Can’t decide on an Ickysaur or Eyeclops? How about a Grubble or Space Griffin instead? The choice can be difficult, but don’t let it get in the way of your astronomical adventures! Bring your Mutts along for some Blasterific battles! That’s right, we said Mutts, because now you can have multiple Monster Mutts at once! With the addition of another Mutt, it sums up to more fun for Blasters.
You don’t have to pick just one anymore, just head to the Monster Mutt Rescue Dome to pick out another larva after you release your Mutt. Your Mutt will come back to their Pod to visit and you’ll be able to pick which one you want to play and train with! Now just like you have your B.F.F.s, your Mutt will have a best friend to play with when you’re off protecting the Space Port.
All of your Mutts will be waiting for you right in their Pod. Use the arrows at the bottom to scroll through all of them and make sure you play with them all! Some of them tend to get jealous so keep them happy by feeding and playing with each and every one! Just click on the one you want to play with at that time to take them around with you.
When you’re out with your Mutt, the other ones will be anxiously waiting for you in their Pod. Make sure you train all of them though! To pick another Mutt to play with, just swap them out when you get back to your Pod.
Take your Ickysaur, Eyeclops, Grubble and Space Griffin all along with you now! Which one is your favorite Mutt? Let Max know which one you’ll be exploring Space with!
Filed under: Monster Mutts, What's New Tagged: | Activities, Math Blaster, Max, Monster Mutts, My Pod, Pods, What's New
Why do I have a trophy in my mutt pod?
Hi, Dani! Check out the new features for your Mutt, we just released them! The trophy is for your Mutt’s hard work in Nebula Knockout, you’ll notice the new Battle Belts too. What do you think of them?
[…] you had the chance to check out the Monster Mutt Rescue app and the new Mutt Pod features yet? Just as a quick reminder, you can now take your Mutts with you wherever you go on […]
When i got my Larva i got a Yellow and blue one and it started glowing what does that mean ?
Hi Anna, and thanks for playing Math Blaster! When the larva glows and follows you around, it let’s you know that’s yours. It makes it easier so you can tell it apart from the rest of the larva in the crowd.
[…] in attendance will receive their very own cutouts of Max, GC or a larva that they can assemble into their very own 3D toy. As an added bonus, visitors will receive a code […]
[…] you have what it takes to earn a Battle Belt in the Space Olympics? Compete against Blasters and Mutts from around the world in this international, and intergalactic, sporting […]
when I got on math blaster for some reson I started out in the incubater and it made my mutt turn into a baby and I worked hard to get the brown battle belt in nebua knockout and it ereased my data PLEASE please please please REPLY!
Hi, Hannah! We are truly sorry for this inconvenience and hope to get your mutt back to its brown battle belt very soon. The first thing you want to try for a problem like this, is to clear your Unity and web browser cache by following the simple instructions listed here: . Thank you for your patience and for choosing Math Blaster! Let us know if this doesn’t fix the problem.
is it possible NOT to be a member but still get your to grow big?
is it possible NOT to be a member but still get your mutt to grow?
Hi, Chloe! Thanks for playing Math Blaster! Unfortunately, larvae cannot grow into Monster Mutts unless you have a membership. If you can’t get a membership but still want to grow a mutt, you can download our free mobile app “Monster Mutt Rescue”. With “Monster Mutt Rescue” you will be able to get our special app exclusive Monster Mutt called the Space Griffin whether or not you have a membership. Here’s the link to Itunes if you decide you want it:
Dear MB team,
I feel like a kid again, raising this cute little griffin since I’ve downloaded Monster Mutt rescue to my ipad. Thank you for this. The graphics and environments of the app are amazing. But I am not understanding some things and maybe I haven’t been looking for answers in the right place (although I’ve read many things here at this blog). What is the relationship between Monster Mutt Rescue and Math blaster? I mean, the mutt I am raising now can be used in this other game? I apologize if I missed the page where you explain this, but I just came in contact with your awesome game two days ago.
I checked the apps on app store from Math Blaster, and I don’t see any mutt in it. :( If I did, I would have paid to download it right away. I’ve read here many things about having multiple mutts on math blaster, so I am a little bit confused.
My Mutt seems to be stuck a little step before the last evolution, the one that would turn him into an adult. Is it because I am not a member or i just have to wait a little more to watch this fellow get fully grown?
