Prepare for Halloween with a NEW Look for your Blaster

Hey Blasters- we’re sure that you’re starting to get excited for trick or treating on Halloween night, right? Well, you can get in the spirit a little early with MathBlaster! Using the avatar builder, you can make your Cadet seriously spooky- no masks or facepaint needed! We redesigned a few of our favorite Blasters to see how ghoulish it could get. Here’s the before from one of our male Space Cadets…

MB Boy Before

Does your Blaster look something like this? While this is a pretty cool-looking Cadet, it could look a bit more …monstrous, don’t you think? Click “more” to see our redesign!

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Spooky Kitchen Math: Halloween Mummies

Mummy Hot Dogs

Photo by Robot B., ©2014 Some rights reserved. Licensed by Creative Commons Public Works License

Wrap up multiplication and division in a pinch with these cute Mummy Hotdogs that are sure to please even your pickiest eater! Use hot dogs and croissant dough to build your child’s division skills while cooking up an afternoon snack for the family. This activity is especially helpful if your child is a visual learner- seeing one hot dog cut into two halves can help them understand multiplication at a basic level and then apply this skill to larger numbers. Read on to learn how to incorporate multiplication and division into these fun treats!

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Make Your Pod Out-of-This-World Cool!

Hey Blasters! How much time do you spend in your Pod? It’s where your Blaster goes to relax after intergalactic adventures and spend time with your Mutt, so it should feel like home! We recently redesigned one of our Blaster’s pods… Check out the transformation below!

MB BeforeBefore… This is probably a lot what your pod looks like. Cool, but could be better, right?

MB After

After… We spent some hard-earned credits decking out our pod with our favorite colors and new items! Remember, you can increase your earning potential around the space station by simply playing our learning games! Want to learn how we managed this out -of-this-world restyling? Keep reading…

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Halloween Math Activities

Photo by poppet with a camera, ©2014 Some rights reserved. Licensed by Creative Commons Public Works License

Photo by poppet with a camera, ©2014 Some rights reserved. Licensed by Creative Commons Public Works License

Halloween is in full effect all around us, so why not pull some spooky inspiration into your child’s math learning? Break up the routine of worksheets by incorporating some spook-tacular Halloween fun into new and exciting activities. Depending on your child’s math skills, try one (or more) of the activities below!

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Kitchen Math: Baking Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls

You avoided using your oven all summer because it was too hot, right? Now that it’s October and cooler weather has started to roll in, take advantage of this fun and tasty opportunity to bring your child (and learning!) into the kitchen. Try making these delicious pumpkin cinnamon rolls over the weekend as a breakfast treat for the family! Baking and preparing ingredients can prove to be a fun and new approach to employing real world math skills.

Photo by, ©2010 Some rights reserved. Licensed by Creative Commons Public Works License.

Photo by, ©2010 Some rights reserved. Licensed by Creative Commons Public Works License.

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Amazing Autumn Days - Visit the Apple Orchards

Mark Engelbrecht, ©2013 Some rights reserved. Licensed by Creative Commons Public Works License

Ask any kid what happens in the Fall and they’ll most likely tell you that the leaves change colors and fall off the trees. What many kids may not know is that Autumn also signals the beginning of the apple season! Pumpkin gets all the attention as a Fall crop, but apples are also a great seasonal fruit. If you’ve already taken your kids to a pumpkin patch and are in search for another fun Fall activity, round up the crew and head out to an apple orchard for the day! We’ve got tips for making the day a harvest of happiness.

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