Where is Sean SpeedySpace? – Photo Challenge #2

UPDATE: Max finally found Sean SpeedySpace on Planet Avatarus! Thanks to all the Blasters who helped in the search to track him down!

Last week we posted our very first Math Blaster photo challenge and your kids correctly guessed where Sean SpeedySpace was hiding! This week’s photo challenge might be a little more challenging.

Sean SpeedySpace

Sean SpeedySpace

For those kids that aren’t familiar with Sean SpeedySpace, he is a blaster that is hiding around the Space Station. Max is asking for everyone’s help in locating him. All Max has to go on is one picture, but he can’t quite figure out where Sean Speedy Space is hiding!

If your kids know where Sean SpeedySpace is, have them leave a detailed description of the location in a comment. Will your child be the first to correctly guess where this photo was taken?

Here is the latest place that Sean SpeedySpace has been hiding.


Do your kids know where Sean SpeedySpace is?

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18 Responses

  1. Mathblaster today i just finishd trainign my mutt but when it was time to relese it the blue screen popt up but G.C did not say it was time to relese it. please respond!!!

    • Hi Jasmine - Your Mutt must be a fully trained fully grown adult to be ready for release. He probably still has growing up to do!

  2. is he next to the shuttle to jumpstart on the left

  3. Sean SpeedySpace is in the Academy where there are 3 platforms and he is on the 1st one that is closest to the readyroom and the little waterfall and he is facing out the big window where you can see those yellow squares. Right when you walk in the platforms are on the right. The platforms are right beside a pink and blue plant garden and a pink and green tree.

  4. i agree with you megan

  5. I think he is on the 4th platform.

  6. the 3rd platform!

  7. Yay, was I the first?! If so I’m so happy!!

  8. When are you going to do the third one i cant wait

  9. okay thanks :)

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