Add A Friend For More Fun!

Everyone likes having their Blaster buddies around for friendly fun and awesome adventures. Although, it can be hard for you to keep track of everyone when you’re running around exploring in the Space Port or Math Academy. That’s why we’ve made it easier than ever to add your friends to your B.F.F. list and keep updated with their voyages!

Check out the new option to add a player to your B.F.F. list after you’ve battled them in games like Nebula Knockout. It’s as easy as that! After you’ve battled them, a menu will pop up to add them to your circle of friends. It’s not only in Nebula Knockout either; try it out in all of the multiplayer games like Galaxy Grand Prix and Face Off!

Add all your friends to keep up with their scores and statuses!

Check out some of our multiplayer games today to start expanding your list of B.F.F.s. Don’t forget, you’ll see the new option after playing the games. Have you added all your Blaster friends yet? Let us know what you think of this new B.F.F. feature!

Happy Memorial Day!

Memorial Day is a very important day for Blasters around the universe. It is a day to remember those who have given so much for us and what we have today. Like the I.S.P.’s very own Blasters, those in the Earth’s own armed forces exhibit many cosmic qualities like courage and dedication. So show your support this memorial day by taking a moment to honor those men and women.

Celebrate in your Pod today with other Blasters!

This holiday weekend is a great opportunity to celebrate with your friends. It is also a great time to kick off the unofficial start of summer with the great weather and a few outer space activities. There are parties going on all of the space station to celebrate this weekend, so be sure to stop by the party board to check them out! How are you celebrating this Memorial Day weekend with Math Blaster?

Meet Our New Mutt, The Space Griffin!

Max would like to formally introduce you to the Space Griffin, our newest Monster Mutt available only through the Monster Mutt Rescue app. Say hello to our new winged wonder and welcome it with opened arms! To get your Space Griffin, download the app and start raising it as your very own alien pet. You’ll go from having a lovely little larva to a full grown mutt in no time!

Want a little more information on our feathery friend? The Space Griffin loves to spread its wings and fly. Once the Space Griffin starts flying, it can be really hard to get it to come back down to eat! Its greatest strength is that it will always keep a watchful eye over your Blaster and will not easily bow down to approaching danger.

Feathers can be fun!

Don’t forget, you can now take your Mutt wherever you go with your mobile device when you download the Monster Mutt Rescue app. The best part, even non-members can raise a Space Griffin when they download the app! Finally, everyone can own a Mutt! So what are you waiting for? Get started by downloading the Monster Mutt Rescue app today!

Blastoff Into Pinterest With Math Blaster!

Pinterest is a fun new way to interact and share stellar snapshots from space, and Math Blaster has plenty of them for you! Get started today by exploring some of the things Max likes. Make sure to follow us at because we’ll be pinning new stuff all the time! We’ll even throw in a few prizes and hold contests for our followers and fans like you.

These are a few of Max’s favorite things. Follow Math Blaster Online to keep updated on all his new favorite features!

Get ready to enter the next frontier with us on Pinterest! Are you a Pinner and use Pinterest? Let us know what you’d like to see from Max’s Favorites!

New Monster Mutt Rescue App!

Don’t you hate having to leave your Mutt in their Pod all by themselves? It can be hard for a Blaster to have to go save the Space Station from impending doom during Red Alerts or Alien Angle Attacks and then still have to report back to their Pods to care for their Mutts. But, worry no more; you can now take your Mutt with you on your mobile device!

Raise your Mutt on the go!

Head over to the iTunes App Store to download the new Monster Mutt Rescue and take all the Mutt adventures with you on the go! No matter where you and your family go, you can still care for, feed and play with your intergalactic pet. Continue all of the Mutt mayhem like Snatch-It and the newest and only found on mobile - Mutt Jump wherever your real life expeditions take you with the new app available today!

Want to know more about all the details of Monster Mutt Rescue?

Math May be a Universal Language, but Math Blaster Is Multilingual!

It doesn’t matter where you and your kid are playing Math Blaster from, because Max speaks a number of different languages! Your family can try out addition in English or subtración en Español. 2+2 means the same thing in any language, even Portuguese!

The best part of Math Blaster is that no matter how much your kid plays, and no matter which language they select, they’re still learning those important math skills. The adventures and fun don’t stop!

Click on the Language Selection tab to pick yours

Does your family speak multiple languages? Let Max know which ones and share a helpful phrase or two!

Time To Face Off!

Ever see a Mutt looking at you the wrong way and want to do something about it, but you’re feeling too lazy to make it all the way to the Monster Mutt Rescue Dome’s Battle Arena? Now, your kid can just click on the Mutt and challenge them to a face off battle, right then and there! With our latest game update, Blasters will be interacting like never before and their Mutts will be included in all the action.

All your kid has to do is find another Mutt that has been trained in at least two Face Off tricks then select them by clicking the challenge button. They won’t even be transported to the Battle Arena, they’ll duke it out right there wherever they are in the Space Station! Have your kid try it out today after they finish training their Mutt.

Step up to the challenge and accept the request to have your kid’s Mutt face off!

Does your kid’s Mutt have the tricks it takes to win? Have them try out the new face off feature today. Let Max know if they win and how much they like it!


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