With little alien larvae starting to pop up all around the Space Station, G.C. thinks it is time to tell your kids just how to take care of these super cool but rather delicate critters. An alien larva is a baby Monster Mutt. These larvae need special care so that they will grow up to be healthy, strong and ready to handle ISP adventures with your child’s Blaster. So here are some helpful tips on keeping your child’s larva happy and healthy while they are in the Incubator.
The Incubator will be the larva’s home until it is ready to pop out and emerge as a Monster Mutt child. Until then, the larva will relax in this warm bath that contains all the things it needs to grow and stay happy. However, since the larva will have to stay put in the Incubator, it is up to your children to make sure their larva has everything it needs.
The levels at the bottom will help you to see what your larva needs so that your larva stays happy. Larvae need the right amount of light, water that isn’t too hot or too cold, and music that is just the right volume and tempo. Your child should try to keep all the levels in the green zone; this is when the larva will be the happiest.
The clock on the side of the Incubator is a countdown to when the larva will grow into a Monster Mutt child. The more your kids care for their alien the faster the countdown will go.
Tell your kids to head to The Park to collect the crystals the larva needs to stay happy. The bar at the top will show your kids all the different types of crystals there are and how much of each crystal they have collected.
Once your kids have collected all the crystals they need, they can go back to the Incubator and drop them in. They can watch to see how the brightness of the room changes when they put in the different color light bulbs and how different songs start to play when they adjust the music. Your kids should put in just enough crystals to keep all the levels in the green zone.
Make sure your kids keep checking on their larvae so that they stay as happy as possible. The more they take care for their larva the faster it will grow!
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Filed under: Just for Fun Tagged: | Monster Mutts
I am level 15 but I look exactly like a level 10! Please, what is the difference?
Hi Leah, when you become a level 15, your boots will change and your arm and leg bands will change color. I hope that helps!
But my boots are the same, just blue, like a level 10.
please tell me where the monster dorms are
Hi Jennifer! The Monster Mutt Rescue Dome is located in the middle of the Space Station. Currently, there is a member only preview, but non-members will be able to access the Dome soon. Located inside the Monster Mutt Rescue Dome is the Incubator, the Crib Bot, the Park, the Scrubber and many more areas for your Monster Mutt!
My daughter has a mutt. She has been taking care of it. Now that the mutt has grown, she keeps being told “Your mutt is sleeping in the DORMS. You need to wake it up to enter.” She doesn’t know what to do or where to go and I can’t figure it out. Please help.
Thank you for your help. We found the monster Dorms and my daughter has her mutt.
I hear that woman tell me one more time “your mutt is sleeping in the dorms, you need to wake it up before you can enter ” I will go mad.
Please share where the dorms are?
Thank you :)
Where are the dorms? I really can’t find it , we are going crazy here! Same issue as Jennifer had.
It would be easier if there was a map of the layout like in the original jumpstart?
Hi Samantha, I’m sorry you’re having difficulty finding the dorms. To find it, enter The Park and go to the Training Center. When you enter, to your immediate right and left, there are ramps leading down. Take one of these ramps. When you reach the bottom of the ramp, turn around and there will be a portal for The Dorms. I hope that helps!
Hello, mathblaster this is Amir it would be nice if you could give out a free membership for people who do’nt have enogh money to buy a membership or a free trail every year. Some people around the world cry thereself to sleep because they do not have a membership its so sad. Im not just saying this to make you all feel bad, but some people look into the cute little monster mutts eyes and cry. I love mathblaster & jumpstart you should atleast try to make players work hard to get a free year membership (for people who can’t afford money) insteed of leaving them there having hopeless dreams of getting their own little creature to take care of.
Hi Amir. Thank you for your input. We are sorry that you are disappointed that only members can raise a Monster Mutt. Unfortunately, our producers cannot live off of smiles alone, and in order to create the best content, we have to require membership for some content. However, Math Blaster offers plenty of other great free content we hope you enjoy. We hope you continue to play at MathBlaster.com.
How many larvae can you have? Just one?
Hi Jasmine — Yes, you can only have one larva at a time. Once the larva has grown into an adult Monster Mutt, you can always release it to either Blizzard or Avatarus. After releasing the mutt, you can always get a new larva.
Hi math blaster my kid has been getting the eyeball mutt six times in a row he is really getting upset is there a possible way to choose what mutt you get and also the option to change the gender in the incubator is not working either so please comment to help thanks ,Luke
Hi Luke! The type of mutt your child gets is actually determined by the color larva they pick up in the Larvae Den. If your child keep getting the same colored larva they will end up getting the same type of Monster Mutt once they take it to the Incubator. As for the option to change your Mutt’s gender, this does not seem to be affecting our other players-could you please respond back with your son’s Blaster name along with your account email address so we can help fix this bug? Thanks!
i’m taking good care of my mutt but its not growing what i’m gona do now?
and why?
It says to mourph my larva into a monster mutt, how do i do that without being a member? Is there a way? Please help! Im going to freak out!
