decimals), and Magnetic Money (identifying a certain amount of money using various combinations of coins). Each topic has four or five lessons to choose from and players can select the difficulty setting (easy, medium, or hard) that best suits their abilities. The difficulty setting will affect the speed of moving platforms, the number and speed of enemies, and how challenging problems are to solve.

MB 2

In order to complete a lesson, locate the correct answer on screens located throughout the chamber and press the switch. Once you have activated enough switches, you will be able to exit the room. Answering incorrectly will result in a loss of points. In addition to answering questions correctly, you can gain points by collecting food scattered throughout the level. Be cautious as you jump from one platform to the next as being hit by enemies will cause you to lose points and enemies can even knock you off your platform. Finally, as you work your way from one platform to the next in search of the correct answer, be careful not to touch the ooze! Falling into the ooze will result in the loss of a precious life. Losing all three lives will end the game.

MB 3While many young Blasters attempt to master Oozami, only a few are able to join the ranks of the elite. Try your hand at all three topics and work your way up from an Oozami novice to an unrivaled expert. Hone your math skills and reflexes in this enthralling game to prove you are one of the Intergalactic Space Station’s finest Blasters.

Your training to be the Intergalactic Space Station’s best Blaster does not have to end when you log off your computer. Try out fun worksheets on place value, decimals, and money to keep your skills sharp. After putting in so much hard work, everyone will know the universe is in good hands.

Get Credits for Learning!

Learning is not only good for a Blaster’s brain, it’s good for a Blaster’s wallet, too! Now, when your children play math games in Math Blaster they will earn credits, which they can use to buy cool new items like furniture for their pod or color kits for their monster mutts. As they move through the levels of each game they play, their credit earnings increase. So the higher they go, the more credits they will receive. Below are our top four favorite places to earn credits and we think your children will agree!

Can your kids beat the clock in the fast-paced game of Bolt Cruncher? They must energize the robots before it’s too late! They’ll need to match fractions to other equal fractions, convert fractions to percentages and decimals, or match real life objects to their correct 3D shape.

When playing HyperBlast Training, your children have to avoid or destroy obstacles to get points. At the end of each round, they must face the math monster and select the correct answers to addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division equations. The more equations they solve correctly, the more blasts they earn!

Oozami teaches place values and counting money. Your kids have to turn on the switches to the correct answers, while trying not to plummet into the ooze below.

In Zapper Turret Training your children will save the universe from asteroids! This game requires them to work out different addition, subtraction, multiplication or division problems and shoot down the asteroid with the correct solution.

After your kids have thoroughly worked their brains to earn so many credits, they can go to the My Pod Store or Monster Mutt Accessories. They’ll discover the benefits of working hard as they pick out exciting new gizmos and gadgets! Each bed, lamp, and color kit they buy will represent a newly acquired math skill.

Learning addition let this Blaster add furniture like this bed to his pod!

Encourage your children to play a game in Math Blaster today and everyone will win! You’ll be happy they’re learning and your kids will be happy they’re earning!


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