Achieve Stellar Scores In HyperBlast

Greetings Blasters! Max here. GC and I love racing through our favorite intergalactic speedway, HyperBlast, but we never get very high scores. One day as I was shooting at a particularly rude robot, I saw GC further down using a bunch of tricks that I never even thought of before! That’s when I realized… Why don’t GC and I use some good old teamwork and share our HyperBlast secrets! Putting our heads together, we came up with 4 great tips so that you can reach HIGHER levels and get ASTRONOMICAL SCORES!


GC’s #1 Tip: Choosing your topic
Whenever I start a new game of HyperBlast, I put special thought into which topic I choose. From addition to fractions, HyperBlast covers a lot of ground so it is important to choose a subject you feel comfortable with. Today, I woke up feeling GREAT about my division skills, so I selected that topic. Take it from me that you do NOT want to play too many games on the same topic. Since you want to get as many questions right when you’re blasting at the robots, you need to keep your brain as alert as possible!


Max’s #1 Tip: Destroying obstacles
Destroying obstacles might be my favorite part of HyperBlast, but it’s also super important to getting a high score. I try to start shooting at obstacles as soon as I see them, that way I have a clear path to zoom through space and beat GC!


GC’s #2 Tip: Use your blasts when you get in trouble
A mistake I used to always make when playing Hyperblast was to forget to use my blasts. When you hit the control button, these blasts clear ALL the obstacles in front of you and you get points for it! How cool is that? You only get limited amounts of blasts so use them wisely. I try to only use these when I’m stuck in a crunch. Max always uses them right away, which makes it really easy for me to beat his score on harder levels. That’s why I typically win when we choose to race!


Max’s #2 Tip: Practice your mental math
Just used up my last blast, my health is low, and GC is already on the next level! How should I catch up? As GC mentioned, being able to answer as many math questions of possible can boost up your score. That’s why I train before each race by practicing my mental math skills so I can fire away at those evil robots. The topics will focus on specific groups of numbers, so you know exactly what to study before starting on your first level.

Red alert! After defeating that angry green giant, I can see GC in the distance! Will I zip through these obstacles and get my highest score yet?

Oh no! I hit an obstacle and lost my last life! I definitely plan to take GC’s advice and save my blasts for emergency situations. Now that you have advice from both GC and me, go play HyperBlast and try to beat our scores!

New Year’s Challenge: Blast Away Your High Score!

Greetings, Blasters! A NEW YEAR has arrived! You know what that means?It’s time for New Year’s resolutions! New Year’s resolutions are goals that you plan on setting and accomplishing during the year. Choosing your goals can get tough, so Max is here to help! Your first challenge? Play one of your favorite games in the Math Academy and beat your highest score! Here are some of our ideas on what YOU can make as your Math Blaster’s New Year’s Challenge:
plugin-container2015-01-0815-19-49-83_zpsf8595540Have multiples of 3 and 4 become TOO easy in B-Force Blaster? Let’s try blasting some multiples of 7!

plugin-container2015-01-0815-04-48-75_zpsa027dcf5Play Angle Attack and become the BEST angle degree expert in space while blasting away those evil aliens… before they get YOU!

plugin-container2015-01-0815-01-07-56_zpsb69a195dUse your subtraction knowledge to tame that wild alien in Alien Wrangler. Try getting 133600 points so you can unlock the special PURPLE alien!

Which game will YOU plan on playing to beat Max’s New Year Challenge? Let us know in the comments with your high score goals!

Spooky Kitchen Math: Halloween Mummies

Mummy Hot Dogs

Photo by Robot B., ©2014 Some rights reserved. Licensed by Creative Commons Public Works License

Wrap up multiplication and division in a pinch with these cute Mummy Hotdogs that are sure to please even your pickiest eater! Use hot dogs and croissant dough to build your child’s division skills while cooking up an afternoon snack for the family. This activity is especially helpful if your child is a visual learner- seeing one hot dog cut into two halves can help them understand multiplication at a basic level and then apply this skill to larger numbers. Read on to learn how to incorporate multiplication and division into these fun treats!

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Halloween Math Activities

Photo by poppet with a camera, ©2014 Some rights reserved. Licensed by Creative Commons Public Works License

Photo by poppet with a camera, ©2014 Some rights reserved. Licensed by Creative Commons Public Works License

Halloween is in full effect all around us, so why not pull some spooky inspiration into your child’s math learning? Break up the routine of worksheets by incorporating some spook-tacular Halloween fun into new and exciting activities. Depending on your child’s math skills, try one (or more) of the activities below!

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Kitchen Math: Baking Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls

You avoided using your oven all summer because it was too hot, right? Now that it’s October and cooler weather has started to roll in, take advantage of this fun and tasty opportunity to bring your child (and learning!) into the kitchen. Try making these delicious pumpkin cinnamon rolls over the weekend as a breakfast treat for the family! Baking and preparing ingredients can prove to be a fun and new approach to employing real world math skills.

Photo by, ©2010 Some rights reserved. Licensed by Creative Commons Public Works License.

Photo by, ©2010 Some rights reserved. Licensed by Creative Commons Public Works License.

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Calling All Blasters: New Crew Ranks Revealed!

Congratulations to Math Masters for leading the pack with 67,439 trophies! With achievements like that, this stellar set of Blasters must have all kinds of out-of-this-world stories to tell! They better look out though, because the Gold Starz aren’t too far behind with 54,018 trophies.

Are YOU part of a Crew? They’re a great, fun way to play with other Blasters and take on challenges as a team! There are two ways to become a member of a Crew: you can either join an existing crew, or start your own and invite fellow Blasters and BFFS to join.

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Preparing to Head Back-to-School

This time of year for families with school aged kids can easily be described as something just short of chaotic. It’s the time of year where you need to prepare the kids to head back into the classroom while you figure out how to facilitate managing lunches, schedules and more! How will you handle it all in the fall? Let us know at the Math Blaster blog and check out our tips for preparing yourself and the kids for the new school year.

Photo by: US Department of Education

Here are our top tips for staying on top of the back to school season:

Pick up the supplies: Your kids will need new gear before hitting the classroom. From clothing or uniform items to classroom supplies and the like, make sure you have a list from the school outlining the necessities. After all, you won’t want to go overboard with the shopping if you have a strict budget to maintain.

Plan out the meals: The key to having healthy meals for each day and kid in your household for that matter is by preparing ahead of time. Cook and pack meals during the weekend. - separating them into container for each day of the week (if you go by this route, make sure not to let anything sit for too long to avoid spoiling).

Create a family schedule: Once the kids are back in school, you’re going to have to coordinate pick up and drop off times. While doing this, it might also be helpful to research extra curricular activities that they might be interested in. That way if they are stuck on campus later in the day, you can plan accordingly or figure out the most efficient way to get then to and from off-site events.

Sharpen their skills: Have them get back into the swing of things in regard to their education by challenging them to play learning games or complete free learning resources like worksheets or activities that will make learning fun, interactive, and most of all effective. Swing by to find ones that fit their interests.There are a ton of great finds waiting for you at our Cool Math page!


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