Hi, Emily- Unfortunately, morphing your larva is a member-only feature. There are other exciting games and features you can use as a non-member too! For instance, you can enjoy the newest additions to the Math Academy, Risk It and Ice Cubed!
Thank you,
How much does it cost to become a member, and is it a good website? Does it tend to mess up your computer?
Hi, Emily! There are 3 options for purchasing a membership. You can purchase a monthly membership for $7.99, a year membership for $74.99 or a lifetime membership for $149.99. It is a completely safe and fun website! Let us know if you have any other questions regarding membership. We hope to see you in the Math Blaster galaxy soon!
[…] can eat a bowl of larva food available from the shelf to the right of the Incubator. Go ahead and have your kids try it out! If their larva has enough food and play time, its […]
[…] was just not right; some of them were missing! He collected them all into the corner near the Incubator and started to count them all. He started with 50 and put 40 of them aside. There are 20 more […]
Where is the dome I keep on getting a griffin but I want a grubble I resister so many time but I don’t know how to get to the park or training center or the domes. P.s what are the stars for in the backround.
Devin, the Monster Mutt Rescue Dome is located in the center of the Space Port right next to Max. From there, you can go straight past GC to get to the Park and then when you’re in the Park, the Training Center will be on the left. Let us know if you’re still confused or need help.
how to get a griffin
Hello Blaster! We apologize, but the griffin is currently only available through the Monster Mutt Rescue app, which is available on iTunes. Download the app for free, and you can get your griffin mutt today!
Right now I have a Eye-clops but I’d rather have a grubble? How can I change my mutt into a grubble?
Hi Shannon, and thanks for playing Math Blaster! In order to get a Grubble, you’ll have to finish raising your Eyeclops to an adult then release it. Make sure you feed and train it well though, adopting a Mutt is not an easy task and should be taken very seriously. When you’re ready, go ahead and release your Eyeclops at the shuttle and adopt a new larva from the Monster Mutt Rescue Dome. We hope this helps!
Hi it’s me again! I’m just wondering if your mutt has all of it’s health down.
math blaster can you tell me how to relese mut griffin
Hello Emerald! In case you did not see the response we posted to your previous comments, we want to apologize for the delay in our response. We would be more than happy to look into your account for you, but could you please clarify which “child” you are using for your account? The shuttle bay is definitely the correct place to be if you want to release your mutt. If you could let us know which account you are using, we would love to help you and try and resolve this issue together! Please let us know of any details, questions, or concerns you have. Thank you for your patience, and thank you for playing Math Blaster!
oh hey its me again i also want to know what happens if you dont feed, play, or dont take care of your larve. Will it leave or what will happen
Hi Saad, you will have to take your larvae to the Incubator in order to turn it into a mutt. After that, your fellow Blasters will be able to assist you in taking care of your mutt by going to your pod and cleaning/feeding it! No worries, your B.F.F.s will help you take care of your little mutt when you are not around!
I have 2 kids on my account. The second started up and has her mutt (in larva form) she can not get into the incubator and she did not start in there?? How can she get in to get her larva transformed into a kid?
Thank you.
Hello. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Hatching your larva into a mutt requires membership so we just want to confirm that you have membership on your account. If so, could you please email us at gaming@jumpstart.com with your registered email address and a description of the issue you encountered? Your information will remain confidential. Thank you.
Dear Math Blaster, I’m trying to get to level 30 but I’m afraid there may not be enough achievements for me to actually get there. Are there any other good ways to get merits?
Hi Joshua - Awesome job with moving up the ranks! A great way to earn merits is to unlock achievements. Use your bPad located on your Math Blaster tool bar and pull up the menu listed under “Achievements”. You can browse through all the many ways you can earn more merits! Hope you enjoy this mission to unlock these achievements to get you well on your way to rising up to the next rank!
My daughter really wants a griffin. She plays mathblaster on our computer. Is there a way she can get a griffin. We have a paid membership, but it seems all mutts are still not available to us.
Hello Tomeka — to get a Griffin, you have to download and play the Monster Mutt Rescue app. From there, you will be able to access your Space Griffin on the Math Blaster website.
My monster mutt will not grow its on the last stage till adult but it will not grow i have trained it for 3 days also
Can you please send us your account email and kid name associated with the account these issues are on. We will look into this problem for you.
my mutt is on the last level and everything and it wont let me realese it
Hi Tyler, can you tell us what message you are getting when you head to the release area? You should be able to take a space shuttle to other planets to release your Mutt.
Soi got the app and i got the griffin and everything, but is there a way to make it so on my computer i can play with my griffin? I have been trying to fiqure this out for a looong time since 2013. Please help!
Hello Bone! I’m so sorry to tell you that the Space Griffin is no longer in MathBlaster. If you’re still looking to play with the Gryphon, we JUST released him as a Mythie on JumpStart! Read here to learn all about the brand-new Mythie in the Enchanted Sanctuary: http://blog.jumpstart.com/2015/01/10/breaking-news-the-griffin-has-flown-into-jumpstart