Meet Our New Mutt, The Space Griffin!

Max would like to formally introduce you to the Space Griffin, our newest Monster Mutt available only through the Monster Mutt Rescue app. Say hello to our new winged wonder and welcome it with opened arms! To get your Space Griffin, download the app and start raising it as your very own alien pet. You’ll go from having a lovely little larva to a full grown mutt in no time!

Want a little more information on our feathery friend? The Space Griffin loves to spread its wings and fly. Once the Space Griffin starts flying, it can be really hard to get it to come back down to eat! Its greatest strength is that it will always keep a watchful eye over your Blaster and will not easily bow down to approaching danger.

Feathers can be fun!

Don’t forget, you can now take your Mutt wherever you go with your mobile device when you download the Monster Mutt Rescue app. The best part, even non-members can raise a Space Griffin when they download the app! Finally, everyone can own a Mutt! So what are you waiting for? Get started by downloading the Monster Mutt Rescue app today!

179 Responses

  1. how come only through monster mutt rescue app, because i tried to download beavers revenge onto my ipad, but it said i cant download where i come from :,(

    • Hello, Tiffany. Thanks for your interest in Math Blaster! We’re sorry to hear that you could not download Beaver’s Revenge. Have you tried to download Monster Mutt Rescue yet though? It may or may not have any problems. Try it out first and let us know! Thanks!

    • well i just replied to tiffany because i dont know how to just make a comment but on monster mutt rescue on my ipad when i morph a mutt from a lava on the birth certificet it never ses my mutts gender so i never know what color kit to get it because i have about 8 mutts not and they all look the same accsept one so i wanna buy it a color kit but i dont wanna buy it a purple color kit if its a boy do i so please can you make it so it tells us and it cod on are bPad to because it does tell us on are phone thing on jumpstart about are mythies.

      • Oh and just saying my screen is on full screen its not like over my whole computer screen its just streched out over my page going this way .-. not this way .I. and when i went on my bPad it ses the screen is on normal so please can you look at it if you can

      • Hello Blaster! This is actually a new update that Max and his team made to the Math Blaster game! He wanted to give all of his Blaster pals a cool Math Blaster experience by making the screen bigger. Thank you, and please let us know if you have any further questions, comments or concerns!

      • Hello Katie! Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We are looking into this issue for you, and we will get back to your shortly! Thank you, and please let us know if you have any further questions, comments or concerns!

      • Math blaster the second reply you gave me is it about the mutt birth certifecet thing or the screen thing if it is the certifecet please can you see to that

      • Hello Blaster! We are currently looking into this issue and we will get back to you shortly. Thank you very much for your patience, and please let us know if you have any further questions, comments or concerns!

  2. I don’t even have an iPhone/iPad! Make it avalible for Windows Phone! Please?????????? :)

  3. what about for the kids whos parents dont have an i pod or iphone can you make an way to get it with out the app please

    • Hi lana — unfortunately, the Monster Mutt Rescue app is only available for iOS right now.

  4. Make it avalible on Windows Phone or I’m quitting MB! I mean it! :(

  5. its not fair that you only have to get it on an app please make it availible through the website so people who don’t have ipads can enjoy it or i will freak out!!!

  6. Hey guys, I want to have Space Griffin color packs. Are they coming out soon?

    • There are none available right now, Colin. You can bet we will let you know if they do though!

  7. y does it only availible through an app, i dont an ipad so i cant enjoy it and my family is very poor we cant buy anything, so please make availible for my bro and me.

    • Jasmine, we love hearing from you all the time! Unfortunately though, the Monster Mutt Rescue app is only available for iOS right now. We hope you can be patient with us until it is further released and other features are made available. Thanks again and take care!

  8. am i anoying? can u make it for website on comp?

    • There are no plans right now, Jasmine. Stay tuned and if we find any information out about its availability, we will let you know!

  9. Can I release my monster mutt in the game? And I think if you’re a member you should get a free space griffon so members get a new mutt + a membership!

  10. Hurry up! make a plan or I’m quitting MB! :(

    • Sadie, this isn’t the first time you’ve expressed this to us. We are truly sorry you are dissatisfied and would hate to lose you, but we understand your frustration. We hope you return as a member soon! Take care!

