Blast Off With Rank 30

Blasters, do you want more ways to rank up and show your special, space cadet skills? Your chance is finally here, because Math Blaster has now created a Rank 30 so that you can fly to new heights in your cadet training at the Blaster Academy.

All of you Blasters are such hard workers, training away to defend the galaxy with the Intergalactic Space Patrol. Now, you have more recognition and ranks to attain with Rank 30. Do you remember how much time, effort, and training it took to get to the rank you are now? Well, you will definitely want to work even harder for Rank 30, because you get to ride a jetpack if you reach it.

Once you have reached Rank 30, all you have to do is go the to Blaster Booster portal that is located in the Space Port. When you step in the portal, you will be taken directly to the outside of the space station, right in the middle of all the stars.

With the cool jetpack, you can fly around next to the stars and asteroids just outside the space station. You can take in all of the beautiful sites that the galaxy has to offer as you steer your Blaster up, down, left, and right through space.

Have you checked your bPad’s list of all of your Math Blaster Achievements recently? Tell us about how far you are from being at Rank 30, and what types of merits and achievements you need to receive to be Rank 30. We want to hear from you, so let us know in the comments section!

13 Responses

  1. Hey! I saw that in the space station! I can’t wait till I’m rank 30! I’m already level 26, but it’s so hard to earn merits! All I have left is B-Force Blaster, releasing mutts and scavenger hunts. They’re hard to get through, though. Can you make it a little easier getting merits and more achievements, please???

    • Hey Jacob BlackEclipse! Congratulations on getting so far in the game! We will send that idea over to our team, but meanwhile, keep training hard and gaining more achievements. Thank you for playing Math Blaster!

  2. It’s like soooo hard to earn merits!

    • Hello Lily! We understand that it takes a while to earn your merits, but try and keep working hard! Your patience, hard work, and amazing effort will get you to Rank 30 in no time. If you have any questions for us, please let us know and we would be more than happy to help you out!

  3. I argee lily

  4. Why not make it Rank 20 instead? I mean barely anyone has Rank 30.

    • Hello Queenny! Thank you for your suggestion! We will send this idea over to our team. This new Rank 30 option is to inspire all of your Blasters to learn more as you play Math Blaster. As you continue challenging yourself with new math problems in the game, you will eventually get to Rank 30 and be able to fly around on the awesome jetpack. Keep on playing, ranking up, and learning more math skills through Math Blaster!

  5. What are merits?P.S. I’m on rank 12.13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30.12-30,19. 13-30,18.45 more merits in till rank 13.

    • Hello Blaster! Merits are rewards for playing games and accomplishing missions in Math Blaster! Receiving merits is the way to continue to rank up. Congratulations on almost being at Rank 13, keep on working hard and learning as you play Math Blaster!

  6. I like all that you have done for us you helped me stop failing my grades.

    • Hello Theo! We are very glad that Math Blaster has helped you learn and have fun! We hope that this only continues and that you keep on playing. Thank you for choosing Math Blaster, and keep on training hard to defend the galaxy!

    OK, here it is, 1. stand on near the clear glass wall of the space port.
    2. Repeatedly clip the ride button until you slide though the wall AND INTO SPACE!!!! Please note you have to be rank 15 to do this because you have to have the rank 15 only ride option. MATH BLASTER PLEASE DO NOT DELETE THIS GLITCH BECAUSE IT’S SOOOOO MUCH FUN AND BLASTERS WITHOUT RANK 30 CAN GET A PREVIEW OF BLASTER BOOSTER SO PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT FIX THIS GLITCH!!!!!

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