Have you seen this week’s screenshot of the week? The spectacular shot has been up on the Math Blaster homepage and has been featured in game on one of our very own loading screens. Max wanted to take some time to congratulate the winner, Jasmine RicketyMillion, and thank all of you Blasters and your parents for sending in the great screenshots! Check out her winning shot, featuring the our popular Red Alert game:
Looks like Jasmine is always ready to take on new challenges around the Space Station. After all, you never really know when a Red Alert alarm will sound. With the help of Blasters like you and Jasmine RicketyMillion the Space Station has remained safe from even the most sudden of attacks.
Keep up the great work Blasters. Max loves seeing Blasters like you show off your skills when he is picking the Screenshot of the Week.
Filed under: Family Fun, Parents and Kids, Technology and Kids Tagged: | Math Blaster, screenshot, What's New
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