  11. […] you had enough time to get to know your Space Griffin yet? We hope you’ve been training them hard to prepare them for all the astronomical adventures […]

  12. its soooooo not cool that its not available on laptop. i hope u make plans soon about the griffin.

    • Keep checking the Blog, we’ll let you know if it becomes available!

      • how do u get a space griffin

      • Hey, brenda. Currently, the only way to get a Space Griffin is from the Monster Mutt Rescue app available right now on iTunes. From there, you can train and morph it from Math Blaster Online just like normal.

    • the space griffin automatically appears on your computer if you have it on your ipod/iphone.

  13. and sadie leave math blaster alone! you should not quit. quit bothering math blaster. I’m sure they will make it available soon.

  14. also math blaster? you know the mutt that u named lady rah-rah? maybe u should make that kind of mutt available for computer and iPad. its super power kinda needs work though……how do i know its super power is that i fought it in nebula knockout. also u should make nebula knockout available for realeased mutts. i hope u like these ideas. thanks for making a awesome website!

  15. i want the kind of mutt that gc has,y isnt avaible?

  16. […] decide on an Ickysaur or Eyeclops? How about a Grubble or Space Griffin instead? The choice can be difficult, but don’t let it get in the way of your astronomical […]

  17. I really want for the griffin to go on math blaster and I do have the app for the I pad and it rocks

  18. is it on itunes or the app store

    • Hi sohan, and thanks for playing Math Blaster! You can either find the app on your computer with iTunes or on your mobile device in the app store. We hope you enjoy the Monster Mutt Rescue app and your Space Griffin!

      • Does that mean it’s on the an-ja-roid app store (and I REEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLyyyyyyyy hope you say yes.And if YOU don’t PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE put it on AN-JA-ROiD. If you don’t I will FREAK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. and iance you are right sadie do not be mean to anyone treat them the way your treated ok

    • Act-shull-lee I MIGHT GET A SPACE GRIFFIN THIS FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Because i’m going to my friend’s house friday and her mom has an i pod that is only 1 year old so her i pod can download it! (Plus my friend wants a space griffin too!) Sinciarly
      Hannah flaming flare
      (And my real name is Hannah)

      • Hey, Hannah!
        Thank you for playing Math Blaster! Unfortunately, our “Monster Mutt Rescue” app is only available on iOS so you won’t be able to get it from the Android app store. We hope that you’re able to get your very own space griffin by using your friend’s mom’s iPod! It would be great for you to be able to adopt such an exciting Mutt! Have fun playing Math Blaster!

  20. hi mathblaster can you make a boys and girls hangout

    • That’s a great idea, sohan! We will make sure to let the producers know you’re interested in a social feature like that. For now though, you can always check the Blaster Board to see if anybody is throwing a Pod Party and hang out with them there. Thanks again, and take care!

  21. is it free

    • Hi sohan, and thanks for playing Math Blaster! Yes, the Monster Mutt Rescue app is completely free and available in the iTunes App Store! We hope you enjoy it!

  22. i think mathblaster should become a world then smashes into jumpstart then the worlds colide

    • That’s a very interesting idea, sohan. That would probably happen if we didn’t have such awesome Blasters to protect us from the Red Alerts though, so thanks to them for keeping the Space Port safe!

    • WOW………………………………weird.

  23. space griffins should be available through the game for more people to have it

    • Hi bob, and thanks for writing us here on the Math Blaster blog! We appreciate your feedback and are glad to have you as a fan. The Space Griffins are available in the game, you can take them out and train just like any other Mutts. The only special thing about them is that you have to get them from the Monster Mutt Rescue app first. After that, your Mutt will show up in the game because the app syncs to your online account. The app is completely free, so check it out in the iTunes App Store today!

  24. can you make space griffins available on mac computers

    • Hi trina, and thanks for playing Math Blaster! We’re so glad that you’re interested in a Space Griffin, and we have great news! You already can adopt a Space Griffin on your computer, it doesn’t matter if it’s you’re running Windows or Mac. Anybody can download the Monster Mutt Rescue app from the iTunes App Store, and since the accounts are synced when you login, your Space Griffin will show up on any computer you log in to Math Blaster online on. Get started today by downloading the app and you can have your Space Griffin on your computer! We hope this helps!

