Take a Look at These 4 Impressive Pods

“Hi Blasters! Max and GC are reporting LIVE from our monthly Pod Tours! If you have not been keeping tabs on this special monthly event, Pod Tours are when we travel throughout the Spaceport and check out some of the coolest, most uniquely designed rooms that we encounter. This is one of our favorite times of the month, as we always see such great spaces that really show your awesome creativity! Take a look below at our top picks for the month!

Max’s Picks:

Ashley NeonLaser
1Sometimes, it can be a challenge for Blasters to really use the most of their Pod space. There are so many things you can buy at the store, but it feels like there is just too little space to place all of your favorite things! Ashley really seems to understand the flow of her Pod and made a layout that allowed for her to section off a special place for her living room. Such an eye for functionality is truly a game changer when it comes to our Pod Tour picks. We salute you, Ashley!

James ZanyZodiac
2While James may be one zany Blaster, his taste in design is very simple and sophisticated. This Pod keeps its style classy and clean. At the same time, I appreciate his consistency in color choice, as this orange and neon blue Pod brings a splash of the future to an overall timeless style.

GC’s Picks:

Emma CosmicSatellite:
3If there is one color we love here at Spaceport, it is that wonderful slime green. As you may have experienced while exploring the Math Academy, this green is the same color as the bubbling, oozing slime of Oozami. For a Blaster to choose such a color scheme in decorating is a bold, yet fitting tribute to this thrilling game. I also appreciate the blend of the future decorations with the traditional. Emma was able to put in a very rustic bed, yet it does not look slightly out of place with her more hi-tech furniture.

Tom GemEarth:
4We can admit it is a challenge bringing a sense of coziness to your Pod, especially with so many futuristic options in our store. However, Tom totally pulled this off and brought his Pod back down to earth. The warmth coming from his design would make even the most homesick Blaster feel at ease.

Well, that is it for August’s Pod Tours! We hope you appreciated looking at these awesome Blaster Pods as much as we did! With some of these rooms, did you strike up inspiration for decorating your own Pod? Which of these Pods did you like the most? Discuss our picks in the comments below, and if you are feeling particularly confident about your own Pod designs make sure to send them our way! We will definitely keep them in mind for our September Pod Tours!

Max and GC’s July Pod Tours

Greetings Blasters! Have you decorated your Pod recently? We can all get super busy completing our favorite Math Academy games and trying to save the entire I.S.P. from aliens and asteroids. When you need a moment to step away from the heat of your missions and trainings, giving some extra flash to your Pod can help lighten things up here in space. To help give you some ideas for decorating your room, GC and I toured the halls of Spaceport once again to show you some of the brightest Pods of the month! Read below to see both GC and my picks!

Max’s Picks:

Alex DarkMoon
1Alex has turned his Pod into a full-on throne with these torches! This is a pretty fascinating set-up that is sure to ward off any Alien intruders!

Maya DarkSun
2Maya’s sports-themed Pod is an absolute touchdown in my book! We might not have your traditional earthling sporting events up here in Spaceport, but this room makes you feel as though you are always at your favorite sports arena.

GC’s Picks:

Steph EmeraldBlackhole
Steph’s room is all decked out in Spaceport’s favorite color… Green! Even if we weren’t biased for our love of greens, we were very impressed with her knack for organization. The placement of her desk, bookshelf, and plants really opens up the space in her Pod!

Robert OmegaFire
4Robert’s room is simple, but feels very well thought out. I love how the carpet matches the bed and chairs! I cannot help but also admire the large TV right in the middle of his room! As a big television fan myself, I appreciate a Blaster that keeps their TV in clear view so as to not miss a thing in their favorite Spaceport shows!

Well, this concludes our Pod Tours for the month of July! Are you particularly proud of the awesome room decorations you set up in your Pod? Send us a screenshot in the comments below and we would be happy to feature it in next month’s Tours!

Get Inspiration from June’s Pod Tours!

“Greetings, Blasters! It is that special time of the month where GC and I go exploring through the halls of the I.S.P. to search for the best decorated rooms on ship! So many of you Blasters have such an excellent eye for design, it is very impressive. However, GC and I could only pick two Pods each… So we really had to give our decisions a ton of thought and choose the ones that showed off the personality of the Cadet that resides there. Are you ready to take a look?

GC’s Picks:

pod1On the left: Samantha SilverSky
When I first entered this Pod, I felt like I had been transported to a completely different planet! Samantha had turned her Pod into an underwater forest. I had so much fun exploring all of the fun decorations she hid between the purple trees. Samantha really knows how to turn a Pod into an adventure, and for that I had to feature hers in this month’s Pod Tours.

On the right: John GoldenSun
While Samantha made sure to fill her Pod with fun things to explore, John GoldenSun chose to go a more minimal route with decorating his Pod. Everything is so well displayed, John must know exactly where to find his favorite items when he heads back here after a long day of Red Alert missions. John, I applaud you for your excellent organization!

