Game of the Week: Risk-It

MBGoTW-RiskIt2With a summer’s worth of Math Academy practice under your belt, it is time to put your new math skills to the test! Where else can you show off your mathematical genius better than in Risk-It? In this game, you can use your knowledge to answer questions about various math topics and earn BIG rewards! However, there is one catch. If you happen to get a question incorrect and you risk too many Credits, all of your new points will be lost! That just means you have to be extra confident with each answer you give. So do you think you are up for the challenge? Head in to Risk-It and play the measurement category for this week’s Blaster Mission!

Kitchen Math: No Bake-Cookies

No-Bake cookies help us avoid the stress of working an oven with our little helpers in the kitchen, so we and our children can focus more on the fun side of baking. One way we liven up our baking recipes is by teaching our child the value of measurements when pouring our batter. Since we want all our cookies the same size, now is a great opportunity to teach your child about inches. That way, they have a good sense of how much batter to pour out for each cookie and they get a started on some geometry!

"no-bake cookies" by Melissa Hiller ©2012. Some rights reserved. Licensed by Creative Commons Public Works License

“no-bake cookies” by Melissa Hiller ©2012. Some rights reserved. Licensed by Creative Commons Public Works License

What you’ll need:
1/2 cup butter (1 stick)
3/4 cup honey
2 tablespoons cocoa
1/2 cup milk
3 cups oatmeal
1/2 cup peanut butter (or any kind of nut/cookie butter if your child has allergies)
1 tsp. vanilla
Before you begin, make sure your Blaster knows their measurements! Bring out a ruler so that they can really understand the length of an inch and foot. For your middle school student, feel free to add in some lessons about diameter and circumference of a circle!

1.Mix together the honey, cocoa, butter, and milk.
2.Warm on medium heat.
3.Let ingredients boil for a minute and add the other ingredients .
4.Once the pot has had a chance to cool, let your Blaster spoon out the batter. Have them measure out cookies that are 2 inches long onto wax paper.
5. Let the cookies cool enough to harden.

Enjoy your cookies! Keep them refrigerated so they do not spoil. You can even include some math problems after you finish cooking. Ask them how many cookies would you have to lay out to make a foot and have them measure with a ruler to check their answer! As a reward, let them embark on some Red Alert missions with their tasty treat.

Kitchen Math: A Recipe for Super Bowl Sunday

With Super Bowl Sunday fast approaching, many of you will round up family and friends to watch the big game. More often than not, this means preparing for some seriously hungry guests. Why not approach the party planning differently this year and get the little ones involved while you’re at it? Better yet, you can turn this opportunity into a math lesson in the kitchen by encouraging your kids to help with measuring out the ingredients or adjusting the recipe to fit the number of guests that you will be hosting!

Photo by Evan Bench

When the game begins, your little learners will be so excited to serve up the delicious snack that they helped to make. To get started on making an out-of-this-world dip, here is a simple and stellar kid-friendly recipe for guacamole dip.

Click here for ingredients and instructions!

Worksheet of the Week



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