  25. Hi Math Blaster! I was going to get a space griffin today but the day before the day before yesterday (yes I did mean that) I trained my grubble her fly training and the day after that math blaster thought that it was my grubble’s first day of fly training so today it thinks it’s my grubble’s second day of training please please please please please please please please please reply!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Hi, Hannah! We are truly sorry for this inconvenience and hope to get you back into the game soon. The first thing you want to try when experiencing loading problems like this, is to clear your Unity and web browser cache by following the simple instructions listed here: . Sometimes when your cache is storing too much information it can cause errors in the game like this. If the problem persists, it would be best for you to directly contact one of our friendly customer support agents by calling (310) 533-3402, Monday through Friday, 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM PST. You can also reach us by email at Thank you for your patience and for choosing Math Blaster!

      • Also it won’t give me the stuff i got in neblua kockout and anothor thing
        is I didn’t get a space griffin after all.

      • Hi, Hannah! Thanks for playing Math Blaster! We’re sorry you’re having problems with Nebula Knockout and adopting a Space Griffin. Please help us to better understand the problem though, what are you not getting in Nebula Knockout? And why didn’t you get a Space Griffin? Just write us back and we’ll do our best to help you. Thanks again, and take care!

      • Ok well my cousin Lindsay already downloaded the app on the iphone and i already had a l larva and she was only staying for one day so i didn’t get a space griffin. And so I decided that when my mutt was relased I would ask my mom to call Lindsey to login then get off the app and then would get a space griffin but my mom wouldn’t call her so that is why I didn’t get a space griffin. And the stuff I didn’t get in neblua kockout is battle trophy,the wind storm color kit,the other wind storm color kit,and a invinsibility shield even though I worked hard to get them

      • Hi Hannah. We’re sorry to hear that you can’t borrow your cousin’s phone to get the Space Griffin you wanted. When you get a chance though, you have to make sure that you do no have a Larva or Mutt yet. If you do, you’re going to have to raise and release it first. Then, when you go into the Monster Mutt Rescue App, you’ll automatically get a Larva that will morph into a Space Griffin. As for your color kits not showing up, it’d be best if you cleared your browser history and cache first to make sure there are no loading problems. Follow the simple instructions listed here: . Sometimes when your cache is storing too much information it can cause errors in the game like this. If the problem persists, it would be best for you to directly contact one of our friendly customer support agents by calling (310) 533-3402, Monday through Friday, 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM PST. You can also reach us by email at Thank you for your patience and for choosing Math Blaster!

      • I don’t think it’s a loading problem

      • Hi Hannah – Sometimes loading problems are only noticable in situations like yours, so it might solve your problem if you clear your cache as detailed here: If that does not help, it would be best for you to directly contact one of our friendly customer support agents by calling (310) 533-3402, Monday through Friday, 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM PST. You can also reach us by email at Thank you for your patience and for choosing Math Blaster!

  26. please make space griffins available through the game too

    • Hey jacob, and thanks for playing Math Blaster. Space Griffins already are available at Math Blaster online! The great thing about the Monster Mutt Rescue app from the iTunes App Store is that all of your accounts and gaming is synced to your online account. So, when you get your Space Griffin from the app, you can log in online again and it’ll pop up right where you left it. Thanks again for your feedback, and take care!

      • how do u get a space griffin in the iPhone app

      • Hi brenda, and thanks for playing Math Blaster! All you have to do is download the Monster Mutt Rescue app from the itunes App Store. If you don’t have a Mutt yet, you will be given a new larva and you can raise it into a Space Griffin. If you already have a Mutt, it’ll show up and you can finish raising it. When you release it, you can get a new larva. We hope this helps!

  27. What about the purple and red larva in the monster mutt rescue logo?

  28. Can u add space ships ur blaster can buy?

    • That’s a great idea, Josh! For now, you can always ride your hypercycle in HyperBlast. Don’t forget, you can always ride your Mutt around the Space Port too!

  29. how do u get a space griffin in larva den

    • Josh, when you use the Monster Mutt Rescue app from the iTunes App Store, you’ll get a new larva that will turn into a Space Griffin when you complete the raising process and morph it. Download the app and you can start soon!

  30. can max have a special mutt,too!

  31. Hi, we have raised and trained the mutt from larva but we can’t figure out how to morph it so it will turn into a space griffin. Yes, we have the app on Ipad that we raised it on.

