Worksheet of the Week

Percentage Printable – Percentage Worksheet for Kids - Math Blaster

The Fly on the Wall

It is easy to dismiss their presence and want to overlook the pesky circling of fruit flies, but these little organisms are actually more complex than they might look. In fact, researchers have recently been studying these bugs to come to a better understanding of their thought process. A team of neuroscientists have observed fluctuations in the time they take to process information before acting on a decision to hypothesize that they actually take a longer amount of time to make what scientists have determined as more difficult decisions.

Photo by: USDAGov

Are these tiny pests of a heightened intelligence than we might have initially thought? That is exactly the question that researchers are hoping to answer as they delve further into their studies. So how exactly are they testing the flies’ decision making skills? Like with any experiment they create a controlled environment testing certain variable options. More specifically they encase the flies in a narrow compartment, pitting two concentrated scents on both ends of a spectrum to see where the flies end up.

As for measuring the difficulty of the decision, scientists varied the distance between the concentrated scents. The closer the concentrations were, the longer the flies took to differentiate and identify to which area they preferred to fly. The consistency of the results, allowed them to conclude that there are links in the system which humans use to make decisions and that of these flies, which is all connected to the FoxP gene. Needless to say, there is more to these flies than meets the eye!

Crew Tournament: Congratulations…

Congratulations to the Gold Starz! You have come out on top of our first-ever Crew Tournament. After each round of competition, this elite level group of Blasters has managed to rack up the most number of Trophies by completing all kinds of math challenges in the Academy, which is no easy feat. Great job, Blasters!


Next time you speed through the tunnels at HyperBlast, you will have access to the tournament prize, your custom cool Pirate theme HyperCycle. Check into the space station now to check it out!

Free Educational Resources for Kids

With all the different topics kids learn in school, some subjects may be tougher than others to master. This is where extra practice can yield big results from your littlest learner to your oldest student. Worksheets are a great way to exercise various subjects and a great resource for parents who want to give their kids a boost in specific school subject areas. Give your kids a breath of fresh air from the routine subject drilling they experience at school with these fun and free worksheets that will allow your kids the freedom to further develop their learning.

World of Percentage - Printable Math Worksheet

can be a tough subject for kids to master, but by learning this subject in a fun way, your kids will find reason to excel. From addition to geometry or from kindergarten through the 7th grade, Math Blaster has stimulating Math Worksheets to fit your child’s needs.

Science is an essential subject that children start to learn of at a very early age. By encouraging them to understand scientific concepts through JumpStart’s, fascinatingly fun science worksheets designed for pre-k learners on through 5th graders. Your child will learn important problem solving and critical thinking skills.
Click here for more educational resources!

Worksheet of the Week


Calling All Blasters: The Crew Tournament is On!

Are you ready for an out-of-this-world adventure? Max and the Math Blaster team are officially kicking off the start of our month long Crew Tournament! If you haven’t already done so be sure to join one of our growing numbers of Crews or start yours on group of stellar math blasting Cadets.

This Math Academy competition might sound easy, but only the best and brightest Blasters will be able to take home our top prize - a NEW and never-before-seen HyperCycle! Trophies take into account how well you do in any of the Math Academy games. So play each game as much as possible to bring big TROPHIES to your Crew. Remember this bracket style tournament faces you off with one other Crew for each consecutive round of weekly play. And, all you need to do is play games in the Math Academy to start earning as many awesome accolades as possible!

Math Academy

Crew Trophies will be averaged out by the number of Blaster cadets in your Crew, so this is a challenge that is all about working with your in-world friends! For more details and the official schedule, review last week’s official announcement post and check back regularly as we update you on the current tournament standings here on the blog and social media sites like Facebook, Google+, and Twitter!

Crew Tournament: Prepare for Take-Off!

Are you ready to stand with your fellow Cadets or have you already taken the initiative to join a Crew or create one of your very own? Our first ever Crew Tournament is flying into Math Blaster! Max and the team are hosting a 4-round, bracket style tournament with a high stake prize on the line - a never before seen HyperCycle for you to use while racing through the tunnels in HyperBlast!


It’s time to start sharpening your math skills because when it comes to out-of-this-world competition, what matters most is your accuracy and determination to come out on top! Here’s how this galactic mission will be broken down -

  • Location: Math Blaster’s Math Academy
  • Your Mission: Join or create a Crew to begin earning as many Trophies as
    possible in the Math Academy. Remember, the more you learn,
    the more you’ll earn! After all, this is the area of the Space Station where you will earn trophies for completing in action packed learning games.
  • How it works: For each weekly round of the tournament, your Crew will go head to head against another group of Blasters to determine who will advance to the following round with the exception of the first week, which is considered pool play. In the first round, your Crew will be competing against groups of Blasters from your assigned division. From round to round, we will be determining the top Crews to advance as you face off against 1 other Crew until we are down to our top 2 Crews, who will battle it out in the final round of competition! Remember, only Trophies earned during a specific round of play will count toward your tournament standing. If you advance to the next round your scores will be erased and you and the Crew that you face off with next will both start at the same Trophy average of 0.To determine scores, at the end of each weekly round of play, Max and the team will be averaging out the number of Trophies that your Crew has earned by the number of members that are part of your Crew. Your score will ultimately determine if you are able to advance to the next round until we are down to our top 2 Crews who will battle it out in the last week of competition to claim the title as our first ever Math Blaster Crew Tournament Champions and bring home a never before seen HyperCycle.

    Remember, each week of competition will be active starting at 2PM PST - 12 Noon PST, the following Monday. Also, to keep things fair, each Crew’s Trophy count will be brought back to “0” at the start of each round.

  • Schedule: 4 rounds of competition, lasting from 03/03 - 03/30
    03/03-03/09: First Round Pool Play
    03/10-03/16: Second Round – Top 8 Crews
    03/17-03/23: Semi-Finals – Top 4 Crews
    03/24-03/30: Finals – Top 2 Crews
    03/31: Winning Crew Announced

From top scores and achievements to an increase in rank and a few newly earned merits, there are so many ways for Blaster Cadets like you to show off their individual strengths while training in the I.S.P.! But, now is the time to prove your ability to work as part of a larger team! Start gathering your fellow Cadets for our upcoming tournament, today!


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