Your Kids Are Rising Stars!

Your children have been great B.F.F.s to each other and we say it’s time to reward them for it! We’re giving star points to our star Blasters. These points will determine a Blaster’s Star Status and help him or her become a #1 Star. Your kids can view the Star Chart posted in their pods to monitor their Star Status and watch as new stars are added. They may be “Just STARting” out now, but there’s no doubt that they’ll be a #1 Star soon enough!

Your children can also view their Star Status on their bPad.

There are many different ways to earn star points. For every social activity your children do, they’ll gain points that go towards the next star on their Star Chart.

While Blasters are off saving the spaceport, they need a little extra help caring for their monster mutts. Your kids can visit other mutt pods to help feed, bathe, and play with their friends’ mutts. To visit another mutt pod, tell them to enter their own and then select a Blaster from the list on the right side of the screen. When they do this, they’ll receive star points for being such kind Blasters.

Another way for your children to earn star points is to visit and rate other Blasters’ pods. This is a chance for your kids to see the way another Blaster lives, learn about their style and tastes, and let them know what they think.

It’s time to aim for the stars, Blasters!

6 Responses

  1. Hello Max, I’ve noticed a bug with kid monster mutts. When you try to put them in the Crib Bot they tell you to put them in the dorms? What the… only teen mutts can sleep in there! But I realised when you click on the sleep button they sleep in your pod instead.


    • Hi, GC! Have you tried clearing both your web browser and Unity caches? This is quick, easy, and usually fixes the problem. To clear your web browser cache follow these steps: If you use Internet Explorer (IE), go to Tools -> Delete Browsing History -> click on Temporary Internet Files -> Delete. If you use FireFox, go to Tools -> Clear Private Data -> click Cache -> Clear Private Data. To clear your Unity cache, follow this link,, and click the “Clear My Unity Cache” button. We hope this helps!

  2. Dear MathBlaster, When My Monster Mutt Neon Blackhole and I ChrisBlueVortex go to the dorms It says “Go to the incubator to morph your larva” But I already did! I also grew my monster Mutt to the point where it can go in the training area. So please help! Sinserly, ChrisBlueVortex.

    • Hi, Christopher! Try clearing both your web browser and Unity caches. To clear your web browser cache follow these steps: If you use Internet Explorer (IE), go to Tools -> Delete Browsing History -> click on Temporary Internet Files -> Delete. If you use FireFox, go to Tools -> Clear Private Data -> click Cache -> Clear Private Data. To clear your Unity cache, follow this link,, and click the “Clear My Unity Cache” button. If the problem continues, you can call our Customer Support team at 310-533-3402, Monday-Friday, 7AM–4PM PST. You can also reach them by email at We hope this helps!

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