Max’s Space Seach: Day Four

MB_Riddle_day4“Greetings, Blasters! Max here. We have another transmission from the I.S.P. and we could use your special decoding skills to find out what Math Blaster item it is talking about. It definitely seems like something in Fitness Training… So if you plan on doing any warm ups before your Math Academy missions, then I highly recommend keeping an eye out for this item. Head into the game right now and start your search!”

Max’s Space Search: Day THREE

MB_Riddle_day3We are on the THIRD day of our week long search for some of the most useful items of the I.S.P. For today’s riddle, we have a tool that will literally put the “BLAST” in Blaster. You will want to keep lookout for any object in Spaceport that might match the description in the riddle above. Once you have figured it out, comment below with the answer and we will give you 200 Credits to spend for some new Pod decorations!

Max’s Space Search: Day Two


After yesterday’s riddle, have you warmed up your detective skills? Time to get out that magnifying glass and search throughout Math Blaster for today’s item! Any Blaster that has spent time on the I.S.P. performing mischievous science experiments might know what special place on the ship that this riddle is referring to. Comment below once you think you figured out the answer, and those who get it right will receive 200 Credits!

Max’s Space Search: Day One


“Greetings Blasters, it is Max! Today marks the very first day in our week-long event: Max’s Space Search. Every day, we will post a mysterious transmission that you need to decode. Each transmission describes a special item in Math Blaster. Once you figure out which object we are talking about, comment on the post with your answer and you can earn 200 extra Credits! Think you can solve today’s riddle? Head into Math Blaster NOW to start searching!”

Show the Ooze Who’s Boss

To be a skilled Intergalactic Space Station Blaster, every Cadet must fine tune their problem solving efforts on top of quick reflexes. Oozami is the perfect training course to put your math skills and response times to the ultimate test! Climb to the top unscathed as you race against time to answer math problems that will unlock the chamber doors to freedom and away from the toxic ooze! Here are some tips and tricks that will help you conquer the obstacles in Oozami!

Escape the ooze - The most important thing to remember while training in Oozami is to never touch the ooze! So be careful as you jump from one platform to another in your search for the correct answers.

Click here for more Oozami Tips and Tricks!

Crew Tournament: Congratulations…

Congratulations to the Gold Starz! You have come out on top of our first-ever Crew Tournament. After each round of competition, this elite level group of Blasters has managed to rack up the most number of Trophies by completing all kinds of math challenges in the Academy, which is no easy feat. Great job, Blasters!


Next time you speed through the tunnels at HyperBlast, you will have access to the tournament prize, your custom cool Pirate theme HyperCycle. Check into the space station now to check it out!

Calling All Blasters: The Crew Tournament is On!

Are you ready for an out-of-this-world adventure? Max and the Math Blaster team are officially kicking off the start of our month long Crew Tournament! If you haven’t already done so be sure to join one of our growing numbers of Crews or start yours on group of stellar math blasting Cadets.

This Math Academy competition might sound easy, but only the best and brightest Blasters will be able to take home our top prize - a NEW and never-before-seen HyperCycle! Trophies take into account how well you do in any of the Math Academy games. So play each game as much as possible to bring big TROPHIES to your Crew. Remember this bracket style tournament faces you off with one other Crew for each consecutive round of weekly play. And, all you need to do is play games in the Math Academy to start earning as many awesome accolades as possible!

Math Academy

Crew Trophies will be averaged out by the number of Blaster cadets in your Crew, so this is a challenge that is all about working with your in-world friends! For more details and the official schedule, review last week’s official announcement post and check back regularly as we update you on the current tournament standings here on the blog and social media sites like Facebook, Google+, and Twitter!


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