Monster Mutts Have Arrived!

The time has finally come Blasters! The Monster Mutt Rescue Dome is finished and is now home to tons of alien larvae looking for a new owner! In case your kids didn’t hear, we recently announced the arrival of some new alien pets called Monster Mutts. Now for some lucky members they are finally here!

Monster Mutt Rescue Dome

If your kids are members and would like to adopt their own, just have them head through the portal in the middle of the space station to find their very own Monster Mutt. These alien pets are very selective though, you don’t choose them, they choose you! That’s right, once in the Dome your kids will head into the Larva Den where one lucky alien will come pick them! Once they have their own alien larva, they must take it to the Incubator where it will grow into a unique alien species: a Grubble, Eye-Clops, or Ickasaur. When in the Incubator, your kids can choose to make their Monster Mutt either a boy or a girl. They can also add special crystals collected in the Dome to make their Monster Mutt comfortable as they grow. These Mutts need the perfect balance of light, temperature, and music to hatch quickly, so make sure your children use the crystals to keep your Mutt happy. And remember, the more attention your kids pay to their Mutt, the less time they have to wait for these cute larvae to become alien pets!


Make sure your kids take good care of their growing pet!

After Monster Mutts are born, Blasters get to name and care for their new pet. Raising one of these alien critters is no easy task though! Monster Mutts must be fed from the kiosk in the Dome, bathed in the Scrubber and put to bed in the Crib Bot. Yet most importantly, they love to have fun! Have your kids play games with their alien pets to keep them happy. But the Monster Mutt fun doesn’t stop in the Dome, Blasters! These loyal creatures will follow your kids throughout the space station on all their wacky adventures.


Use the Scrubber to keep Monster Mutts sparkly clean!

No worries though non-members, the Dome will be open to all you Blasters looking for a pet soon! So stay tuned because there is definitely more information coming on these special additions to the space station as they get more comfortable and begin to show off all the cool things they can do!

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147 Responses

  1. The Larvae wont come to me and it has been 20 mins in the larvae Den. Help!!!!!!!!!

    • Hi Megan! The larvae should come to you in less than a minute. Please try clearing your browser and Unity cache, exiting the game, and then going back in. Your Unity cache can be cleared by going here: This should help!

    • Maybe you should try again later if that’s really bugging you. Maybe those larvaes will want to be your friend later.

    • i want a moster mutt without membership because my parent won’t let me have membership.please may you help me

      • Hi Thomas! Unfortunately, Monster Mutts are only accessible to our members at this time. We are, however, constantly working with Max on bringing new features to Math Blaster that can be enjoyed by both our members and non-members. Be sure to check back here for more news and thanks for playing!

      • Does my mutt on monster mutt rescue app go on my computer?

      • Hello Blaster! Once you have downloaded the Monster Mutt Rescue app on your phone, you need to log in using your regular computer log-in information for Math Blaster! When you do this, your mobile account will also update your online account. Please let us know if you have any further questions, comments or concerns. Thank you!

  2. After this week will they go away?

    • Hi Nathaniel! No, the larvae and monster mutts are here to stay!

      • Then why does it say sneak peek for members this week only?

      • Hi Nathaniel! The sneak peek for members will last for this week only. After that, the Monster Mutt Rescue Dome will be available to all players.

      • Hi Nathaniel! We are having a special sneak peek for members before Monster Mutts are available to everyone. However, after the sneak peek ends, everything, including non-members, will be able to go into the Monster Mutt Rescue Dome and begin raising a larva of their own!

  3. Can you only raise 1 Monster mutt at a time?

  4. Here are my power-up tips for incubater:
    Use the lighted light bulb to raise the light and the dark light bulb to disincrease the light. Make sure the meter stays in the green! Also use the snowflake to cool the incubater down and the fire to make it more hot. Make sure it’s in the green! You don’t want to make your monster mutt ice cream or roasted alien! One music note power-ups make the music quieter. The three note power-ups make the music louder. Larvaes want the perfect laluby to make it grow so keep the meter in the green! You can find these power-ups in the Park. When you got the power-ups you need, go back to the Incubater to comfort your Monster Mutt. Note that growing a Monster Mutt from a larva takes a while. It can take 11 hours.

