Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day to all our Blasters across the galaxy! Today is the perfect day to show others how much they mean to you whether you are handing out cards and candy at school, enjoying a Valentine’s Day-themed party with friends and family, or simply spending your time in the company of loved ones. How do you spend Valentine’s Day? Do you have a favorite Valentine’s Day meal you love to eat every year? Perhaps your family has a tradition like watching a beloved Valentine’s Day-themed movie? We want to hear about all the exciting things you do!

Math Blaster

Take the time to let your B.F.F.s know how much they mean to you today. Hang out in the space station and reminisce of your favorite activities together, play games and protect the galaxy side by side, or throw a Valentine’s Day pod party and invite everyone in on the fun! While Valentine’s Day may be a holiday that’s celebrated on planet Earth, you can make the festivities intergalactic by bringing some Valentine’s Day love to the space station.


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