Math Blaster has Docked onto Facebook

Picture1Hey Blasters! Do you love playing Math Blaster on your computer? Well, now Max and GC have a second home on Facebook! With our new Facebook version of Math Blaster, you can invite all your friends to compete in your favorite Math Academy games! Teach your best friend the ropes of living on the I.S.P and hang out in each others Pods.

Now is your chance to show off your high scores to all your friends. When it comes to Alien Wrangler, are you a true space cowboy? This Facebook version of Math Blaster is perfect for you! Put your friends to the test by inviting your Facebook Friends in the new Facebook app. Watch out though, they might just catch up and beat your score! Thankfully, healthy competition is only encouraged by us at the I.S.P. How else do you think GC and I became skilled enough to save the galaxy?

Play now!

New Year’s Challenge: Blast Away Your High Score!

Greetings, Blasters! A NEW YEAR has arrived! You know what that means?It’s time for New Year’s resolutions! New Year’s resolutions are goals that you plan on setting and accomplishing during the year. Choosing your goals can get tough, so Max is here to help! Your first challenge? Play one of your favorite games in the Math Academy and beat your highest score! Here are some of our ideas on what YOU can make as your Math Blaster’s New Year’s Challenge:
plugin-container2015-01-0815-19-49-83_zpsf8595540Have multiples of 3 and 4 become TOO easy in B-Force Blaster? Let’s try blasting some multiples of 7!

plugin-container2015-01-0815-04-48-75_zpsa027dcf5Play Angle Attack and become the BEST angle degree expert in space while blasting away those evil aliens… before they get YOU!

plugin-container2015-01-0815-01-07-56_zpsb69a195dUse your subtraction knowledge to tame that wild alien in Alien Wrangler. Try getting 133600 points so you can unlock the special PURPLE alien!

Which game will YOU plan on playing to beat Max’s New Year Challenge? Let us know in the comments with your high score goals!

Check out the Math Academy!

Math Academy

Hey Blasters! While you’re on Holiday break from school, why not spend some time in the Math Academy? There’s tons to do, since it’s the place to go to play awesome games like Zapper and Hyperblast! Keep reading for more information about the different games and features in the Math Academy!

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Make Your Pod Out-of-This-World Cool!

Hey Blasters! How much time do you spend in your Pod? It’s where your Blaster goes to relax after intergalactic adventures and spend time with your Mutt, so it should feel like home! We recently redesigned one of our Blaster’s pods… Check out the transformation below!

MB BeforeBefore… This is probably a lot what your pod looks like. Cool, but could be better, right?

MB After

After… We spent some hard-earned credits decking out our pod with our favorite colors and new items! Remember, you can increase your earning potential around the space station by simply playing our learning games! Want to learn how we managed this out -of-this-world restyling? Keep reading…

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Halloween Math Activities

Photo by poppet with a camera, ©2014 Some rights reserved. Licensed by Creative Commons Public Works License

Photo by poppet with a camera, ©2014 Some rights reserved. Licensed by Creative Commons Public Works License

Halloween is in full effect all around us, so why not pull some spooky inspiration into your child’s math learning? Break up the routine of worksheets by incorporating some spook-tacular Halloween fun into new and exciting activities. Depending on your child’s math skills, try one (or more) of the activities below!

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Worksheet of the Week

More Numbers Make it Fun! - Free Printable Math Worksheet for 3rd Grade

Show the Ooze Who’s Boss

To be a skilled Intergalactic Space Station Blaster, every Cadet must fine tune their problem solving efforts on top of quick reflexes. Oozami is the perfect training course to put your math skills and response times to the ultimate test! Climb to the top unscathed as you race against time to answer math problems that will unlock the chamber doors to freedom and away from the toxic ooze! Here are some tips and tricks that will help you conquer the obstacles in Oozami!

Escape the ooze - The most important thing to remember while training in Oozami is to never touch the ooze! So be careful as you jump from one platform to another in your search for the correct answers.

Click here for more Oozami Tips and Tricks!


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