  5. Acually, it takes 12 hours, or less if you really take care of it alot the time will decrease 2 or 3 hours. That happened to me. I hope I get a Grubble! Why cant you pick the monster mutt and the color?

    • Hi Megan! Monster Mutts are very peculiar creatures and they attach themselves to the Blaster they feel the strongest bond with. They are extremely loyal creatures and once they have chosen you, they can become your very best friend.

  6. My mutt not growing?

  7. LOL I was hoping for a Grubble too but I ended up getting an Ickasaur. If your Larva’s color is green and yellow it’s most likely to be a Grubble. So check the color!

  8. I got a Grubble!

  9. Yep but my mutt not growing O_O

    • GC, is the timer in the Incubator decreasing in time?

      • Um, it’s passed the incubater and it’s an ickasaur and it’s not growing O_O

      • Hi - You have to keep taking care of your mutt so it will grow into a child. If it’s already grown, you’ll have to wait a little while until it’s ready to grow into a teen. We’ll let you know right here on the blog when the mutts are ready to grow into teens.

  10. It’s already an ickasaur.

  11. Hi MB People like me can take care of 2 or 3 mutt and mythies can you make it once you make a certain level you can raise 2 or 3.This would be great.Thank You for taking the time to read this.

    • What a great idea, Maya! Right now, the monster mutts and mythies need your full-time attention, though. Plus, once you raise and release them, you can have more!

  12. A larva won’t come to me!!

    • Hi, Jeremy FlurrySun - We’re sorry you’re having trouble getting a larva! Try exiting the Rescue Dome and going back in. If that does not work, please try exiting your game and then clearing your cache. Instructions for that are here.

  13. The game keeps freezing! Cleared unity Cache and still no help!

    • Hi, Sienna - We’re sorry you had trouble getting into the game! We think it’s fixed now, so please let us know if you try again and still can’t get in. Thank you for your patience!

  14. It worked. Thanks MB

  15. My Ickasaur, Brave Boom is now a child. Thanks MB!

  16. I LOVE YOUR WEBSITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS THE BEST GAME EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :D

  17. how will you know if the mutt picks you

    • Hi Hailey! When you enter the Larva Den, a larva should attach itself to you within 30 - 60 seconds of entering the room. This larva will follow you everywhere, including outside the Monster Mutt Rescue Dome. Make sure to put your larva into the Incubator, if you’d like to see it turn into a Monster Mutt child!

    • it will say” this mutt picked you.

  18. hey math blaster why do members get to go to monster mut dome first will th non members get to go in the monster mut dome

  19. My monster mutt grew but today it’s not growing into a teen :(

  20. Finaly my mutt grew into a teen. It’s annoying that the training areas are still under construction. I can’t train my mutt :(

  21. Hi, this is just a question not about the monster mutts..
    How do I get the Galaxy Grand Prix explorer trophy? Nothing I try gets me any medals.

    • Hi Leah! You get the Galaxy Grand Prix Explorer trophy by playing your friends’ tracks. However, you can only get this trophy if you are a member. Be sure to check out your bPad, as there are also plenty of other trophies you can earn!

  22. Also, something about the monster mutts: Maybe different colors/special powers could be available to higher levels? Just an idea, like the racecars in the Galaxy Grand Prix.

    • Hi Leah! That’s a great idea. I’ll be sure to pass it on to the game developers. Thanks for your input!

  23. My Monster Mutt is a teen? What do I do next???

    • Hi Nathaniel! Just be sure to play with your Monster Mutt and keep it happy! There are a few areas in the Monster Mutt Rescue Dome that are currently under construction, but they will be coming soon.

