How Many Can Your Kids Snatch?

After a Monster Mutt has been rescued and has grown from a larva to a Monster Mutt child, your kids can start to play games with their new companions. One of the games they can play together is Snatch-It, which is located in The Park.


Your kids and their Monster Mutts must collect as many items as they can before time runs out!

Your children and their Monster Mutts will race against the clock to collect as many items as they can. Some items are worth more points, so make sure they have a strategy. Bronze colored items are the easiest to collect. These items are worth 100 points each. The point value increases as the items become more difficult to collect. Silver items are located both in and outside the water and are worth 200 points each. Gold colored items can only be collected above the water. Gold items are worth 400 points.

Your children can show off their skill in Snatch-It’s challenge mode. Your child and their Monster Mutt will team up to race against an opponent and their Monster Mutt to see who can collect the most items. See who can Snatch-It first!

Have your kids taken their Monster Mutts to Snatch-It?

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16 Responses

  1. Hey Mathblaster! I got an idea! How about when there are Red Alerts us blasters can go on hypercycles to help save the station. Oh! one more thing! I think us blaster should have rooms that we can sleep in. And in our rooms we can have bookshelves and we can type in the names of the books we want on our bookshelves. Please respond as soon as you can. Thanks! Your friend Chris GalacticNebula

  2. Hi! I am Lily SilverMoon on Math Blaster, right now I have first place on the snatcher game with 6000 points! I remember seeing that you get extra merits or something for making the score list, but that has never happened to me.

    Also, I am level 16 but I can only say I am a Private Blue or something, because that’s the highest it goes up to on the chat thing where you can say what rank you are. I think that needs to be updated!

    • Congrats on being first place in the Snatch-It game! Getting on the top scores list will get you more points, and more points lead to more merits. Keep playing games and you will be sure to gain even more merits. Also, thanks for the suggestion about updating the chat. I will be sure to pass that along.

  3. When you release your Mutt, will you get to see it like in flight school in jumpstart?

    • Hi Chris - Yup! After your Mutt is released you can take a shuttle back to his home planet and visit whenever you want!

  4. hey i was wondering will there be more monster mutts to choose from later on in math blaster?

    • Hi Rebecca! There is a definite possibility that more Monster Mutts may be discovered later on. After all, we don’t know everything there is to know about the planet that the Monster Mutts came from! Keep an eye on the blog and we’ll let you know about any new changes to Math Blaster.

  5. oh and also mb why did u change the name from monsaruous to monster muts? just wondering

    • Hi Rebecca! After getting to know the Monster Mutts a little bit better, they let us know they would prefer to be called Monster Mutts rather than Monsaurs. I hope you are enjoying the Monster Mutt Rescue Dome and rescuing your own alien larva friend!

      • yes i am but i wished that all blasters could rasie thri mutts fulll grown and relese them i hot an idea mb how about u guys can have member ship but all blasters can fully rasie thrir larva into mutts then rlese them goood idea right

  6. How long will it take to hatch from a larva to monster mutt to play snatch it?

  7. How do you earn merits?

    • Hi Devin! To earn merits you need to participate in some of our training activities to strengthen your blaster and move up in rank. Thanks for playing!

  8. […] soon as they get a Monster Mutt, they can start to play new games with their new companions. Give Snatch-It a try, just head over to The Park and they can race against the clock to collect as many items as […]

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