    • Hi Grace, and thanks for playing Math Blaster! We’re so glad to hear that you are raising a Larva into a Space Griffin. Each Monster Mutt needs time and care to morph, so keep feeding and training your larva right now. It’ll morph soon enough and you’ll have a strong and excited Space Griffin ready to play with you. We hope this helps, and thanks again for your feedback and question!

  32. How do you get the griffin once the app is downloaded? there does not seem to be a “larva” as my daughter says so it would be great to know exactly how to get the griffin now that I have the app….thanks so much!

    Using Iphone.

    • Hi Michele, and thanks for playing Math Blaster! We’re so excited to hear that you and your daughter are playing and want a Space Griffin. To get started, now that you have the Monster Mutt Rescue App downloaded, all your daughter has to do is make sure that if she has a Mutt right now, she has to raise it as an adult then release it in the online game. After she’s released her Mutt, she can go into the Larva Den on the App and receive a new Larva for a Space Griffin. From there, she just raises her Larva like before and morphs it into her brand new Space Griffin! That’s all there is to it! Let us know if you have any problems and we’ll make sure to further assist you. Thanks again, and take care!

      • How do I access the larva den in the app? What button? Thanks so much!!!

      • When you open the app, you are automatically in the Mutt Pod. If you already have a Mutt, it will appear there. You’ll have to release it first before getting another Larva, but when you do, you’ll automatically see a new Larva that will morph into a Space Griffin. We hope this clears things up, please let us know if it works out for you!

  33. I saw a blaster with a griffin on math blaster tell me why

    • Hi Abbi, and thanks for playing Math Blaster. We’d love to answer your question, but what are you confused about? What seems to be your problem?

      • she means something like how did they get a griffin on the computer math blaster. Math Mlaster

      • Blasters can get a griffin by downloading the free Monster Mutt Rescue app from the app store, then it will carry over to the online game!

  34. what is the price for the new monster mutt rescue in iphones and ipads.

  35. Hi,Math blaster ! How do I get multiple mutts ? Thank you very much for your answer.

  36. Can we the same kind of mutt as GC’s?

    • Hi, Youssef! Unfortunately, Gc’s mutt is not one of the monster mutts available to blasters in training like you. They’re pretty rare creatures, but if more of them start popping up in the space station we’ll be sure to let you know!

  37. hey math blaster! when i was playing on the computer i saw someone with a space griffin. is it possible you can transfer it to your computer?

    • Hey, Cody! Space Griffins are very rare creatures that can only be found on the app “Monster Mutt Rescue”. If you get a Space Griffin on the awesome free app, it will also show up on your account whenever you sign onto Math Blaster on a computer. We hope you get to raise your very own Space Griffin on the app! Keep up the great blasting!

      • thanks math blaster! as soon as my ipod touch dries out im gonna get the app and get a space griffin!

      • Then howcome when I was playing nebula knockout I saw the mutt GC has but it wasn’t hers????????????

  38. oh also math blaster can you get the app on your ipod touch?

    • Hey, Cody! We’re so happy to hear that you’re going to get the app “Monster Mutt Rescue”! You’re in luck since it will work perfectly on an iPod touch! Have a blast raising your Mutt!

  39. Ok now it’s close to my b-day!

  40. I LOVE MATH BLASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  41. how do you get a griffn PLZ TELL ME!!!!!!


    • Hi - We’re so happy you’re so excited to get a Griffin. To begin raising your own, you need to get one exclusively through the Monster Mutt Rescue app!

  43. Math blaster can you de-leet my larva so i can get a griffin pleaese? with a cherry on top

    • Hi Sophia - Unfortunately, once you get a larva it is yours to raise and care for! To start raising a Griffin, you must completely raise and release your current larva. Good luck!

  44. When I was training my space griffin (her name is night flare) I did night flare’s super power training and it did a grubble super power (But in nebua knockout it was a griffin super power) Can you fix that please?

    • Hi Hannah – Thanks for pointing this out! Our Blaster Technicians are working to get it fixed as soon as they can!

  45. I want to raise my griffin to the highest level but it keeps on standing on teen help me

    • Hi Griffinboy - It takes several days to grow from a teen to an adult, just make sure you give him plenty of attention, food, and care so he grows more quickly! Also, completing all the possible training will help him feel older! Good luck.

  46. THANK YOU I MEAN IT YOUR GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  47. I have another question, my griffin is almost adult but the growing meter keeps standing i need a little little more but it keeeps standing plaese HELP ME !!!!!!!