  24. hey math balster team i got an idea about the monster mutts u guys should later on have a monster mutt desin contest and the winners monster mut will soon u will be able to get that monster mutt

  25. I know, You just want money MB! Change it NOW!

    • Hi Sienna — We’re so sorry that you are upset about membership being required to raise a monster mutt. We do our best to provide quality content for free at However, our producers cannot live off of smiles alone, and in order to create the best content, we have to require membership for some content. We hope your you continue to play at

    • um hi i know you are upset but it is their job please dont be angry i would be to but if i learnt it was their job i would stop so just take a deep breath and play wat you can at least you can have a larva

  26. that not true its there job dont you know that for a fact

  27. what color larva does it have to be to be a grubble cause i have a yellow with a little bit of pink and and splat of blue so what is it gonna be?!!

    • Hi Jasmine - You’ll have to wait and see what your larva turns into! Take good care of it in the incubator and you will find out soon!

  28. are you people there!?

  29. ya its there job you can controll them you cant ask them!
    wow O_O buy the membership if your upset….

  30. can you get merits from that racing game (galaxy grand prix)

    • Hi Jacob - You earn merits from everything you do in MathBlaster!

      • me and my brother are mad because we dont no if mom gonna let us become a member are nonmember gonna be able to get mutts

      • Hi Ajianna! Unfortunately non-members are not able to raise full grown Monster Mutts, at this time. Our Monster Mutt features are only accessible to members, but you will be able to get and keep a larva as a non-member. If your mom would like to know more about our membership plan, she’ll be able to find additional info here: . Thanks for you interest in Math Blaster!

  31. can i swithch my mutt to a different planet i hate blizziard

    • Hi Jacob - You can choose to release your mutt to either planet, but once he’s there it’s his home and he won’t want to leave. You can always raise another mutt and release it to a different planet!

  32. im so so so so so so so so so so so sad i want a ickysuaras

  33. make it were you can get rid of mutts i want ickyasuarus i got the same thing grubble

    • Hi - The only way to get a new mutt is to raise and release your current one. When your grubble is all grown up and on his new planet, then you can go back and try to get a new one!

  34. hi mathblaster i love monster mutt thank you

  35. could you tell me today

  36. ngyvbyfcgcghvfvvfgvtvh

  37. I’m out of food for my monster mutt. How do I get more food?

    • Hi Christopher! To get more food for your monster mutt, just head over to the monster mutt resure port and in the park you’ll find a monster mutt food dispenser where you’ll be able to get food for your mutt. There is also a similar dispenser in the monster mutt training area. If you have any other question or have trouble finding the machines, feel free to ask. Max and the rest of our team here at Math Blaster would be more than happy to help. Thanks for playing!

  38. why does it take money to get a mutt

  39. why does it money to get a mutt i’m asking because I want one

    • Hi Jalend! Monster Mutt features are only accessible to our Math Blaster members. Without this memebrship policy, Max and the rest of the team here at Math Blaster would not be able to keep everything running for you and all our other blasters to use. We are truly sorry that you’re not able to get to raise a Monster mutt of your own, but just so you know, non-members are able to care for their very own larva. Try it out and let us know what you think!

      • cn u get gc’s mutt? CAUSE I VANT IT!

      • Hey, Lena! Thanks for playing Math Blaster! Every Blaster gets their own personal Mutts and GC’s Mutt is special because she spent light years raising it. Raise your own in the Larva Den today and you can have one just like Max and GC.

  40. i cant seem to get my larva into the incubator please help

    • Hi Braxon! What exactly seems to be the problem? Does the game freeze or slow? Please let us know more about what happens when you try to bring your larva to the incubator and we’d be more than happy to help. Thanks for playing Math Blaster!

  41. my child did have a larvae, but she put it to sleep and now she can’t get it back. she was very disappointed because now it wont let her get a new one. she thinks that her pet unchose her. what happened?

    • Hi Maya! We’re so sorry to hear that you’re daughter is having trouble waking her larva. The fact that she’s not able to get a new one makes me think that it’s actually still around as they don’t often abandon their owners. Please have her head back to Monster Mutt Rescue and into the Larva Den. While there, she should bring her blaster over ot the Larva House and select it by clicking down with her computer’s mouse. This should pull up a winndow asking if your daughter would like to wake her larva. Hit yes to wake it. Give this a try and if you’re still not able to access the larva, I’d be glad to look further into the problem with your account.Thanks!

