How Far are You with Max’s Marvelous Missions?

We are halfway into the week of Max’s Marvelous Missions. How many challenges have you completed? Which ones have you enjoyed the most? Was it climbing the rock wall or racing your friends at the Galaxy Grand Prix? Did you find any tasks to be particularly challenging? Maybe it was reaching a fifth star on your Star Status or getting to the first boss in Hyperblast with a full health bar. Tell us about your progress on Max’s Marvelous Missions in the comments below!

Max's Mission Update

Mutt Pod of the Week 101

Each week, Blasters all over the Space Station are brought a new edition of the Math Blaster Times. You might have noticed a special section highlighting Max’s favorite Mutt pod, known as the Mutt Pod of the Week. Ever wonder how you could get featured in our newspaper with this coveted title? Here’s everything you need to know!


Top Mutt Pods always include a few awesome essentials. To get your Mutt Pod in ship shape for Max’s next visit, here’s a few tips for how you can grab his attention.

  • Multiple Mutts: Max loves seeing Blasters excel at raising and caring for our loveable Monster Mutts. He knows that skills like these take great discipline, so he when he can he always tries featuring pods that have a few extra mutts around.
  • Fun Floors & Furniture: Make your pods stand out by mixing and matching all kinds of vibrant colors and patterns. From couches and floors to mutt beds and other darling décor items, there is so much for players like you can use to make your space really stand out!
  • Spectacular Views: Blasters spend a ton of time in space, but that doesn’t mean that they want to stare off into space everyday. To really catch Max’s eye, mix in a few wonderful window views like our fun ocean theme which brings some of your favorite sea creatures directly to space!

Are you ready to impress Max with your Mutt Pod decorating skills? Start earning credits around the space station and you’ll be on your way to building the custom cool creation of your dreams!

Max and GC’s Blaster Challenge

There is a threat to the Spaceport, and Max and GC need help from your kids and their Blasters. Due to the high level of skill needed to properly protect the Space Station, they are recruiting a team of top Blasters from the I.S.P. To determine who is ready to take on the most difficult challenges around the Space Station, they are inviting your kids to top 5 different scores from games around the Space Station. Encourage them to keep learning with Max and GC’s Math Blaster challenge.


To prove their worthiness, Blasters must either match or earn more points than the scores posted below:

Zapper – 8500 points
B-Force Blaster – 20,000 points
Bolt Cruncher – 16,000 points
Oozami – 4000 points
Roller Ball Rally - 1000 points

Do you have what it takes to be one of the top Blasters around? See if you can finish Max and GC’s challenge in the next two weeks, and become one of the ultimate Math Blasters.

Spruce Up Your Mutt Pod for Max and GC

Max and GC are getting into the spring cleaning spirit and want to see other Blasters’ progress on their mutt pods. How does your mutt’s pod look? After a long, cold winter, chances are your mutt’s pod may not be the cleanest it has ever been so take advantage of this opportunity to clean, rearrange, and redecorate your mutt’s home for the chance to be featured in an upcoming issue of the Math Blaster Times!


Is your mutt’s pod looking chaotic or disarrayed? What your mutt’s pod may be lacking is an eye-catching theme that brings everything together. Luckily, you can purchase a number of decorations, beds, couches, and more that can create a cohesive look. Try experimenting with different styles until you find one that you like or fits your mutt’s personality.


Working with different style combinations can be a fun activity, especially when you see how excited your mutt is with its new home. Invite your fellow Blasters to view your improved mutt pod and make sure to let Max and GC know about the fresh decorations. If they like what they see, your mutt’s pod may be featured in the Math Blaster Times!

Get Acquainted with G.C.

In the midst of running back and forth through the space station saving the galaxy, do you ever stop to think who is issuing the orders? It can be easy to overlook the space station’s leader, Galactic Commander, or G.C. for short. While she may be busy keeping the station running, organizing missions, and caring for the Monster Mutts, G.C. has tons of wisdom to give to new recruits and experienced Blasters alike. Take a moment to get acquainted with our fearless leader!

G.C. has been working alongside Max since his early days as a Blaster, giving him tips and guiding him to become the seasoned veteran he is today. She is not afraid to jump in on the action as she has personally assisted Max in a number of missions, including unlocking the secrets of the Lost City to save the Intergalactic Command Center and ending the Trash Alien’s reign of terror. G.C. returned to the space station to help care for the Monster Mutts that were transported there to protect them from the dangers of their home planet.


G.C. has all the characteristics of a great leader. She has a calm demeanor and is able to think quickly when danger threatens the galaxy. Like Max, she possesses incredible bravery and is unafraid to put herself in harm’s way if it means protecting others. G.C. is also very caring as seen in her friendship with Max as well as her love for the Monster Mutts.


Now that you have been acquainted with our leader, go ahead and get to know G.C. better next time you are in the space station. Go to her for exciting missions and updates or visit her own Mutt’s pod for some inspiration on decorating. With G.C.’s help, you can become an incredible Blaster just like Max some day!

Max and GC Release Their Mutts

Hey all you Blasters out there, how are your Mutts doing? Have you been taking care of them as diligently so that they can grow up big and strong, so you can release them later?

Max and GC have done just that, Blasters! Max recently released his Mutt, Dustin Beaker, and GC also released her own Mutt, Lady Rah Rah. Now, both Max and GC have started to raise new mutts.

GC has a new Space Griffin named Dark Space. This little Space Griffin has been steadily growing under GC’s care. Have you Blasters been keeping up with making sure your Mutts are happy, fed, and well-rested? Do you also notice Lady Rah Rah sitting on the sofa in the Muttpod?

Meet GC’s new Space Griffin — Dark Space

Scaly Scientist, Max’s new Ickasaur, seems very comfortable in his new home, right? Max has also been doing a great job of making sure that Scaly Scientist is growing up to fulfill his Mutt potential!

Meet Max’s new Ickasaur — Scaly Scientist

Max and GC have been making a lot of new changes to their Muttpods and Mutts. Have you Blasters got any new ideas of your own? Are you thinking about changing up the design of your Muttpod?

Continue to take care of your Mutts well, and soon enough you will be able to release them like Max and GC did for their own Mutts! Tell us about your Mutts; what did you name them, and why? Do you have any cool color kits you want to show off? Let us know!

GC and Max Revamped Their MuttPods

When was the last time you did some major redecorating in your own pod? Well, GC and Max recently did some of their own, because now their pods look cooler than ever before!

GC’s Muttpod

Have you been able to play Math Blaster frequently enough to earn yourself some credits? If so, head on over to the store to purchase new things for your pod! You can change the color or design of your floor if you feel like or you can even change the scenery outside the windows.

Max’s Muttpod

There are so many different colors, styles and shapes that you can experiment with as you decorate your mutt’s pod. Do you feel like changing the benches in the background? Or maybe, you would rather change the bed that your mutt sleeps on?

What do you think about GC and Max’s new pod redecoration? Which ideas do you think are the most stylish or interesting? Let us know how you decorate your Muttpod, and what types of additions you have made to it!


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