Max’s Picks:

pod2On the left: Holly FunnyJet
This Blaster gave their Pod a really awesome look by blending together two of their favorite things: hearts and nature. This luxurious bed really stands out amid the floral-print floor. Also, it is so great that Holly keeps the room tied together by matching her dresser and table with the pink bed!

On the right: Steve WarpNeptune
Looks like this Blaster is a bit of a history buff! Steve takes us away from our state-of-the-art Spaceport and transports us back to some much simpler times. While the entire look might not be totally consistent with the prehistoric era, we certainly enjoy that he blends some modern inventions (such as lights) with his makeshift dino bed. Excellent work, John!

Now that you have seen some really awesome Pods, are you excited to start re-decorating your own? Make sure to play your favorite Math Academy games while strengthening your math skills so you can earn Credits towards having the best Pod ever! Afterwards, take a screenshot and post it below so we can feature it in next month’s edition of Pod Tours!

Make Your Pod Out-of-This-World Cool!

Hey Blasters! How much time do you spend in your Pod? It’s where your Blaster goes to relax after intergalactic adventures and spend time with your Mutt, so it should feel like home! We recently redesigned one of our Blaster’s pods… Check out the transformation below!

MB BeforeBefore… This is probably a lot what your pod looks like. Cool, but could be better, right?

MB After

After… We spent some hard-earned credits decking out our pod with our favorite colors and new items! Remember, you can increase your earning potential around the space station by simply playing our learning games! Want to learn how we managed this out -of-this-world restyling? Keep reading…

Continue reading

The New Tweeter Mutt has Arrived

Have you raised and released multiple Monster Mutts, but been wanting a different kind of awesome alien pet? Well, lucky for you, a new breed of Monster Mutt is now available in the Rescue Dome! Known as the Tweeter Mutt, you may have seen this little monster hanging out with GC in the past, but this is the first time that it will be available to all of you Blaster cadets.


To get this cute Tweeter Mutt, head over to the Larva Den to find a pink and purple colored larva and wait for it to choose you as its Blaster buddy. Once you and your Tweeter Mutt have bonded, take it to the Incubator and wait for it to grow. After a few hours full of anticipation, your mutt will be grown into a cute baby mutt! At this point, it will be your responsibility to feed, care for, and train your mutt as it grows. When it has aged enough, take your mutt to the MonsterMuttTrainingCenter to teach it new tricks and battle moves before it shows off its skills at games like Face-Off or Nebula Knockout.


You can even give your Tweeter Mutt a touch of style by shopping in the mutt store to find cool items that were designed just for them. There is a whole selection of Tweeter Color Kits to choose from that will give your mutt a unique look. Also, choose from a selection of fun toys and food to give your mutt the care it deserves! Once you have finished caring for, raising, and training your new mutt, head to the ShuttleBay to release it. Don’t fret, your Tweeter mutt will still be found on the back bench in your Mutt Pod, so you’ll still be able to see you alien pal whenever you’d like!

Head to the Larva Den today to find one of these cute Monster Mutts and be the first of your Blaster B.F.F.s to raise one of these unique Tweeters, today!

Mutt Pod of the Week 101

Each week, Blasters all over the Space Station are brought a new edition of the Math Blaster Times. You might have noticed a special section highlighting Max’s favorite Mutt pod, known as the Mutt Pod of the Week. Ever wonder how you could get featured in our newspaper with this coveted title? Here’s everything you need to know!


Top Mutt Pods always include a few awesome essentials. To get your Mutt Pod in ship shape for Max’s next visit, here’s a few tips for how you can grab his attention.

  • Multiple Mutts: Max loves seeing Blasters excel at raising and caring for our loveable Monster Mutts. He knows that skills like these take great discipline, so he when he can he always tries featuring pods that have a few extra mutts around.
  • Fun Floors & Furniture: Make your pods stand out by mixing and matching all kinds of vibrant colors and patterns. From couches and floors to mutt beds and other darling décor items, there is so much for players like you can use to make your space really stand out!
  • Spectacular Views: Blasters spend a ton of time in space, but that doesn’t mean that they want to stare off into space everyday. To really catch Max’s eye, mix in a few wonderful window views like our fun ocean theme which brings some of your favorite sea creatures directly to space!

Are you ready to impress Max with your Mutt Pod decorating skills? Start earning credits around the space station and you’ll be on your way to building the custom cool creation of your dreams!

GC and Max Revamped Their MuttPods

When was the last time you did some major redecorating in your own pod? Well, GC and Max recently did some of their own, because now their pods look cooler than ever before!

GC’s Muttpod

Have you been able to play Math Blaster frequently enough to earn yourself some credits? If so, head on over to the store to purchase new things for your pod! You can change the color or design of your floor if you feel like or you can even change the scenery outside the windows.

Max’s Muttpod

There are so many different colors, styles and shapes that you can experiment with as you decorate your mutt’s pod. Do you feel like changing the benches in the background? Or maybe, you would rather change the bed that your mutt sleeps on?

What do you think about GC and Max’s new pod redecoration? Which ideas do you think are the most stylish or interesting? Let us know how you decorate your Muttpod, and what types of additions you have made to it!


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