Max and GC’s July Pod Tours

Greetings Blasters! Have you decorated your Pod recently? We can all get super busy completing our favorite Math Academy games and trying to save the entire I.S.P. from aliens and asteroids. When you need a moment to step away from the heat of your missions and trainings, giving some extra flash to your Pod can help lighten things up here in space. To help give you some ideas for decorating your room, GC and I toured the halls of Spaceport once again to show you some of the brightest Pods of the month! Read below to see both GC and my picks!

Max’s Picks:

Alex DarkMoon
1Alex has turned his Pod into a full-on throne with these torches! This is a pretty fascinating set-up that is sure to ward off any Alien intruders!

Maya DarkSun
2Maya’s sports-themed Pod is an absolute touchdown in my book! We might not have your traditional earthling sporting events up here in Spaceport, but this room makes you feel as though you are always at your favorite sports arena.

GC’s Picks:

Steph EmeraldBlackhole
Steph’s room is all decked out in Spaceport’s favorite color… Green! Even if we weren’t biased for our love of greens, we were very impressed with her knack for organization. The placement of her desk, bookshelf, and plants really opens up the space in her Pod!

Robert OmegaFire
4Robert’s room is simple, but feels very well thought out. I love how the carpet matches the bed and chairs! I cannot help but also admire the large TV right in the middle of his room! As a big television fan myself, I appreciate a Blaster that keeps their TV in clear view so as to not miss a thing in their favorite Spaceport shows!

Well, this concludes our Pod Tours for the month of July! Are you particularly proud of the awesome room decorations you set up in your Pod? Send us a screenshot in the comments below and we would be happy to feature it in next month’s Tours!

Game of the Week: Zapper

MB-GoTW-ZapperZapper is the Math Academy’s go-to training station for Blasters wanting to practice their talents at Red Alert missions. To beat this game, you must be sharp with your mind and your reflexes. Use mental math to quickly determine which asteroids are projected for collision with Spaceport, and then use your arrow keys and spacebar to stop them in their tracks. The International Spaceport could always use stronger and wiser Cadets, so make sure to complete this week’s Blaster Mission and get some extra preparation for rapidly subtracting numbers.

Worksheet of the Week: Multiplication Muddle

multiplication-muddleMax is creating a handy chart to practice using multiplication and division, but he seems to run into an obstacle. He just cannot seem to find an answer to complete these two columns! Do you think you can use your puzzle solving powers to fill out the entire chart? Think carefully to figure out the correct answer, as there might just be more than one possible solution! With the help of a parent, download and print today’s worksheet and help our Blaster captain!

Speeding Through Galaxy Grand Prix

Our Blaster friend Sara CyberSatellite is practicing today for a BIG race this upcoming weekend. To help make sure she is ready to excel tomorrow, Sara needs to time herself and see how long it will take her to complete the race. Normally, Sara only races one lap when she goes on the Shooting Star Strip. For this huge Racer rally, however, she will have to go for a solid THREE laps!

Sara’s target time for this race is to reach the finish line in under 3:30. To see if she needs to practice looping through the course, let’s help Sara predict her estimated finish time tomorrow using speed, distance, and time.

The first thing we need to do is calculate how long it takes Sara to complete one lap of the Shooting Star Strip. Are you ready to start your timers? Ready… Set… Go!
mbgalaxySara sure is one speedy driver! She finished the course in a time of 1:20. First, let us convert her time to seconds so that it will be much easier for us to use. Since a minute is 60 seconds long, that means she came in at a total of 80 seconds.

Now we can calculate her rate! This is actually very easy. Think of rates as a type of ratio, where we have distance on the left side and time on the right side. This gives Sara a rate of 1 loop per every 80 seconds (or 1:80).

Next, let us find out her predicted time! To do this, we multiply both sides of the fraction by 3, which gives us 3 loops per every 240 seconds.

Now it is time for us to convert our 240 seconds into minutes, which we can do by using our long division skills. Take 240 and divide it by 60 to get our final answer.

So did Sara beat her target time of 3 minutes and 30 seconds? Comment below with the answer and tell us what her predicted time is!

Game of the Week: Oozami

MBGoTW-OozamiIn our Game of the Week, Max decided it was time to return to the bubbling, slimy chambers of Oozami. Many Cadets have ventured into these highly restricted parts of Spaceport, but few have escaped the growing slime before time runs out. To do this, you not only have to be sharp on your feet, but also wise in your mathematics. For this week, see if you can get some extra place value practice by taking on Max’s mission in Place Value Voyager. Succeeding in your Oozami training will help keep you in top shape for defending Spaceport in your Red Alert missions and give you some extra Credits to spend at the Spaceport Stores.

Get started on this Blaster Mission and see just how well you can complete each level in these quests!

Worksheet of the Week: Set it Right

set-it-rightWith the new school year coming up, you are probably looking for new items supplies and clothes to start your classes on the right foot! To help organize the items you are searching for, you created this handy shopping list. However, it seems as though there are a couple items you still need to purchase. Can you use your subtraction knowledge to find out which items you still need to get? Download this week’s worksheet to get started!

Game of the Week: Alien Wrangler

MB-GoTW-AlienWranglerOur alien slug nemesis is back, and refuses to stay calm! This week’s Blaster Mission takes us to Alien Wrangler, Spaceport’s very own galactic rodeo show. Use your mental math skills to stay afloat on this wild alien. The longer you stay on, the more points you will earn! That means you can unlock even bigger Aliens to wrestle. If you are feeling like a true space cowboy and think your mental subtraction skills have what it takes to tame this big fellow, you must make sure to complete this week’s Blaster Mission! Do not forget to let us know how long you were able to stay on by posting your time in the comments below!


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