  48. O i forgot thats it o i’m lost without you tank you so much

  49. It works he is a adult but à Hove another question, how can i get 2 or 3 mutts at THE Same time

    • Hi - Unfortunately, mutts are very high maintenance pets, so you can only raise one at a time. However, now that your mutt is an adult, you can release him to planet Avatarus or Blizzard and begin raising a new one!

  50. he is adult but how can you get 2 or 3 mutt at the same time

  51. but a have seen pepole with multiple mutt in theire pod how can that and how can you release a muut

    • Once you release a mutt, it will come visit you in your pod or you can go see it at it’s planet which is what you’ve seen. To release your mutt, take him to the shuttle bay in the training center!

  52. Math blaster when I go in my mutt pod the the backgrounds I buy and put in my mut pod don’t show up! (only the moving things show up.)

  53. but if i come there a voice say that i have to be member is that so?

  54. do you have to be member to release your mutt?

  55. and wil that change sometime because it onfair i think ist a suggestion but can your say it?

    • Hi, I’m sorry you think that is unfair, but unfortunately we have no immediate plans of changing that. Mutts are usually a member-only feature, we made an exception so everyone can see how cool the new Griffins are! Try to have fun with your Griffin and enjoy keeping him!

  56. Ok but here is a tip if its someone birthday give them member for 3 days is just à tip but you can try

  57. Math Blaster can you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make math blaster mutt plushes in real life at every walmart or store (Mabey not every store but most stores?) like make a space griffin plush a MAX plush a grubble plush an i clops plush an ickasaur plush and finaly a G.C. plush (Plus it’s close to my B-day! My b-day is on
    Hall-o-ween!!! (I’m seriosly seriorios!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

    • Hi Hannah - Thats a good idea! We will definitely consider making Math Blaster plushes in the future.

  58. THHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I said thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

  59. Just a ? do you live in the U.S.A.?

  60. Oh I soooooooooooooooo many things you can add (My head is gonna explode!!!!!!!!!)

  61. Hey anyone who plays minecraft mg. me (On the blog)

  62. (I just changed my name.My name was Hannah flaming flare)

  63. oh I wish I would **** **

  64. hi math blaster! please make GC’s mutt avalible for blasters to raise it would be great to have five mutts availible to raise :)

    • Hey Cody YellowSun! GC’s mutt is an extremely rare type of mutt, and it is difficult to find a lot of them! Keep on raising your own mutts, playing Math Blaster, and staying tuned to the blog for more updates. Thank you for playing Math Blaster!

  65. please make gc”s mutt availible mathblaster please :(

    • Hey Cody Yellowsun! We replied to your earlier message, but just in case you didn’t see it, we just wanted to let you know that GC’s mutt is an extremely rare type of mutt, and it is difficult to find a lot of them! Keep on raising your own mutts, playing Math Blaster, and staying tuned to the blog for more updates. Thank you for playing Math Blaster!

  66. yes new mutt GCs mutt is good im in jump start too

    • Hello Blaster! We will make sure to send the idea about getting GC’s mutt available to all of your Blasters, but for now, it’s very hard to find because it is so rare! Keep on playing Math Blaster, and have fun!

  67. Is there any other possible way to get a Space Griffin besides downloading the Monster Mutt Rescue App? Because I really want a Space Griffin and I don’t have an IPad.

    • Hello Queenny! We apologize, but for the time being, the Space Griffin is only available through the Monster Mutt Rescue application in the iTunes store. If you or your parents have an iPhone, you could also download it there. In the meantime, continue to raise your mutt and have fun playing Math Blaster! Please let us know if you have any other comments, concerns, or suggestions!

  68. Hi math blaster my name is Emerald.My griffin is fully grown but still I can’t realese do you realese a mut I need help.

    • Hello Emerald! We responded to your question about releasing your mutt, but in case you did not see it, we wanted to apologize for the delay in our response. We would be more than happy to look into your account for you, but could you please clarify which “child” you are using for your account? The shuttle bay is definitely the correct place to be if you want to release your mutt. If you could let us know which account you are using, we would love to help you and try and resolve this issue together! Please let us know of any details, questions, or concerns you have. Thank you for your patience, and thank you for playing Math Blaster!

