Prepare for Halloween with a NEW Look for your Blaster

Hey Blasters- we’re sure that you’re starting to get excited for trick or treating on Halloween night, right? Well, you can get in the spirit a little early with MathBlaster! Using the avatar builder, you can make your Cadet seriously spooky- no masks or facepaint needed! We redesigned a few of our favorite Blasters to see how ghoulish it could get. Here’s the before from one of our male Space Cadets…

MB Boy Before

Does your Blaster look something like this? While this is a pretty cool-looking Cadet, it could look a bit more …monstrous, don’t you think? Click “more” to see our redesign!

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Spooky Kitchen Math: Halloween Mummies

Mummy Hot Dogs

Photo by Robot B., ©2014 Some rights reserved. Licensed by Creative Commons Public Works License

Wrap up multiplication and division in a pinch with these cute Mummy Hotdogs that are sure to please even your pickiest eater! Use hot dogs and croissant dough to build your child’s division skills while cooking up an afternoon snack for the family. This activity is especially helpful if your child is a visual learner- seeing one hot dog cut into two halves can help them understand multiplication at a basic level and then apply this skill to larger numbers. Read on to learn how to incorporate multiplication and division into these fun treats!

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Halloween Math Activities

Photo by poppet with a camera, ©2014 Some rights reserved. Licensed by Creative Commons Public Works License

Photo by poppet with a camera, ©2014 Some rights reserved. Licensed by Creative Commons Public Works License

Halloween is in full effect all around us, so why not pull some spooky inspiration into your child’s math learning? Break up the routine of worksheets by incorporating some spook-tacular Halloween fun into new and exciting activities. Depending on your child’s math skills, try one (or more) of the activities below!

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Fall-themed Math Activities

What are you going to do with your leftover pumpkins and the excessive amount of candies your Blaster collected when they were trick or treating on Halloween night? Why not use these items to complete a few autumn-themed math activities with your kid! Read on to find some creative ideas to keep your child engaged and excited about learning!

Measuring a Pumpkin

Pick your roundest pumpkin and ask your kid to give you the measurements of all or a few of the following: circumference, weight, height, diameter, area, and volume. This is a fun and practical approach to teach your Blaster the basics of shapes, while teaching your kid the importance of recycling unused materials!

Photo by Elle C.

Photo by Elle C.

Counting Corn Roll

Young children or toddlers particularly enjoy this activity. Create a shape of a corn on yellow and green cardstock, and place it firmly on the table. Place the candy corns, M&Ms, or any other sweet confectionaries your kid hunted down on Halloween in separate bowls. Or you can make it more challenging by mixing all the candies in one bowl and ask your kid to separate it. Prepare two (or three, depending how many kinds of candies you plan to use) dice. Roll each dice once, and tell your young kid to count out the number of candies needed, and arrange it on the corn. Go over the results and enjoy the candies together to clear the corn for another round!

Making Play Dough

This hands-on activity focuses on sensory learning and will definitely keep your kid interested and engaged! This simple recipe allows you make your own play dough at home with your Blaster, while teaching him or her about measurements and rationing. Here is what you need:

  • 2 cups of plain/all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup of salt
  • 2 tablespoons of tartar cream
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • 1 ½ cups of just-boiled water, food coloring or paint
  • Pinch of spices – group cinnamon o grated nutmeg

Mix all the ingredients together, knead until the mixture becomes dough, and ask your kid to start using their creativity to make amazing figures!

Photo by Jason Lander

Photo by Jason Lander

Creating an Autumn Leaf Number Line

If you are looking for a fun and artistic way to get your kid familiar with counting numbers, try making a number line made out of autumn leaves you can find in your backyard or on the streets. It can also double up as a festive decoration for your kid’s room or your home.

Let us know if these fall-themed math activities helped get your kid interested in math and share your experience with us by leaving a comment below!


Fellow Blasters, we hope you have a galactic size and futuristic Halloween party with your friends and family tonight! Are you going to dress up as an astronaut or an alien creature this year? Be sure to spend some time before your Halloween celebration to brush up your science, space and math knowledge in Math Blaster so you can show off in front of your friends! Also, play a silly prank on your BFFs in Math Blaster by morphing them into crazy alien creatures!


To add a spookier vibe to your home, make a few Halloween decorations with your family and friends! Let us know what your spine-chilling plans are for this haunting night in the comment below, and have a frighteningly fun and fantastic night!

Happy Halloween

Blasters, you know that if you like spooky monsters, suspenseful activities and scary things, Halloween is the holiday for you. From pumpkins and ghosts to trick-or-treating and haunted houses, Halloween is sure to be a day filled with fun and excitement!

Arguably one of the most important aspects about Halloween is the costume you dress yourself up in. Have you ever dressed in some classic Halloween costumes, such as a ghost, a witch, or even some kind of monster? Has roaming around the Math Blaster Space Station given you any Math Blaster-themed costume ideas?

What are some of your favorite Halloween activities? Do you like bobbing for apples or having jack-o-lantern carving contests? Maybe you can have a Math Blaster Halloween party, and you can have a Monster Mutt scavenger hunt and other fun activities!

Make sure to stay safe while you are busy having fun with all of your spooky Halloween festivities. This holiday is always filled with sweet treats and fun activities, so have fun and tell us all about your favorite Halloween costumes and events!

Happy Halloween, Blasters!

Max and the rest of us here at Math Blaster wish you and your kids a cosmically cool Halloween! Hopefully they’ll be employing some of their math blasting skills as they count up all the treats they’ll be collecting tonight. And if they haven’t already, make sure your kids get a chance to stop by the My Pod Store to spookily spruce up their pod and get into the spirit of the season, today!

Batty Vampire Table
Credits: 950

Be sure not to wake anyone when setting things on this table. Your kids will never know who or what might pop out!

Ske-LEG-ton Table
Credits: 1,400

This table is so popular that it’s literally walking off the shelves! Have your kid take one home, today!

Bat Chair
Credits: 1,000

Cozy and comfortable, this chair is sure to be a terrific addition to your kid’s terrifying Halloween pod.

Check it out before it’s too late and have a BOO-rific time this holiday, Blasters!


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