  42. Wait so i have to pay to put my lavea in the incubeator? cause im helping my little brother and it keeps saying “have your parents become a member frist”

  43. Where do you put your monster mutt at stage 2 to sleep because I already tried the crib bot, the shuttle station with the dorms but I cannot get into the shuttle station and my computer is fine. Help me anybody who knows what to do comment or reply back to this comment.

    • Hi, Alex B.- To put your monster mutt to sleep, click on the monster mutt icon located on the far right side of your toolbar. You will be asked if you want your mutt to take a nap. If you click “yes,” your mutt will be sent to its mutt pod where you’ll be able to find it snoozing away.

  44. I put my Monster Mutt to sleep and now he won’t wake up. I’ve tried clearing the Unity cache, upgrading my Firefox browser, and every other trick — and still it won’t respond. Anyone else have this problem and found something that worked?

    • Hi, K Deutch! To wake your monster mutt up from his nap in the mutt pod, you will first need to visit GC’s mutt pod to get rid of all the space fleas and take care of her mutt. Then, return to your mutt pod to wake your mutt up from its nap.

  45. When i got my mutt it didnt let me name it and now it doesnt have a name! plz help i really want to name it. :(

    • Hi, Jessica- Unfortunately, you can only name a monster mutt when it first hatches. Take care of your current mutt and raise it to become an adult that is ready for release. Then, you will be able to get a new monster mutt and name it.

  46. How do i Get rid of the little mutt that follows me around As soon as i can ? please help me

    • Hi, Jakethemusk- Unfortunately, you cannot get rid of your monster mutt. You will need to care for it until it grows into an adult that is ready to be released. The more you care for it, the faster it will grow. If you don’t like your mutt following you around, you can send it home by clicking the icon with a picture of a mutt and an arrow located on the right side of your toolbar.

  47. I can’t get my daughter’s mutt out of her mutt pod. How do we do that?

    • Hi, Lauren- To get your daughter’s mutt out of its pod, you will first need to visit GC’s mutt pod, get rid of the space fleas, and follow the instructions for taking care of her mutt. Then, return to your own mutt pod and get rid of the space fleas there. After this, you will be able to take your mutt out of its mutt pod.

  48. i have an eye clops but when i play the special skills game i try my hardest, but you don’t give enough space in-between the obstacles. please fix this.

  49. one other question. now i know that this has nothing to do with the monster mutts,but i couldn’t find out how else to in form you. anyways i was trying to talk on math blaster, but it said i needed parent permission, and had to send an email. so i did. but we never received the email. we’ve tried a hundred times, but this never works. please help me with this issue.

    • Hi, Bob! Thanks for bringing this to our attention. It is quite unusual for this feature to act this way, so we are sorry for the inconvenience. Please know, that your parent will be able to adjust typechat settings on the account by simply logging into your account and clicking on the parent’s button at the top. From there, they’ll need to click on the “manage kids” button and input their password to enable/disable chat on the account. Thank you again and please feel free to contact us if you have any additional questions. Thanks for playing Math Blaster!

  50. thanks! i’ll try that

  51. […] and your kids can take the next step by adopting a larva from the Larva Den, located over in the Monster Mutt Rescue Dome. And, if they’ve already got one, then we’ve got some great news for them! Now, they can click […]

  52. can you use the crib bot? and if so how?

    • Thanks for playing, Lani! All you have to do is navigate over to the crib bot and click on it to wash your Mutt. If you want, you can also click on the Mutt itself and a popup menu will let you play with, feed and clean your Mutt too.

  53. hi i was so excited to send my pet away so i could get an eye-clops but when i went to get an eye-clops right when i was going to run and get the larva another larva crawled up to me its in the incubator but it is going to be an ickasaur how do i get rid of the larva i absolutely dont want it >:( :( :( :( :( :(

    • Hi, Lani. Unfortunately, you can only release your Mutt after you’ve finished raising them. That Mutt chose you for a reason though! Larva have a special bond to their Blasters and pick them because they can tell how good of trainers they are. Keep raising your Mutt so it will have all the skills to survive when you send him off and release it on another planet.