  69. hi math blaster is there ever gonna be a new world to exsplore besides space and also can you have a hang out spot where you can be you mutt and play with other blasters mutts i think thats a wonderfull idea pls pls reply

    • Hello Blaster! Thank you very much for the great ideas! We will be sure to send this idea over to our team. In the meantime, keep on learning and having fun as you play Math Blaster!

  70. can i put it on my tablet??

  71. Hello math blaster! I was wondering if there was a way to delete a previous monster mutt? I just got the new space griffin app and it won’t let me adopt a Space Griffin because I had a mutt so it wouldn’t give me the space griffin. Anyways if there is a way please tell me. Thank you!

    • Hello Blaster! Thank you for your question! You cannot get a new Mutt unless you have released your current Mutt! Once you have done this, the app should let you adopt a new Space Griffin larva. We hope this answers your questions, but please let us know if you have any other questions, comments or concerns! Thank you, and keep learning and having fun as you play Math Blaster!

  72. math blaster my space griffin is fully adult and im not a member how to release it?

    • Hi Lance OmegaSupernova! Unfortunately, only members are allowed to release their Mutts. However, you can continue to play with your Space Griffin and do cool activities with it! Try buying some fun color kits, or maybe you can buy more mutt toys to play with. Please let us know if you have any further questions, comments or concerns, and we hope you continue to learn and have fun as you play Math Blaster!

  73. hello,I downloaded the app monster mutt rescue.I have fully raised my griffin ,but I can’t get another one. I get all of the other kinds of mutts.How do you get another space griffin.I need help.

    • Hello Blaster! We apologize for any inconvenience. Could you perhaps provide us with your log in email so that we can look into this issue for you? Thank you very much, and please let us know if you have any further questions, comments or concerns.

    • Hello Blaster! We looked into your account and noticed that you are not yet a member! Unfortunately, only members are allowed to release mutts and get new mutts to raise! We apologize for any inconvenience, but please follow this link if you are at all interested in our various membership offers:

      Please let us know if you have any further questions, comments or concerns. Thank you!

  74. Hello,I have a membership.I have release seven mutts.

    • Hello Blaster! We sincerely apologize, but could you please provide us with your log-in email address again? We want to make sure that you get all of your questions answered. Thank you very much!

  75. How do you put your mutt in the mutt dorms.

    • Hello Blaster! Unfortunately, those dorms are only reserved for Max and GC’s personal team and their mutts! However, keep on playing Math Blaster and raising your own mutt. Have fun and keep on learning! Please let us know of any further questions, comments, or concerns you might have.

  76. Thanks for all of your help

  77. Dear Math Blaster,

    Are you the same person as the Jumpstart people? Just wanted to know.

    -Sam StarSupernova

    • Hi Sam, the Math Blaster and JumpStart teams work together to bring you the greatest online worlds possible! If you didn’t already know, you can even access the JumpStart world through Math Blaster space station! Head over to the Math Academy to check it out!

  78. hi,mathblaster. currently my griffin is fully grown and i want to release it but the website wont let me. what should i do?

  79. Thank you! Math blaster I can finally get a mutt.

  80. I need help i had a account but somehow my account got deleted. I had a membership on that account please get it back. If you can’t that’s okay but please try every thing you can.This is weird but i still have all of my stuff but my name and my membership had been deleted. i didn’t wait to pay money every month for my account to be deleted and it is giving me the tutorial again. I’m also rank one again. Please help please please please!

    • Hi Jesie, sorry to hear about your account disappearing! To better help you with this issue you can contact our Customer Support. Have your account information handy so they can further assist you. You can reach one of our Customer Support Agents by calling (310) 533-3402 Monday - Friday from 8am to 5pm PST. Or you can also reach them by email at If you have any other questions please let us know.

  81. Max have you met my grubble Twinkle Discover

  82. i was wondering about how to get multiple pets because i saw in the “news letter” the top mutt pod had more than a one mutt. i tried to go to the incubator but it said i must “raise and release my pet” i dont understand what this means. thanks for reading

    • Greetings, Shleigh! In order to raise and release your pet, you need to make sure you feed and care for it every day. In order to do this, click on your mutt and you will be given options to do this. Don’t forget to train your mutt too! Head to the Monster Mutt Training Center and teach your Mutt to hone its superpowers! Once your pet is old enough, release it and then you can raise another larva!

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