Thank your for your beautiful work.
Hey, Rita! Thank you for playing Math Blaster! It’s so great to hear how much you’re enjoying it! The Mutt that you raise in “Monster Mutt Rescue” will also show up on your account whenever you sign onto on a computer. If you’re not a member on, you will be able to get a larva from the Larva Den, but you won’t be able to raise it past the larva stage to become a Mutt. If you do become a member on and raise the larva into a grown Mutt, you will be able to train your Mutt to the point that it can be “released”. Once you release your Mutt, you can get another larva from the Larva Den and raise that larva into a Mutt so you would have more than one Mutt at a time. We hope this helps and don’t hesitate to ask if you have any other questions!
I have a awesome idea for a new monster mutt its a Porcuspine its like a alien Porcupine. I will send you a picture.
Hi Queenny - Sounds great! We can’t wait to see it!
how do you get another mutt? can you? how?
Hello Nadeen! Once you have released a mutt, you can raise another one! All you have to do is make sure that your previous mutt has been released, and then you go to the Larva Den to find another larva to raise into a mutt. If you have any questions, please let us know! We would love to help. Keep on learning and having fun as you play Math Blaster!
thank you.
how do you release a Mutt then? can you tell me?
Hello Nadeen! As you play with your mutt, you will see a status bar at the right hand corner of your screen. This will tell you how old your mutt is! Once it is fully grown, you can take it to the Shuttle Bay (which is located in the Monster Mutt Rescue portal) to release it. However, in order to release a mutt, you must be a member! If you are not yet a member, ask your parents to see if it would be possible! We have different types of membership deals that can work for you which can be found here:
We hope this helped you out. If you have any more questions or comments, please let us know and we would be happy to help!
in the picture up there, there are Mutts in there pod siting on the sofa. Are they real mutts that can be taken care of? or do you have to be a member to get more Mutts?
thank you!
Hello Nadeen! In those pictures, the Mutts that are sitting on the sofa in the pod are released Mutts. You can click on them and bring them to the middle bed so that you can play with them at any time, but they are fully grown and released. You do have to be a member to release and get more Mutts! If you are interested in being a member, we have some different deals that might work for you here:
We hope this helped you out. If you have any more questions or comments, please let us know and we would be happy to help!
How do u RELEASE your larva in the 1st place?
Hello Sasha! Hello Nadeen! As you play with your mutt, you will see a status bar at the right hand corner of your screen. This will tell you how old your mutt is! Once it is fully grown, you can take it to the Shuttle Bay (which is located in the Monster Mutt Rescue portal) to release it. However, in order to release a mutt, you must be a member! If you are not yet a member, ask your parents to see if it would be possible! We have different types of membership deals that can work for you which can be found here:
We hope this helped you out. If you have any more questions or comments, please let us know and we would be happy to help!
thank you very much!
Dear MB, I just got another larva and it just stared to grow up without me morphing. Can you guys restart my larva?
Hello Kalona! Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We are currently looking into this issue and we will respond to you very soon with our answers. Thank you for your patience, and we encourage you to keep on learning and having fun as you play Math Blaster!
Hello Blaster! We have looked into the issue you brought to our attention regarding your larva. In response, we have replaced your larva! Please let us know if you have any further questions, comments or concerns. Thank you for your patience, and we hope you continue to have learn and have fun as you play Math Blaster!
Dear math blaster how can my mutt grow up into a grown up mutt the bar is on the orange bar but there’s is a little space that need to be fill how can my mutt grow to a red bar grown up mutt
Hi Blaster. In order for your Monster Mutt to become fully grown, you need to help it learn its Special Skill and Super Power. Also, your Monster Mutt needs to learn all 3 of its tricks, which can be gained by playing Face-Off. Please let us know if you need any more help. Thanks for playing Math Blaster!
We clicked on one of our older monster mutts to look at it and now our larva is stuck on the couch. Help!
Hi Dawna- we’re sorry about this! You should be able to switch out your mutts by clicking on the mutt that you’d like when you are in your MuttPod. Have you already tried this?
Is it possible to raise two monster mutts as they are little at once?
Hi Lauryn,
Unfortunately you cannot raise more than one Monster Mutt at a time. Once you have trained your Mutt and released it, you can head back to the Larva Den and get started on raising your next one! Sorry for the confusion!