  54. how do i get gc’s mutt????????????????? HOOOWWWW!!!!!?????

  55. How do I get rid of my mutt? HELP!

    • Hi Sally, and thanks for playing Math Blaster. We hope you have enjoyed your time with your Mutt. If you are ready to release it, head over to the shuttle in the Training Center to release your Mutt to a different planet. You will always be able to visit your Mutt by going to the shuttle and can now pick a new Mutt if you’d like. We hope this helps!

  56. Will you ever see your mutt again if you make it enter shuttle?

    • Hi Chloe and thanks for playing Math Blaster! Of course you can see your Mutt again, all you have to do is pick the Mutt you want to see when you enter the Shuttle and you’ll be transported to that planet. From there, you can play, feed or just dress up your Mutt like you always do. Have fun playing with your Mutt!

  57. I dont want my larva can i release it?

    • Hi Chip! Unfortunately, your larva will have to be morphed first before you can release it as a Mutt. These Mutts need to be rescued and adopted though, so you should raise yours and train it so it can grow up. Your Mutt is going to be your Blaster’s best friend!

  58. hi umm are monster mutt available to everyon including non members ?

    • Hi, Nehla! Thanks for playing Math Blaster! Larvae are available to non members but they cannot grow into Monster Mutts unless you have a membership. If you can’t get a membership but still want to grow a mutt, you can download our mobile app “Monster Mutt Rescue”. With “Monster Mutt Rescue” you will be able to get our special app exclusive Monster Mutt called the Space Griffin. Here’s the link to Itunes if you decide you want it:

  59. hi

  60. hi how do you grow a larvae if you are a non meber plzzz i need you to respond

  61. i have a grubble.It is nearly on its last one. Because its on its 4 orange. Nearly on blue

    • Good job, Blaster! Keep on raising your mutt and watch it grow before your eyes. You’re doing such a great job, so keep on playing Math Blaster and having fun!

  62. how do you make your mutt a adult faster?

    • Hello Blaster!
      We understand that your mutt might be taking a long while to become an adult, but try and remain patient so that your mutt can grow in its own time! Keep on caring for them, and earn credits along the way as you even help care for other Blasters’ mutts. The mutts need some time to grow up and train, so keep on playing Math Blaster and have fun with everything as you learn. If you have any more questions, let us know about them!

  63. Ok peoples, just keep washing your mutt with the sponge, and switch your need meter to the growth progress, and watch your mutt grow before your eyes!

    P.S. A larva with a green body and yellow dots is a Grubble, a larva with a blue body with yellow and blue is an Ickasaur, and a larva with a
    blue body with pink is an Eye-clops.

  64. what is the name of GC’s pet. Its not the space griffon

    • Hello Blaster! GC’s released Mutt’s name is Lady Rah Rah. Please let us know if you have any further questions, comments or concerns. We hope you continue learning and having fun as you play Math Blaster!

  65. Hello! Please help me figure out how to get a *Griffin’s* Larva. Thank you!

    • Hello Blaster! In order to get the Space Griffin Monster Mutt, you must download the Monster Mutt Rescue mobile game. Once you have downloaded this game, you can log in with your regular email address and password. However, make sure that you either have released your previous Mutts or have no larva that you are currently taking care of. Please refer to this website for more information about the Monster Mutt Rescue mobile game:

      Thank you, and please let us know if you have any further questions or comments!

  66. math blaster i have a question well my space griffen went back to a larvea and then i renamed thinking i was on a differant acount what should i do!please reply.

  67. can you get rid of ur mutt

    • Hi Kyler, thanks for playing Math Blaster! You cannot get rid of your mutt, but once it is fully grown you can release it. Once you release it, it will hang out in your pod and you can raise a new mutt! Let us know if you have any other questions and thanks again for playing Math Blaster!

  68. how do I get my mutt out of my pod?

    • When your Mutt is in its pod, you can call it to your side by pressing the Call Pet button that appears in your menu bar. The button has the picture of a larva with a whistle.

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