Get to Know the I.S.P.’s Top Blaster, Max!

Max and G.C. have been B.F.Fs for a long time!

Can you believe it? One year ago, this month, Math Blaster had just launched the virtual world at and now look where we are. This past year, your kids and their Blasters have seen a ton of great updates to the Space Station. From Risk it to Ice Cubed and “My Room” to Mutt Pods, which is their favorite feature?

In honor of this historic occasion, we’ve put together a few cosmically cool facts on Math Blaster’s main Blaster and commander of the I.S.P, Max!

Look how far Max has come!

1. Max has worked his way up the ranks since becoming a basic Blaster in 1987. Let your kids know that before becoming the seasoned space commander that he is, Max started out in training just like them and their Blasters!
2. Max has known G.C. since his early training days as a Blasternaut (or Blaster as we call them, today)
3. When not on adventures with the Blaster Corps, you can often find him decorating his room or caring for his mutts. He’s always looking for new decorating ideas, and looks to other Blasters for inspiration.
4. He’ll do anything to keep the Space Station safe. Just ask him and he’ll tell you that he’s never missed a Red Alert!
5. Max loves making new B.F.F.s, so be sure to tell your kids’ friends about Math Blaster. The more people we have in the Blaster Corps, the better.

Now we’ve got a quick math question for your kids – If Max began Blaster training in 1987 and is still part of the I.S.P today in 2012, how long has he been using his math skills to blast away challenges and attacks on the Space Station? With all his years with the I.S.P., Max has got some spacey stories to tell, so have your kids stop by and say hello to learn the best tips for moving up in the ranks.

Space Travel Is Possible!

Greetings, Blaster parents!

Are your kids getting lost in the expanse of the Math Blaster galaxy? Or are they just looking for where to blast off to next? Tell them to use the handy dandy map, now available on the toolbar!

Once they click on the area they want to go, they will be instantly transported through its portal, making getting where they need to go that much easier.

What do your kids think of the new map?

A Room of One’s Own Day

Greetings, Blaster parents!

Isn’t it nice to have your own room? Today is “A Room of One’s Own Day,” so we want Blasters everywhere to celebrate having their own room in Math Blaster! Today’s the day for your kids to buy that special piece of furniture they’ve been wanting from the Pod Store. Then, tell them to hang out and enjoy having a room of their own!

Max would love to hear all about your children’s rooms! What’s their favorite piece of furniture? What’s their favorite thing to do in their room? Tell him all about!

Your kids’ mutts can celebrate too!

ALIEN ALERT: New Alien Wrangler Features!

The Intergalactic Space Patrol has some out of this world news for your kids’ Blasters! A new Alien has arrived to the Space Station. Send your kids over to the Alien Wrangler stadium in the Math Academy to take a look. If your kids think they have what it takes to wrangle with this new creature, let them put their Blaster to the test by playing Alien Wrangler, now!

Head over to the Math Academy to play Alien Wrangler!

Your kids’ Blasters will need to have earned at least 200,000 points in Alien Wrangler to take on this new challenge, so make sure they’re ready to bring some brain power to the stadium! Questions range in subject from addition and subtraction to multiplication and division.

Entering the arena, your kids can choose to ride or watch from the surrounding seats. If they’re ready to ride, they’ll need to know their stuff to hold on to that wacky and wild alien! Once they unlock the newest Alien Wrangler creature, they learn that it’s faster, stronger, and much more difficult.

Is your child ready for the new Alien?

GC Has a Challenge for Your Kids!

GC wants to test the skills of your children’s Blasters! Have your kids check out the Skill Challenge Task Board where they will take part in simple challenges to evaluate their Blaster abilities. For each challenge they finish, they will be awarded merits and credits. Then, watch as they move up in rank for being such expert Blasters!

Tell your kids to put their skills to the test today. Blast away!

B-Force Blaster Just Got Better!

Greetings, Blaster parents!

Have your kids gotten top scores in all the Space Station games already? Well, we have a new challenge for them! We dare all Blasters to blast away the right answers to math questions in the latest version of B-Force Blaster.

In the new Cranium Course, they’ll be faced with questions about Angle Types and Multiples. These may be new subjects for Blasters, so we wish them luck in their attempts to shoot down the enemy, er, right answer.

So, what are you waiting for? Get blasting!

New Year, New Features… Which Are Your Kids’ Favorites?

The space station is budding with new activities! Many of them are keeping your children’s brains active as they learn new math skills. Blasters all over the galaxy are busy earning credits and becoming math heroes of the future. Blasters have been raving about all of these new features and we want to know which is your child’s favorite!

Do your kids love the challenge of answering math questions followed by the thrill of risking it all? Then Risk It just may be their favorite new game.

Or, do they enjoy maneuvering through the frozen and puzzling paths of Ice Cubed? Cornelius is happy that your kids have helped free him from his ice cube trap.

Have they enjoyed decorating that little space for their little friend? Mutt pods have allowed Blasters to earn stars and help others look after their mutt pods.

Or, maybe your children look forward to meeting goals. If so, Star Status may be their new favorite feature. After all, every Blaster loves to reach for the stars.

Being recognized by Blasters all over the galaxy is a totally exciting accomplishment! Do your kids delight in seeing their name on the Leader Board in the Math Academy?

With so many electrifying new features, it’s hard to choose just one! Which one is your child’s favorite?


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